Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
Bruce Moe, City Manager
Erick Lee, Public Works Director
Katherine Doherty, City Engineer
Helen Shi, Senior Civil Engineer
Consideration of Resolutions Awarding a Construction Agreement to Calpromax Engineering, Inc. for the Manhattan Beach Boulevard and Peck Avenue Traffic Signal Improvement Project for $734,323; Approving an Inspection Services Agreement with Quantum Quality Consulting, Inc. in the Amount of $120,250; and Approving an Appropriation of $250,000 from the Measure R Fund (Public Works Director Lee).
A) ADOPT RESOLUTION NOS. 22-0118 AND 22-0119
Recommended Action
Staff recommends that City Council:
a) Adopt Resolution No. 22- 0118:
a. Awarding a Construction Agreement to Calpromax Engineering, Inc. for the Manhattan Beach Boulevard and Peck Avenue Traffic Signal Improvement Project (Project) for $611,936;
b. Approving the Plans and Specifications for the Project; and
c. Authorizing the City Manager to execute the agreement and approve extra work up to $122,387.
b) Adopt Resolution No. 22- 0119:
a. Approving an Inspection Services Agreement with Quantum Quality Consulting, Inc. for $120,250; and
b. Authorizing the City Manager to execute the agreement.
c) Approve an appropriation of $250,000 from the unreserved balance of the Measure R Fund for the project.
The Manhattan Beach Boulevard and Peck Avenue Traffic Signal Improvement Project has a current budget of $795,000 programmed within the Measure R Fund as part of the City’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Plan. After the receipt of bids for the project, the estimated costs increased to $1,045,000. In order to ensure sufficient funds are in place to award contracts for the Project and avoid the expiration of the construction bids, an additional appropriation of $250,000 from the unreserved balance within the Measure R Fund is required. A Budget and Expenditures Summary is provided as an attachment.
Staff has applied for $840,000 in grant funding from the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s (Metro) Multi-Year Sub-Regional Plan - South Bay Highway Operation Improvements Program for the Project. The application was preapproved by the South Bay Cities Council of Government (SBCCOG) and submitted to Metro for final approval. On June 23, 2022, the Metro Board approved an initial $100,000 in Measure R funding for this project. The remaining $740,000 would be funded by Measure M and is currently scheduled for review and potential approval by the Metro Board at their September 22, 2022 meeting. The City would not be required to provide a local match for any of these grant funds.
Until all grant funds are formally approved, an appropriation of an additional $250,000 in unreserved Measure R Local Return Program funds is recommended to ensure sufficient funds are in place to award the Project. Once the remaining $740,000 in grant funds are approved, that money will reimburse the City’s Measure R Fund, reducing the estimated total net amount of City funds expended on the Project to $205,000.
A “Letter of No Prejudice” has been prepared by Metro stating that the City may begin expending funds on the Project prior to the Metro Board’s formal approval of the grants. Upon approval, the grant amounts received would be applied to the project within the City’s Measure R Fund. Staff will return at a future City Council meeting to secure approval for the associated funding agreements.
Currently, the intersection of Manhattan Beach Boulevard (MBB) and Peck Avenue (Peck) is operated under an existing 25 year old, two-phase traffic signal system, and pedestrians are accommodated as concurrent movements to the vehicular traffic. Due to its proximity to Meadows Avenue Elementary School, Manhattan Beach Preschool, and Manhattan Beach Middle School, and limited sight distance from a vertical curve immediately west of the intersection, the addition of protected westbound and eastbound left-turn signals would improve school pedestrian safety by eliminating conflicting left turns when pedestrians cross north and south legs of Peck Avenue.
In addition, the intersections of Peck Avenue with MBB and 11th Street are at different elevations, connected with a slope of up to approximately 20%, with the 11th Street intersection at a higher elevation and MBB intersection at a lower elevation of the slope. The cross-gutter at the south leg of the intersection has become worse after Peck Avenue was resurfaced several years ago. Nearby residents have witnessed incidents involving large-sized vehicles being stuck at the south leg of the intersection of MBB and Peck due to the sloped interface and not enough warning signs.
The proposed Project will improve safety features at this intersection. The proposed Project details are listed below, and shown on the plans and delineated in the specifications:
1. Upgrade the existing 25 year-old traffic signal system, including new pavement, curb, gutters, sidewalk, driveway, pedestrian push button, and signal system.
