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Meeting Name: City Council Regular Meeting Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 11/18/2014 6:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
14-0494 11.Ceremonial ItemCertificate of Commendation to Richard Thompson. PRESENT   Action details Video Video
14-0443 12.Ceremonial ItemRecognition of MB Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Emergency Medical Response (EMR) Callout Team Members. PRESENT   Action details Video Video
14-0513 13.Consent - Staff ReportPresentation of a Proclamation Declaring November 20, 2014, as the Great American Smokeout Day. PRESENT   Action details Video Video
14-0382 14.Consent - Staff ReportFinal Payment in the Net Amount of $50,112.98 to Nobest, Inc., for the Section 2 Concrete Repair and Miscellaneous Slurry Project; Formally Accept the Section 2 Concrete Repair and Miscellaneous Slurry Project As Complete; Authorize Filing of the Appropriate Notice of Completion and Release Retention in the Amount of $56,931.19 (Public Works Director Olmos). APPROVEapproved  Action details Not available
14-0501 15.Consent - Staff ReportPurchase of One Stormwater and Wastewater Pipeline Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Camera from Atlantic Machinery, Inc. in the Amount of $79,167 (Public Works Director Olmos). APPROVE   Action details Not available
CON 14-0053 16.Consent - SR w/ContractApproval of Plans and Specifications for the City Yard Cover Project, Reject the Low Bid and Award a Construction Contract to Creative Home, Inc. DBA CHI Construction ($672,262) for the City Yard Cover Project, and Award a Professional Engineering Services Contract to Hamilton and Associates, Inc. ($113,351) for Construction Inspection Services (Public Works Director Olmos). APPROVE   Action details Video Video
CON 14-0054 17.Consent - SR w/ContractAmendment No. 2 to Agreement with Community Works Design Group for Additional Design Services for the Strand Stairs Rehabilitation Project (Public Works Director Olmos). APPROVE   Action details Not available
CON 14-0055 18.Consent - SR w/ContractAmendment No. 6 to the South Bay Workforce Investment Board Joint Exercise Agreement (Assistant City Manager Nader/City Clerk Tamura). APPROVE   Action details Not available
CON 14-0056 19.Consent - SR w/ContractAward Contract to General Pump Company, Inc. to Provide Chemical Treatment and Mechanical Well Head Reconditioning of Well 11A; Appropriation of $122,738 from the Water Fund Available Fund Balance (Public Works Director Olmos). APPROVE AND APPROPRIATE   Action details Not available
ORD 14-0017 210.Consent - SR w/OrdinanceOrdinance No. 14-0017 Amending and Restating Municipal Code Provisions Governing Nuisances and Nuisance Abatement Procedures (City Attorney Barrow). ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 14-0017   Action details Not available
ORD 14-0020 211.Consent - SR w/OrdinanceAdopt Ordinance No. 14-0020 Amending Chapter 4.108 of the Manhattan Beach Municipal Code (Vehicles for Hire) to Update the Requirements for Clean Air Vehicles (Finance Director Moe). ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 14-0020   Action details Not available
14-0497 112.Consent - Staff ReportReject all Bids for the Strand Stairs Rehabilitation Project; Reject all Bids for the Strand Wall Repair and Enhancement Project (Public Works Director Olmos). APPROVE   Action details Not available
14-0345 113.Consent - Staff ReportMinutes: This item contains action minutes of City Council meetings which are presented for approval. Staff recommends that the City Council, by motion, take action to approve the action minutes of the: a) City Council Regular Meeting of October 21, 2014 b) Special City Council Meeting of November 6, 2014 (City Clerk Tamura). APPROVE   Action details Not available
CON 14-0053 16.Consent - SR w/ContractApproval of Plans and Specifications for the City Yard Cover Project, Reject the Low Bid and Award a Construction Contract to Creative Home, Inc. DBA CHI Construction ($672,262) for the City Yard Cover Project, and Award a Professional Engineering Services Contract to Hamilton and Associates, Inc. ($113,351) for Construction Inspection Services (Public Works Director Olmos). APPROVEapprovedPass Action details Video Video
14-0451 114.Gen. Bus. - Staff ReportConsideration of the Parking and Public Improvement Commission’s recommendation to uphold an Encroachment Permit Appeal and allow a private water fountain feature in the public Right-of-Way to remain - 130 41st Street (Community Development Director Thompson). DENY APPEALcontinued to a future meetingPass Action details Video Video
14-0500 115.Gen. Bus. - Staff ReportUpdate on On-Line Civic Engagement Tools and Social Media (Continued from the November 19, 2013 and February 18, 2014 City Council Meetings) (Finance Director Moe). RECEIVE REPORTreceived and filedPass Action details Video Video
14-0490 116.Receive and File - Staff ReportFinancial Reports: Schedule of Demands: October 23, 2014 (Finance Director Moe). RECEIVE AND FILE   Action details Video Video