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File #: 25-0032    Version: 1
Type: Gen. Bus. - Staff Report Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council Regular Meeting
On agenda: 2/4/2025 Final action:
Title: Consideration of the Parking and Public Improvements Commission's Recommendation to Approve Initial Traffic Calming Measures for Valley Drive and Ardmore Avenue Between 1st Street and 10th Place (Partially Budgeted) (Acting Community Development Director Heise). (Estimated Time: 1 Hr.) APPROVE
Attachments: 1. PPIC Staff Report with Exhibits – December 5, 2024, 2. PPIC Draft Minutes – December 5, 2024, 3. Recommended Initial Traffic Calming Measures Map, 4. Correspondence Received After Posting for 12-05-2024 PPIC Meeting.pdf
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Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council

Talyn Mirzakhanian, City Manager

Ryan Heise, Acting Community Development Director
Erik Zandvliet, T.E., City Traffic Engineer

Consideration of the Parking and Public Improvements Commission's Recommendation to Approve Initial Traffic Calming Measures for Valley Drive and Ardmore Avenue Between 1st Street and 10th Place (Partially Budgeted) (Acting Community Development Director Heise).
(Estimated Time: 1 Hr.)

Staff recommends that the City Council consider the Parking and Public Improvements Commission's (PPIC) recommendation to approve the following traffic calming measures, which would supplement continued enforcement of speeding and stop sign violations on Valley Drive between 1st Street and 10th Place:

1. Install a speed limit sign on Valley Drive south of 10th Place;
2. Install a solar-powered flashing stop sign on Valley Drive at 6th Place;
3. Initiate a capital project to construct sidewalks and crosswalks on the north side of 6th Street between Valley Drive and Ardmore Avenue;
4. Initiate a capital project to construct crosswalks and accessible ramps on Valley Drive and Ardmore Avenue at 10th Street to connect the neighborhoods to Veterans Parkway;
5. Install a solar-powered speed awareness sign on Valley Drive between 6th Place and 1st Street;
6. Paint a white parking edgeline along the west side of Valley Drive between 2nd Street and 10th Place; and
7. Install a solar-powered flashing stop sign on Ardmore Avenue at 6th Street.

The PPIC recommendation includes the initiation of a capital project to construct sidewalks and crosswalks on Valley Drive and Ardmore Avenue at 6th Street and at 10th Street (Recommendations 3 and 4). The initial cost estimate for this project is approximately $500,000. If approved, the project would utilize Gas Tax, Measure M, Measur...

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