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File #: 24-0290    Version: 1
Type: Gen. Bus. - Staff Report Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council Regular Meeting
On agenda: 8/6/2024 Final action:
Title: Request by Councilmember Montgomery and Councilmember Napolitano to Consider Waste Management's requests for an Extraordinary Rate Increase and Modifications to the Diversion Requirements Specified in the City's Contract at a Future Council meeting (City Manager Moe). DISCUSS AND PROVIDE DIRECTION
Attachments: 1. Correspondence from Waste Management, 2. Letter Dated June 26, 2024 Denying Waste Management’s Request for an Extraordinary Rate Adjustment
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Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council

Bruce Moe, City Manager

Erick Lee, Public Works Director
George Gabriel, Assistant to the City Manager

Request by Councilmember Montgomery and Councilmember Napolitano to Consider Waste Management's requests for an Extraordinary Rate Increase and Modifications to the Diversion Requirements Specified in the City's Contract at a Future Council meeting (City Manager Moe).

Staff recommends that the City Council consider whether three Councilmembers want to discuss Waste Management's requests for an extraordinary rate increase and modifications to the diversion requirements specified in the City's contract at a future City Council meeting.

There are no fiscal implications associated with the recommended action. However, should the City Council direct staff to analyze the request, staff time and resources may be expended to accommodate the request.

Pursuant to the Brown Act, the City Council cannot discuss items not on an agenda unless under limited circumstances. The City Council has developed a process to allow individual Councilmembers to request, with the support of another Councilmember, that items be placed on a future agenda for City Council discussion. At that future meeting, the item is identified on the agenda in full compliance with the Brown Act. Tonight's agenda item allows an opportunity to the public to provide input and the City Council, as a body, to decide whether City resources (staff time, etc.) should be incurred to present a more comprehensive report at a third City Council meeting.

Accordingly, individual Councilmembers can initiate future agenda items by following the following three-step process:

During "Future Agenda Items," a Councilmember may request that an item be placed on the agenda. ...

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