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Meeting Name: City Council Regular Meeting Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 11/5/2014 6:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
14-0484 11.Ceremonial ItemPresentation of a Commendation Recognizing Madonna Newburg for her Contributions to the City of Manhattan Beach. PRESENT   Action details Not available
14-0485 12.Consent - Staff ReportPresentation of a Proclamation Declaring the Month of November, 2014, as National Family Caregivers Month. PRESENT   Action details Video Video
CON 14-0045 13.Consent - SR w/ContractAward Contract to Hazen and Sawyer for Engineering Services to Evaluate and Optimize City’s Water Disinfectant Process in the Amount of $55,725 (Public Works Director Olmos). APPROVE   Action details Video Video
14-0493 14.Consent - Staff Report(a) Reclassify the Existing Senior Deputy City Clerk position from the Teamsters Bargaining Group to Management Confidential. (b) Establish a Salary Range and Benefits for the previously Council-approved and Budgeted Full- Time Graphic Artist Classification (Human Resources Director Hanson). APPROVE   Action details Video Video
CON 14-0046 15.Consent - SR w/ContractAward Contract with Martin & Chapman in the Amount Not-to-Exceed $60,000 for Election Services Related to the Tuesday, March 3, 2015 General Municipal Election (City Clerk Tamura). APPROVE   Action details Video Video
CON 14-0049 16.Consent - SR w/ContractContract Amendment with Tyler Technologies for a Cashiering System Module for the Existing Financial System in an Amount not to Exceed $60,000 as Provided for in the City’s Information Systems Master Plan and Budget (Finance Director Moe). APPROVE   Action details Video Video
ORD 14-0020 17.Consent - SR w/OrdinanceAdopt Ordinance No. 14-0020 Amending Chapter 4.108 of the Manhattan Beach Municipal Code (Vehicles for Hire) to Update the Requirements for Clean Air Vehicles (Finance Director Moe). ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 14-0020waived further reading  Action details Video Video
CON 14-0048 18.Gen. Bus. - SR w/ContractApprove an Amendment to the Memorandum of Understanding between the Cities of Manhattan Beach, Redondo Beach, Hermosa Beach, Torrance and the Los Angeles County Flood Control District for Administration and Cost Sharing for Development of Phase II of the Enhanced Watershed Management Program (Public Works Director Olmos). APPROVE   Action details Video Video
14-0344 19.Consent - Staff ReportMinutes: This item contains action minutes of City Council meetings which are presented for approval. Staff recommends that the City Council, by motion, take action to approve the action minutes of the: a) City Council Adjourned Regular Meeting-Closed Session of October 7, 2014 b) City Council Regular Meeting of October 7, 2014 c) City Council Special Meeting - Closed Session of October 15, 2014 d) City Council Adjourned Regular Meeting - Closed Session of October 24, 2014 (City Clerk Tamura). APPROVE   Action details Video Video
14-0465 110.Gen. Bus. - Staff ReportGovernment Access Channel Broadcast Capabilities (Finance Director Moe). RECEIVE REPORT; DISCUSS AND PROVIDE DIRECTIONreceived and filedPass Action details Video Video
14-0480 111.Gen. Bus. - Staff ReportFiscal Year 2014-2015 First Quarter (July-September) Budget Update Status Report and Implementation of the OpenGov Financial Application (City Manager Danaj). RECEIVE REPORT; COMMENTreceived and filedPass Action details Video Video
14-0477 112.Gen. Bus. - Staff ReportAdvanced Gas Meter Installations Update and Presentation (Public Works Director Olmos). RECEIVE REPORT   Action details Not available
14-0371 113.Gen. Bus. - Staff ReportStatus report on Construction Rules, Surety Bonds, and Construction Parking Permits (Community Development Director Thompson). RECEIVE REPORTreceived and filedPass Action details Video Video
ORD 14-0017 114.Consent - SR w/OrdinanceOrdinance No. 14-0017 Amending and Restating Municipal Code Provisions Governing Nuisances and Nuisance Abatement Procedures (City Attorney Barrow). ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 14-0017introduced ordinancePass Action details Video Video
ORD 14-0020 17.Consent - SR w/OrdinanceAdopt Ordinance No. 14-0020 Amending Chapter 4.108 of the Manhattan Beach Municipal Code (Vehicles for Hire) to Update the Requirements for Clean Air Vehicles (Finance Director Moe). ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 14-0020introduced ordinancePass Action details Video Video
14-0473 115.Receive and File - Staff ReportFinancial Reports: a) Schedule of Demands: October 9, 2014 b) Investment Portfolio for the Month Ending September 30, 2014 c) Financial Reports for the Month Ending September 30, 2014 (Finance Director Moe). RECEIVE AND FILE   Action details Not available
14-0489 116.Receive and File - Staff ReportCommission Minutes: This item contains minutes of City Council subcommittees and other City commissions and committees which are presented to be Received and Filed by the City Council. Staff recommends that the City Council, by motion, take action to Receive and File the minutes of the: a) Cultural Arts Commission Meeting of September 9, 2014 (Parks and Recreation Director Leyman) RECEIVE AND FILE   Action details Not available