Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
Talyn Mirzakhanian, City Manager
Erick Lee, Public Works Director
Katherine Doherty, City Engineer
Jeff Fijalka, Principal Civil Engineer
Consideration of Resolutions Approving Amendment No. 4 to the Professional Services Agreement with Ardurra Group, Inc. for $321,800 and Amendment No. 4 to the Professional Services Agreement with Z&K Consultants, Inc. for $708,384 for Project Management Consulting Services to Support the Delivery of Capital Improvement Projects (Unbudgeted) (Public Works Director Lee).
A) ADOPT RESOLUTION NOS. 25-0017 AND 25-0018
Staff recommends that the City Council approve Amendment No. 4 to the Professional Services Agreement with Ardurra Group, Inc. for $321,800 and Amendment No. 4 to the Professional Services Agreement with Z&K Consultants Inc. for $708,384 for on-call project management services in the Engineering Division of the Public Works Department for total not to exceed amounts of $661,010 and $965,393, respectively.
The original contract with Ardurra Group, Inc. was executed on June 1, 2022, for $49,920. Amendment No. 1 increased the total by $289,290. Amendments Nos. 2 and 3 extended the contract term. Amendment No. 4 will add $321,800, bringing the total not to exceed amount to $661,010. City Council approval is needed for Amendment No. 4, as the amount exceeds the City Manager's awarding authority.
The original contract with Z&K Consultants, Inc. was executed on June 1, 2022, for $49,926. Amendment Nos. 2 and 3 increased the contract total by $207,083. Amendment No. 4 will add $708,384, bringing the total not to exceed amount to $965,393. City Council approval of Amendment No. 4 is required as it exceeds the City Manager's awarding authority.
Public Works anticipates combined expenditures for both proposed amendments in Fi...
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