Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
Bruce Moe, City Manager
Liza Tamura, City Clerk
Martha Alvarez, Assistant City Clerk
Agenda Forecast (City Clerk Tamura).
The subject matter below is anticipated to appear on future City Council Agendas. It's important to note that the information being provided is tentative, subject to change and is listed for planning purposes only. Agendas for City Council Meetings are finalized and posted 6 days prior to the meeting date.
* Certificate of Recognition to Jack Segil as the Founder of Code to Grow and Providing Opportunities for Others.
* Certificate of Recognition to Maia Rocha for CEO of "Doing Done" and Winner of the Chamber of Commerce Young Entrepreneurs Academy.
* City Council Minutes (City Clerk Tamura).
* Financial Reports (Finance Director Charelian).
* Consideration of the Planning Commission's Recommendation for an Encroachment Permit Amendment and making an Environmental Determination for an Eating and Drinking Establishment located at 401 Manhattan Beach Boulevard (Great White) (Acting Community Development Director Heise).
* Consideration of a Resolution Awarding a Construction Agreement to XXX for the Manhattan Beach Boulevard Eastbound Left-Turn Improvement at Aviation Boulevard Project for $XXX, Including Contingency; Approving the Plans and Specifications; and Adoption of a Determination of Exemption Pursuant to Section 15301 Class 1(c) of the State CEQA Guidelines (Public Works Director Lee).
* Consideration of a Resolution Approving Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement with Z & K Consultants, Inc. for $132,158 for Project Management Consulting Services for the Engineering Division (Public Works Director Lee).
* Proclamation: a) National IT Professionals Day; and b) Human Resources Professionals Day.
* Consideration of a R...
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