Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
Talyn Mirzakhanian, Acting City Manager
Ryan Heise, Acting Community Development Director
Adam Finestone, Planning Manager
Consideration of a Resolution Approving a Commercial Encroachment Permit for an Existing Commercial Tenant Space Located at 401 Manhattan Beach Boulevard, and Associated Determination of Exemption Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (Continued from the August 20, 2024, City Council Meeting) (Acting Community Development Director Heise).
(Estimated Time: 15 Mins.)
Staff recommends that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 24-0091, approving a commercial encroachment permit to accommodate an accessible ramp within the public right of way and finding the project exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
Pursuant to Resolution No. 20-0025, approved by City Council on February 18, 2020, a $3.00 per square foot monthly fee will be assessed for commercial use of the public right of way. The applicant has requested use of approximately 258 square feet of the public right of way, with a resulting monthly fee of $773. This amount will change if the per-square-foot fee is amended in the future.
On January 18, 2024, Great White Partners Manhattan Beach, LLC (Applicant), submitted an application for a master use permit amendment for an existing structure located at 401 Manhattan Beach Boulevard (Property), which has been approved by the Planning Commission. The master use permit amendment was a requirement to accommodate the applicant's proposed operations and modifications to the tenant space. In addition to the master use permit, the Applicant submitted an application for an encroachment permit for the long-term commercial use of the public right of way to accommodate an accessible ...
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