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File #: 24-0206    Version: 1
Type: Info. Only - Staff Report Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council Regular Meeting
On agenda: 7/2/2024 Final action:
Title: Agenda Forecast (City Clerk Tamura). INFORMATION ITEM ONLY


Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council



Bruce Moe, City Manager



Liza Tamura, City Clerk
Martha Alvarez, Assistant City Clerk


Agenda Forecast (City Clerk Tamura).






The subject matter below is anticipated to appear on future City Council Agendas.  It’s important to note that the information being provided is tentative, subject to change and is listed for planning purposes only.  Agendas for City Council Meetings are finalized and posted 6 days prior to the meeting date.



                     Pledge and National Anthem - Teagan Miller

                     Public Safety Recognition: Police Officer (Officer Chad Swanson), Firefighter of the Year (Firefighter Joshua Kueng), and Police Professional Staff of the Year (Police Records Manager Barbara Rosenberger).

                     Presentation of a Commendation to City Manager, Bruce Moe, on the Occasion of His Retirement After Thirty-Five Years of Service to the City of Manhattan Beach.



                     City Council Minutes (City Clerk Tamura).

                     Financial Reports (Finance Director Charelian).

                     Consideration of a Resolution Approving a Memorandum of Understanding with Los Angeles County for the Installation of the Catalina Classic (Parks and Recreation Director Leyman).

                     Zenith Energy West Coast Terminals - Successor of Southern California Edison (SCE) Franchise 2022 Agreement Renewal (Public Works Director Lee).

                     Consideration of a Resolution Approving Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement with Commercial Transportation Services, Inc. for Commercial Driver’s License Training Services at a Cost Not-to-Exceed $124,500 (Public Works Director Lee).

                     Consideration of a Resolution Awarding a Construction Agreement to TBD for the Wayfinding Phase I Vehicle Parking and Pedestrian Sign Improvement Project for $XXX, Including Contingency; and Adoption of a Determination of Exemption Pursuant to Section 15301(g) of the State CEQA Guidelines (Public Works Director Lee).

                     Consideration of a Resolution Awarding a Construction Agreement to TBD for the Voorhees Ave Sewer Lift Station Improvement Project for $TBD Including Contingency and Determining that the Project Qualifies for a Categorical Exemption Pursuant to Sections 15302 Class 2 of the State CEQA Guidelines (Public Works Director Lee).

                     Consideration of a Resolution Awarding a Construction Agreement to XXX for the Manhattan Beach Boulevard Eastbound Left-Turn Improvement at Aviation Boulevard Project for $XXX, Including Contingency; Approving the Plans and Specifications;  and Adoption of a Determination of Exemption Pursuant to Section 15301 Class 1(c) of the State CEQA Guidelines (Public Works Director Lee).

                     Consideration of a Second Reading and Adoption of an Ordinance to Establish Applicable Regulations Regarding Drinking Water System Cross-Connection Controls (Public Works Director Lee).

                     Consideration of a Resolution Awarding a Construction Agreement to **, for the Cycle 3 Sewer Spot Repairs Project for $*** (Public Works Director Lee).

                     Consideration of a Resolution Awarding a Construction Agreement to XXXXX for the Citywide Security Cameras Project - Phases 3 for $XXX,XXX, Including Contingency and a Maintenance Contract; Adoption of a Determination of Exemption Pursuant to Sections 15302(b)(3) and 15301 of the State California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines (Public Works Director Lee).

                     Second Reading of Ordinance No. XXXX Granting an Extension of an Existing Franchise Agreement to Zenith Energy West Coast Terminals LLC for a 25-year term and Adopt a Finding (Public Works Director Lee).

                     Consideration of a Resolution Approving Amendment No. 1 with Farmers Market (Finance Director Charelian).

                     Consideration of Resolutions Awarding Professional Design Services Agreements for Three Pavement Improvement Programs to #TBD Consulting Firms for $XXX,XXX Per Firm for a Three-Year Term (Public Works Director Lee).




