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Meeting Name: City Council Regular Meeting Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 8/4/2015 6:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
15-0325 11.Ceremonial ItemPresentation of a City Plaque to Assemblymember David Hadley for Outstanding Community Service. PRESENT   Action details Video Video
15-0305 12.Consent - Staff ReportAdoption of Annual Investment Policy and Delegation of Responsibility for Investing Funds to the City Treasurer (Finance Director Moe). APPROVE   Action details Not available
15-0349 13.Consent - Staff ReportThree Year Extension of Existing Letter of Credit with Union Bank to Facilitate Variable Rate Debt for the Marine Avenue Sports Fields (Finance Director Moe). APPROVE   Action details Not available
CON 15-0042 14.Consent - SR w/ContractRenewal of Crossing Guard Services Agreement with All City Management Services for an Estimated Annual Cost of $222,500 (Police Chief Irvine). APPROVE   Action details Not available
CON 15-0049 15.Consent - SR w/ContractAgreement with McGowan Consulting LLC in the Amount of $121,360 for Professional Services to Assist City with Compliance with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit under the Federal Clean Water Act (Public Works Director Olmos). APPROVE   Action details Not available
RES 15-0046 16.Consent - SR w/ResolutionAdopt Resolution No. 15-0046 to Install Stop Signs on Pacific Avenue at 23rd Street as Recommended by the Parking and Public Improvements Commission (Community Development Director Lundstedt). ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 15-0046   Action details Video Video
RES 15-0049 17.Consent - SR w/ResolutionResolution Authorizing Public Works Director to Sign Cooperative Work Agreement (CWA) Extension Request to Extend the Federal Transportation Fund (SAFETEA-LU) in the Amount of $486,882 (Public Works Director Olmos). APPROVE   Action details Not available
15-0366 18.Old Bus. - Staff ReportCouncil Consideration of a Clarification for a Previously Approved Hardship Exemption from the Downtown IZO for a Change of Use for a Retail Use to Occupy a Vehicle Repair Space, to Temporarily Allow a Portion of the Retail Use to Partially Occupy the CafĂ© area on the Highland Streetfront at 1140 Highland Avenue (Community Development Director Lundstedt). APPROVE   Action details Not available
CON 15-0048 19.New Bus. - SR w/ContractApprove a Cooperative Agreement with the City of El Segundo for the Construction of the Westbound Rosecrans Bikeway (Public Works Director Olmos). APPROVEapproved  Action details Video Video
15-0368 110.New Bus. - Staff ReportConcurrence with Resolution of Support for SB 593 (McGuire) - The Thriving Communities and Sharing Economy Act (City Attorney Barrow). APPROVE   Action details Not available
15-0371 111.Consent - Staff ReportSmart Cities Week Conference in Washington D.C. September 15-17, 2015 (City Manager Danaj) RECEIVE REPORT; APPROVE   Action details Not available
15-0021 112.Consent - Staff ReportMinutes: This Item Contains Action Minutes of City Council Meetings which are Presented for Approval. Staff Recommends that the City Council, by Motion, Take Action to Approve the Action Minutes of the: a) City Council Adjourned Regular Meeting-Closed Session of July 15, 2015 b) City Council Regular Meeting of July 21, 2015 (City Clerk Tamura). APPROVE   Action details Not available
15-0364 113.Consent - Staff ReportCommission Minutes: This Item Contains Minutes of City Commission Meetings. Staff Recommends that the City Council, by Motion, Take Action to Receive and File the Minutes of the: a) Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting of June 22, 2015 (Parks and Recreation Director Leyman) RECEIVE AND FILE   Action details Not available
15-0307 114.Consent - Staff ReportFinancial Report: Schedule of Demands: July 2, 2015 (Finance Director Moe). RECEIVE AND FILE   Action details Not available
CON 15-0039 115.New Bus. - SR w/ContractAward of Contract to David Volz Design for the Veterans Parkway Landscape Design Services in the Amount of $31,912 (Public Works Director Olmos). AWARDapprovedPass Action details Video Video
15-0356 116.New Bus. - Staff ReportAppoint a New Member to the Vacant Library Commission Seat No. 1 (Member-At-Large) (City Clerk Tamura). APPOINT   Action details Video Video
15-0372 117.Forecast Agenda & Future Items - Staff ReportAgenda Forecast (City Clerk Tamura) DISCUSS AND PROVIDE DIRECTION   Action details Video Video