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File #: 25-0071    Version: 1
Type: Ceremonial Item Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council Regular Meeting
On agenda: 2/4/2025 Final action:
Title: Presentation of a Certificate of Recognition to Tom Moffett for His Outstanding Dedication and Commitment in Preserving Pete Moffett's Legacy of the Annual Skechers Fireworks Show in Manhattan (Continued from the January 21, 2025, City Council Meeting). PRESENT
Attachments: 1. Certificate of Recognition
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Members of the City Council



Mayor Howorth



Presentation of a Certificate of Recognition to Tom Moffett for His Outstanding Dedication and Commitment in Preserving Pete Moffett’s Legacy of the Annual Skechers Fireworks Show in Manhattan (Continued from the January 21, 2025, City Council Meeting).  





The City Council of the City of Manhattan Beach

Does Hereby Proudly Recognize

Tom Moffett

for His Outstanding Dedication and Commitment in

Preserving Pete Moffett’s Legacy of the

Annual Skechers Fireworks Show in Manhattan Beach