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File #: 14-0480    Version: 1
Type: Gen. Bus. - Staff Report Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council Regular Meeting
On agenda: 11/5/2014 Final action:
Title: Fiscal Year 2014-2015 First Quarter (July-September) Budget Update Status Report and Implementation of the OpenGov Financial Application (City Manager Danaj). RECEIVE REPORT; COMMENT
Attachments: 1. Fiscal Year 2014-2015 Quarter 1 Financial Reports, 2. General Fund Forecast of Revenues and Expenditures
Honorable Mayor Powell and Members of the City Council

Mark Danaj, City Manager
Bruce Moe, Finance Director

Fiscal Year 2014-2015 First Quarter (July-September) Budget Update Status Report and Implementation of the OpenGov Financial Application (City Manager Danaj).
Recommended Action
Staff recommends that the City Council receive and comment on the First Quarter Budget Update Status Report for Fiscal year 2014-2015, and receive a presentation on the implementation of the OpenGov financial application.
Staff anticipates that no additional appropriations are necessary at this time.
The programs described later in this report fit within the existing budget and do not impact established reserves. Because the City customarily realizes expenditure savings at year-end, we currently anticipate no additional appropriations at this time (unless otherwise noted). However, as always, depending upon how budgeted expenditures develop during the year, adjustments during the mid-year review may be requested if necessary in order to fund the City Council's directives.

As I complete my first quarter as your City Manager, I continue to be impressed with the City, the organization and the community. There are so many new and exciting opportunities and initiatives that I look forward to implementing under the leadership of the City Council. To that end, and based on the Council's request, I have taken the past four months to assess where we are as an organization and where we would like to be. This has led me to identify some gaps and new opportunities that I believe are crucial at this time, and since I was not the City Manager during this fiscal year's budget deliberations, I wanted to take the opportunity to layout those items. This list of items that is discussed later in the repor...

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