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Meeting Name: City Council Regular Meeting Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 10/21/2014 6:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
14-0474 11.Ceremonial ItemRecognition of Michael Norton for his Outstanding Accomplishment in the Television Industry. PRESENT   Action details Video Video
14-0462 12.Ceremonial ItemRecognition of Captain Derrick Abell for Graduating from the FBI National Academy. PRESENT   Action details Video Video
14-0469 13.Consent - Staff ReportApproval of Plans and Specifications for the Sepulveda Boulevard at Marine Avenue Intersection Improvements Project, Award a Construction Contract to Griffith Company ($432,799), and Award a Professional Engineering Services Contract to Wallace & Associates ($49,892) for Construction Inspection Services (Continued from the October 7, 2014, City Council Meeting) (Public Works Director Olmos). APPROVE   Action details Not available
14-0414 14.Consent - Staff ReportFinal Payment in the Net Amount of $26,584.33 to Asphalt Fabric & Engineering, Inc.; Formally Accept the Marine Avenue Park Synthetic Turf Installation Project as Complete; and Authorize Filing of the Appropriate Notice of Completion and Release Retention in the Amount of $19,949.65 (Public Works Director Olmos). APPROVE   Action details Not available
CON 14-0050 15.Consent - SR w/ContractApprove Grant Agreement with South Coast Air Quality Management District and Appropriate $45,000 for the Purchase of Electric Vehicle Infrastructure, of which $22,485 is Reimbursable by the Grant (Public Works Director Olmos). APPROVE AGREEMENT AND APPROPRIATE FUNDS   Action details Not available
14-0454 16.Consent - Staff ReportRequest to Approve “We’re Better Together,” a City-Sponsored Event held by the Senior Advisory Committee and the Mayor’s Youth Council on Encouraging Intergenerational Dialogue on December 6, 2014 at the Joslyn Community Center (Parks and Recreation Director Leyman). APPROVE   Action details Not available
14-0457 17.Consent - Staff ReportRequest from the Parks and Recreation Commission to Approve Discussion, Planning and Execution of a Salute to the Troops Event for 2015 (Parks and Recreation Director Leyman). APPROVE   Action details Not available
RES 14-0068 18.Consent - SR w/ResolutionAdopt Resolution No. 14-0068 to Install Stop Signs at the Intersection of 19th Street and Rowell Avenue as Recommended by the Parking and Public Improvements Commission (Community Development Director Thompson). ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 14-0068   Action details Not available
14-0468 19.Consent - Staff ReportPlanning Commission Approval of a Use Permit to Replace Existing Multi-tenant Commercial Buildings with a New Pre-School (Daycare), Playground and Parking Lot at 1114-1126 22nd Street (Chalk Pre-School) (Community Development Director Thompson). RECEIVE AND FILE   Action details Not available
14-0343 110.Consent - Staff ReportMinutes: This item contains action minutes of City Council meetings which are presented for approval. Staff recommends that the City Council, by motion, take action to approve the action minutes of the: a) Adjourned Regular Meeting - Study Session of September 23, 2014 b) Adjourned Regular Meeting-Closed Session of September 30, 2014 c) Adjourned Regular Meeting - Study Session of September 30, 2014 (City Clerk Tamura). APPROVE   Action details Not available
CON 14-0051 111.Gen. Bus. - SR w/Contract(1) Approval of a Contract With the Urban Land Institute’s (ULI) Advisory Services in an amount not to exceed $125,000 to conduct a 5-day panel during the week of January 11, 2015 to assist the City with visioning and stakeholder outreach for the Downtown Area and appropriation of funds from the unreserved General Fund balance; (2) Form a two person City Council subcommittee for ULI pre-engagement Items: developing stakeholder list and development of questions; and (3) Consider directing staff to hire a consultant to prepare a Downtown Plan or Specific Plan after the ULI study is completed. APPROVE; APPROPRIATEapprovedPass Action details Video Video
14-0470 112.Gen. Bus. - Staff ReportApprove Funding Agreement Between the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Authority and City of Manhattan Beach to Formalize the Terms and Conditions for Use of the Previously Awarded Measure R Funds for the Sepulveda Boulevard Bridge Widening Project in the Amount of $9,100,000 (Continued from the October 7, 2014, City Council Meeting) (Public Works Director Olmos). APPROVEapprovedPass Action details Video Video
RES 14-0067 113.Gen. Bus. - SR w/ResolutionConsideration of Adoption of Resolution No. 14-0067 Authorizing the City to Participate in a Feasibility Study of Community Choice Aggregation (Public Works Director Olmos). ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 14-0067adoptedPass Action details Video Video
CON 14-0048 114.Gen. Bus. - SR w/ContractApprove an Amendment to the Memorandum of Understanding between the Cities of Manhattan Beach, Redondo Beach, Hermosa Beach, Torrance and the Los Angeles County Flood Control District for Administration and Cost Sharing for Development of Phase II of the Enhanced Watershed Management Program (Public Works Director Olmos). APPROVE   Action details Video Video
14-0459 115.Receive and File - Staff ReportAnnual Report from Oceanographic Teaching Stations, Inc. as Required by the Occupancy Agreement for use of the Roundhouse Facility on the Manhattan Beach Pier (Parks and Recreation Director Leyman). RECEIVE AND FILEreceived and filed  Action details Video Video
14-0458 116.Receive and File - Staff ReportFinancial Reports: Schedule of Demands: September 25, 2014 (Finance Director Moe). RECEIVE AND FILE   Action details Not available
14-0463 117.Receive and File - Staff ReportCommission Minutes: This item contains minutes of City Council subcommittees and other City commissions and committees which are presented to be Received and Filed by the City Council. Staff recommends that the City Council, by motion, take action to Receive and File the minutes of the: a) Parking and Public Improvements Commission Meeting of September 25, 2014 (Community Development Director Thompson) RECEIVE AND FILE   Action details Not available