                     Conduct Public Hearing for Consideration of Adopting Resolutions Regarding Renewal of Downtown Business Improvement District (BID) for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Including Authorization to Collect Assessments, Ratification of the District Advisory Board; Authorization to Enter Into an Agreement with the Downtown Manhattan Beach Business and Professional Association; and Authorization to Disburse Assessments Collected Through June 30, 2024 (Finance Director Charelian).

                     Conduct Public Hearing and Consideration of a Resolution Providing for Annual Levy and Collection of Street Lighting and Landscaping District Maintenance Assessments for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 (Finance Director Charelian).

                     Conduct Public Hearing Regarding the Annual Stormdrain Service Fee for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 (Finance Director Charelian).

                     Consideration of Urgency Ordinance No. XXXXX Granting an Extension to an Existing Franchise Agreement with Zenith Energy West Coast Terminals LLC; and Conduct a Public Hearing and Introduction of Ordinance No. XXXX to Extend the Franchise Agreement for a 25-Year Term (Public Works Director Lee).

                     Conduct Public Hearing Regarding the Planning Commission Recommendation for a Master Use Permit Amendment and making an Environmental Determination for an Eating and Drinking Establishment located at 401 Manhattan Beach Boulevard (Great White) (Community Development Director Mirzakhanian).



                     Consideration of Introducing and First Reading of an Ordinance to Establish Applicable Regulations Regarding Drinking Water System Cross-Connection Controls (Continued from the December 5, 2023, City Council Meeting) (Public Works Director Lee).

                     Consideration of a Memorandum of Understanding Between the City and Crown Castle Regarding the Installation of New Aerial Facilities within the City (Public Works Director Lee).

                     Discussion of Options for the Replacement of the Existing Escalators at Metlox Plaza (Public Works Director Lee).

                     Consider the Following Regarding the Underground Utility Assessment District (UUAD) Program:
a) Appropriate $XX for District 8 Utility Design Fees, and Approve Payments of $XX and $XX to Frontier and Spectrum, respectively; b) Appropriate $XX for District 13 Utility Design Fees, and Approve Payments of $XX and $XX to Frontier and Spectrum, respectively; c) Accept Petition Signatures for the Proposed Voorhees District, Appropriate $75,000 for the Voorhees Electrical Design, and Approve a Payment to Southern California Edison for that Amount; and,  d)   Appropriate $XX for the Preparation of Engineer's Reports for District 8, 13, and the Voorhees District, and Authorize an Agreement with XXXX for that Amount (Public Works Director Lee).

                     Consideration of the Introduction and First Reading of an Ordinance Amending Chapter 2.44 of the Manhattan Beach Municipal Code Pertaining to City Boards, Commissions, and Committees; Approval of the Updated Boards and Commissions Handbook; and Adoption of a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager, City Attorney, and City Clerk to Approve Future Updates to the Handbook (City Clerk Tamura).

                     Consideration of the Preliminary Design Concepts for the Manhattan Beach Boulevard at Pacific Avenue Improvements Project; and a Determination of Exemption Pursuant to Section 15301 (Class 1) of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines (Public Works Director Lee).

                     Consideration of Presenting to the Voters a Ballot Measure Regarding an Ordinance Establishing a One-Half Cent Sales Tax to Fund General City Services in Manhattan Beach, such as:  Repairing/Upgrading Aging Community Facilities Keeping Local Streets, Sidewalks, Infrastructure, and Parks Safe, Clean, and Well-Maintained and Improving Parking Availability and Traffic Safety (City Manager Moe).

                     Metlox Use Permit and Lease Amendment (Community Development Director Mirzakhanian).

                     Discussion of Options for Street Identification Signs within the Signage and Wayfinding Program (Public Works Director Lee).

                     Discussion of Options to Upgrade an American with Disabilities Act (ADA) Parking Space near the Catalina Classic Sculpture to Accommodate the Installation of a Plaque and a Potential Fiscal Appropriation Needed for the Project (Public Works Director Lee).

                     Polliwog Park Dog Run Proposal (Parks and Recreation Director Leyman).

                     Sand Dune Park Master Plan Proposal (Parks and Recreation Director Leyman).