Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
Bruce Moe, City Manager
George Gabriel, Assistant to the City Manager
Patricia Matson, Management Analyst
Consideration of the Second Reading and Adoption of an Ordinance Amending and Restating Chapter 14.46 (On-Street Parking of Oversized Vehicles and Trailers) of the Manhattan Beach Municipal Code Regulating and Requiring a Parking Permit for the Parking of Oversized Vehicles and Trailers; and the Adoption of Associated Resolutions Establishing Fees and Fines (City Manager Bruce Moe).
B) ADOPT RESOLUTION NOS. 24-0035 AND 24-0036
Staff recommends that the City Council:
a) Waive further reading and adopt Ordinance No. 24-0006 to amend and restate Chapter 14.46 of the Manhattan Beach Municipal Code (MBMC) related to the on-street parking of oversized vehicles and trailers; and
b) Adopt Resolution No. 24-0035 establishing fees for the permit program and Resolution No. 24-0036 establishing fines for violations.
There will be costs associated with the implementation of the permitting program detailed within the ordinance.
Signage will need to be placed at several locations around the perimeter of the affected area of the City prohibiting the parking of oversized vehicles or trailers without a permit. An additional 35 signs are currently in place around the perimeter of the City regarding the prohibition of detached trailers. Staff may have to replace this signage to ensure conformance with the ordinance. The cost to produce these signs is approximately $30 per sign.
An additional fiscal consideration is the cost to manufacture the resident permits themselves, which is estimated at $5.00 per permit. Staff time dedicated to the review of applications and issuance of permits has been incorporated into the proposed cost of the permit and is incorpora...
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