2. Add protected westbound and eastbound left-turn signal phases.
3. Re-profile the intersection pavement to minimize adverse grade situations.
4. Signing and striping layout, landscape/irrigation restoration, and other appurtenant work.
The proposed Project plans and specifications are 100% complete in conformance with Caltrans design standards. On October 7, 2021, the Project was publicly advertised.
Construction Work
The Project was advertised on the City of Manhattan Beach Public Works Department Bid Opportunities webpage and the City’s Bid Portal with PlanetBids (an online service that connects vendors, suppliers and contractors to government procurement opportunities). Eight bids were received and opened on March 10, 2022.
Contractor Calculated Total Bid Amount
Calpromax Engineering, Inc. $ 611,936
Elecnor Belco Electric, Inc. $ 655,574
KDC Inc. dba Dynalectric L.A. $ 655,640
Crosstown Electrical & Data, Inc. $ 670,983
PTM General Engineering Service, Inc. $ 671,020
Internaltional Line Builders, Inc. $ 686,683
DBX, Inc. $ 688,781
California Professional Engineering, Inc. $ 723,038
All packets were analyzed for arithmetical errors, completeness, accuracy, etc. Staff reviewed the bid, contractor’s license, and references for the apparent low bidder, Calpromax Engineering, Inc. (Calpromax). The bid and license are in order. References indicate that Calpromax has the knowledge and capability to complete the work in accordance with the plans and specifications.
Therefore, staff recommends that the City Council award a Construction Agreement to Calpromax for $611,936 and authorize the City Manager to approve change orders up to $122,387 for additional work. The work is estimated to be completed in approximately twelve months once it commences in the fall of 2022.
Inspection Services
The Public Works Department issued a Request for Proposals on October 21, 2021 for professional inspection services for the Project. The scope of work includes:
• Ensuring the contractor complies with the plans, specifications and applicable standards;
• Performing field Project oversight for monitoring traffic control, damage and repair of existing infrastructure;
• Documenting the daily work and extra work performed by the Contractor;
• Verifying the completed work; monitoring, providing supporting documentation and inspecting any additional work performed; and
• Preparing a list of items for correction.
Four proposals were received by December 2, 2021. Proposals were evaluated and ranked by an evaluation committee of City staff according to the following selection criteria:
• Demonstrated understanding of the scope of services;
• Experience and qualifications with comparable work;
• Approach to key challenges and Consultant’s familiarity with local (sensitivity) conditions; and
• Flexibility of full-time and part-time inspection based on the intensity of the construction activity.
Based on the selection criteria, Quantum Quality Consulting, Inc. (Quantum) provided the most responsive proposal. The assigned staff has experience working on similar street widening and storm drain projects, identifies and understands the key Project issues, and proposed an appropriate level of staffing for the size and complexity of the Project. Quantum’s methodology for executing the scope of work was clear and organized to complete it thoroughly and efficiently. The cost for providing inspection services for the Project is $120,250. Therefore, staff recommends that City Council approve a Construction Inspection Services agreement with Quantum for the Project.
The public outreach completed to date for the Project included notifying area property owners within a 500-foot radius of the Project site and relevant agencies during the design process in 2021. Additionally, this Project was discussed at the November 17, 2020 City Council meeting. Staff will distribute construction notices to area residents and maintain regular communication with the surrounding property owners and residents to keep them abreast of the Project schedule and impacts during the construction of the proposed improvements.
The City has reviewed the proposed Project for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and has determined that the Project qualifies for a Class 1(c) categorical exemption pursuant to Section 15301 (Existing Facilities) of the State CEQA Guidelines, since the Project focuses on the existing intersection improvement, involving no expansion of public facilities. Thus, no further environmental review is necessary. A Notice of Exemption was filed with the Los Angeles County Clerk’s Office for the Project.
The City Attorney has reviewed this report and determined that no additional legal analysis is necessary.
1. Resolution No. 22-0118
2. Agreement - Calpromax Engineering, Inc.
3. Bid Proposal - Calpromax Engineering, Inc.
4. Resolution No. 22-0119
5. Agreement - Quantum Quality Consulting, Inc.
6. Plans and Specifications (Web-Link Provided)
7. Budget and Expenditures Summary
8. Letter of No Prejudice