Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
Talyn Mirzakhanian, City Manager
Mark Leyman, Parks and Recreation Director
Linda Robb, Senior Management Analyst
Consideration of Polliwog Park Dog Run Proposal (No Budget Impact) (Parks and Recreation Director Leyman).
(Estimated Time: 30 Mins.)
Staff recommends that the City Council approve the Polliwog Park Dog Run project, as recommended by the Parks and Recreation Commission.
All project expenses will be internally funded, with hard costs for materials and amenities not exceeding $50,000 from the Public Works Deferred Park Maintenance budget within the Capital Improvement Program (CIP). It is worth noting that initial cost estimates provided by David Volz Design (DVD) amounted to $324,104 for a larger project, which is not being recommended at this time.
The Parks Master Plan, completed in 2020, identified a need for more dog-friendly areas within the City. Accordingly, the City Council added the work plan item, “Expand areas for four-legged friends at 6th Street and Aviation Boulevard or Rowell Avenue and Voorhees Avenue” to the Parks and Recreation Commission Work Plan in 2021. Evaluation of the locations identified in the Park Master plan, along with outreach by the Commission, concluded that there were no viable locations for additional dog runs in the City. As an alternative, existing dog runs were evaluated for potential improvements. Polliwog Park Dog Run was identified as a viable alternative for expansion of an existing dog park.
The proposed expansion of the Polliwog Park Dog Run will add 1,350 square feet by removing old and underutilized storage containers from the Begg parking lot and extending the fence line to the west. By removing the opaque obstructions, the expansion also provides enhanced visibility throughout the dog run.
DVD was engaged to develop conceptual design plans for an expanded Polliwog Park Dog Run. Two preliminary designs were shared at a community meeting on March 23, 2024, at Polliwog Park. Based on community input gathered at the on-site meeting as well as in an online survey, new improvements including a pet rinse station, bone-shaped benches, drinking fountain with dog bowl and decorative decking in the seating area were added to the design proposals. Upgrades to fencing, lighting, litter receptacles and landscaping also were included. The two designs differed only by the addition of a separate small dog area.
An online survey was conducted in part to determine whether a separate small dog area should be included in the final design. The survey closed on May 31, 2024, with 39 responses. Approximately 80% of respondents opposed a separate small dog area. When asked about additional amenities, many respondents supported additional space, more access to water, improved fencing, tree shade, and improved waste receptacles. Survey responses indicated that a dog agility area is not needed in that location.
The final DVD concept design was presented to the Parks and Recreation Commission on July 22, 2024. Public input at this meeting expressed concerns that the costs were much more than originally anticipated, and the scale of the improvements had greatly increased from the original intention to simply increase the size of the dog run.
The Commission agreed with the public comments on simplifying the project to reduce costs and requested that the design be scaled back to a level that could be provided in-house at a much-reduced cost.
During this process, staff has been in contact with Manhattan Beach Unified School District (MBUSD) administration who supports upgrades to the Polliwog Park Dog Run. They have agreed to remove their 40-foot container adjacent to the dog run, if the project is approved. If City Council approves this project, staff will present the project to the MBUSD School Board on February 5, 2025, for School Board approval as well.
Parks and Recreation and Public Works staff surveyed the site again in fall 2024 to identify essential items on the DVD plan such as asphalt removal, installation of new perimeter fencing, new dual drinking fountains and trash receptacle, concrete pads and benches, irrigation relocation, lighting, and removal of one small tree. It was determined that these essential upgrades could be completed by the Public Works team in-house.
The updated plan was presented to the Parks and Recreation Commission on November 25, 2024. The Commission voted unanimously to recommend the revised project scope covering basic dog park needs only, with all work to be done in-house by Public Works for a cost not-to-exceed $50,000 in hard costs.
Shade options were also discussed, but permanent shade solutions were determined to be cost prohibitive. Currently, off-the-shelf sun umbrellas are being piloted at Live Oak Park. Longer term shade solutions for all dog runs will continue to be explored.
In addition to the current proposed upgrades, staff is researching opportunities to secure “dog bone” benches via donation.
This topic is on the Parks and Recreation Commission agenda every month as part of the 2024 Work Plan with specific review and design discussions at the July 22, 2024 and November 25, 2024 meetings. A community input meeting was held on March 23, 2024, facilitated by DVD. Postcard notices for the March 23, 2024 meeting were mailed to residents within 1000 feet of the Polliwog Park Dog Run and all residents holding pet licenses. An online survey was conducted ending on May 31, 2024. The general public has been informed of this agenda item as part of the City’s standard meeting notice practices via public bulletin boards and the website calendar.
The City has reviewed the proposed project for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and has determined that the project qualifies for a Class 1 categorical exemption pursuant to Section 15301 (Existing Facilities) of the State CEQA Guidelines because the project would proposes to increase the size of an existing recreational facility by not more than 2.500 square feet, resulting in a negligible expansion of the use. Thus, no further environmental review is necessary.
The City Attorney has reviewed this report and determined that no additional legal analysis is necessary.
1. Dog Run Design by David Volz Design
2. Estimate of Probable Costs by David Volz Design
3. Survey Results
4. Power Point Presentation