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File #: 18-0455    Version: 1
Type: Consent - Staff Report Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council Regular Meeting
On agenda: 11/6/2018 Final action:
Title: Accept as Complete the Cycle 1 Storm Drain Improvements Project Constructed by Clarke Contracting Corporation; Authorize Filing a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder; and Release of Retention of $24,998.40 (Public Works Director Katsouleas). APPROVE


Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council



Bruce Moe, City Manager



Stephanie Katsouleas, Public Works Director

Prem Kumar, City Engineer

Tim Birthisel, Associate Engineer



Accept as Complete the Cycle 1 Storm Drain Improvements Project Constructed by Clarke Contracting Corporation; Authorize Filing a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder; and Release of Retention of $24,998.40 (Public Works Director Katsouleas).



Recommended Action


Staff recommends that the City Council:

1.                     Formally accept as complete the Cycle 1 Storm Drain Improvements Project constructed by Clarke Contracting Corporation;

2.                     Authorize filing of the appropriate Notice of Completion with the County Recorder’s Office; and

3.                     Approve the release of retention for $24,998.40 to Clarke Contracting Corporation.



The Cycle 1 Storm Drain Improvements Project construction award was $477,018, with an authorized construction contingency amount of $47,700, for a total construction budget of $524,718. The work was successfully completed for $499,969. The remaining unexpended balance of $24,749 will be returned to the Stormwater Fund (Fund 502) to be appropriated for future storm drain improvements.



On December 19, 2017, City Council awarded a construction contract to Clarke Contracting Corporation for construction of the Cycle 1 Storm Drain Improvements Project. Storm drain pipe segments with the highest likelihood of future failure were selected for replacement due to severe structural problems and multiple deficiencies, including fractures, cracks, roots, obstructions, sags, and severe operations and maintenance issues. Repairing the structural deficiencies reduced the potential for erosion and/or storm drain backup issues, which then minimized the potential for ponding and overflow od storm water onto private property. 


The construction work included installation of reinforced concrete pipe (RCP), manholes, asphalt concrete, and repairs to existing curb, gutter, and sidewalksThe Project included over 750 linear feet of RCP mainline spot repairs at the following nine (9) locations in the City:


1.                     Bell Ave. and 36th Street

2.                     Pine Ave. and Valley Drive

3.                     Poinsettia Ave. and Marine Ave.

4.                     John Ave. and Marine Ave.

5.                     36th Street and Blanche Ave.

6.                     31st Street and Walnut Street

7.                     19th Street and Elm Ave.

8.                     18th Street and Pacific Ave.

9.                     14th Street and Elm Ave.



Construction began on February 27, 2018, and was substantially completed on April 9, 2018. The City processed one change order for utility interferences and additional concrete work, totaling $22,951. This brought the total cost of construction to $499,969, which is below the authorized construction and contingency budget of $524,718.  The funding summary is as follows:


$477,018.00                     Original Contract Award

$47,700.00                                          Available Contingency

$524,718.00                                          Total Budget


$477,018.00                                              Cycle 1 Storm Drain Construction Costs

$22,950.07                                          Change Order #1

$499,968.07                                          Total Expenditures


$24,749.93                                          Returned to Stormwater Fund (Fund 502)


The Contractor has completed all contract work and is now requesting formal acceptance of the project. The retention amount of $24,998.40 will be released 35 days after recordation of the Notice of Completion with the County Recorder.  All work inspected by the Public Works Department has been found to be in conformance with the plans and specifications and of good quality.


The work was coordinated and scheduled to minimize impact to residents and businesses.

The project was determined to be exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Per the CEQA Guidelines, the project is exempt pursuant to the following provision: Section 15304 (g), “Minor Alterations to Land”. No further environmental review is necessary.

The City Attorney has reviewed this report and determined that no additional legal analysis is necessary.