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Meeting Name: City Council Regular Meeting Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 9/2/2014 6:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
14-0381 11.Consent - Staff ReportFormally Accept the Hardware and Software Upgrades to the Novar HVAC Controls Project as Complete, Authorize Final Payment in the Net Amount of $34,732.00, and Release of Retention in the Amount of $1,828.00 to Building Control Center and (Public Works Director Olmos). APPROVE   Action details Not available
RES 14-0058 12.Consent - SR w/ResolutionResolution Withdrawing Membership from the Los Angeles Regional Communications System (LA-RICS) Joint Powers Authority (Police Chief Irvine). ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 14-0058   Action details Not available
RES 14-0060 13.Consent - SR w/ResolutionA Resolution of the Manhattan Beach City Council Approving, Subject to Conditions, a Modified and Restated Use Permit for an Existing Restaurant/Bar ("Eating and Drinking Establishment") at the Property Located at 900 Manhattan Avenue (900 Club and Red Room) (CEQA Categorical Exemption) (Community Development Director Thompson). ADOPT RESOLUTION UPHOLDING PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION WITH REVISED CONDITIONS   Action details Video Video
14-0403 14.Consent - Staff ReportAuthorization to Negotiate New Five Year Taxicab Franchise Agreements (Finance Director Moe). APPROVE   Action details Video Video
14-0405 15.Consent - Staff ReportRequest for Proposal for Skate Park Planning Services to Provide Community Outreach and Propose Skate Park Locations, Type of Skate Park and Funding Options (Continued from the September 2, 2014, City Council Meeting) (Parks and Recreation Director Leyman). APPROVE   Action details Video Video
14-0406 16.Consent - Staff ReportContract with Messina & Associates in the Amount Not to Exceed $55,000 for Succession Planning Development, Team Building, Coaching and Career Counseling for multiple City Departments (Continued from the September 2, 2014, City Council Meeting) (Human Resources Director Hanson). APPROVE   Action details Video Video
CON 14-0044 17.Consent - SR w/ContractConsideration of Five-Year Fiber Optic Maintenance Agreement with Time Warner Cable with an Estimated Annual Value of $52,800 (Finance Director Moe). WAIVE FORMAL BIDDING, APPROVE   Action details Not available
14-0356 18.Consent - Staff ReportRequest for Proposal to Assess Current Tree Program and Develop a Comprehensive Street Tree Master Plan (Public Works Director Olmos) RECEIVE AND FILE   Action details Video Video
14-0340 19.Consent - Staff ReportMinutes: This item contains action minutes of City Council meetings which are presented for approval. Staff recommends that the City Council, by motion, take action to approve the action minutes of the: a) City Council Adjourned Regular Meeting-Closed Session of August 12, 2014 b) City Council Regular Meeting of August 12, 2014 (City Clerk Tamura). APPROVE   Action details Not available
14-0386 110.Public Hearing - Staff ReportAppeal of Planning Commission Approval of a Master Use Permit Amendment for Modifications to the Shade Hotel on the Metlox Site at 1221 North Valley Drive (Community Development Director Thompson). CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING AND DIRECT STAFF TO PREPARE A RESOLUTION UPHOLDING THE PLANNING COMMISSION’S DECISION TO AMEND THE MASTER USE PERMITapproved  Action details Video Video
14-0385 111.Public Hearing - Staff ReportAppeal of the Planning Commission’s Approval of an Amendment to an Approved Coastal Development Permit and Minor Exception to Construct a Roof Deck on an Existing Single Family Residence with a Non-Conforming Front Setback at 121-20th Street (Plache) (Community Development Director Thompson). CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING, UPHOLD THE PLANNING COMMISSION’S DECISIONapprovedPass Action details Video Video
14-0394 112.Gen. Bus. - Staff ReportConsideration of Bagging of City Parking Meters During the Holiday Season to Encourage Local Shopping (Finance Director Moe). APPROVEapprovedPass Action details Video Video
RES 14-0060 13.Consent - SR w/ResolutionA Resolution of the Manhattan Beach City Council Approving, Subject to Conditions, a Modified and Restated Use Permit for an Existing Restaurant/Bar ("Eating and Drinking Establishment") at the Property Located at 900 Manhattan Avenue (900 Club and Red Room) (CEQA Categorical Exemption) (Community Development Director Thompson). ADOPT RESOLUTION UPHOLDING PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION WITH REVISED CONDITIONS   Action details Video Video
14-0403 14.Consent - Staff ReportAuthorization to Negotiate New Five Year Taxicab Franchise Agreements (Finance Director Moe). APPROVEapprovedPass Action details Video Video
14-0405 15.Consent - Staff ReportRequest for Proposal for Skate Park Planning Services to Provide Community Outreach and Propose Skate Park Locations, Type of Skate Park and Funding Options (Continued from the September 2, 2014, City Council Meeting) (Parks and Recreation Director Leyman). APPROVE   Action details Video Video
14-0406 16.Consent - Staff ReportContract with Messina & Associates in the Amount Not to Exceed $55,000 for Succession Planning Development, Team Building, Coaching and Career Counseling for multiple City Departments (Continued from the September 2, 2014, City Council Meeting) (Human Resources Director Hanson). APPROVE   Action details Video Video
14-0356 18.Consent - Staff ReportRequest for Proposal to Assess Current Tree Program and Develop a Comprehensive Street Tree Master Plan (Public Works Director Olmos) RECEIVE AND FILE   Action details Video Video
14-0374 113.Receive and File - Staff ReportFinancial Reports: a) Schedule of Demands: August 14, 2014 b) Investment Portfolio for the Month Ending July 31, 2014 c) Financial Reports for the Month Ending July 31, 2014 (Finance Director Moe). RECEIVE AND FILEreceived and filedPass Action details Not available