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File #: 24-0338    Version: 1
Type: Gen. Bus. - Staff Report Status: Passed
In control: City Council Regular Meeting
On agenda: 9/17/2024 Final action: 9/17/2024
Title: Consideration of a Voluntary Bicycle (E-Bike) Registration Program (Police Chief Johnson). (Estimated Time: 30 Mins.) DISCUSS AND PROVIDE DIRECTION
Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council

Talyn Mirzakhanian, Acting City Manager

Rachel Johnson, Chief of Police
Andrew Enriquez, Police Captain
Matt Sabosky, Police Lieutenant

Consideration of a Voluntary Bicycle (E-Bike) Registration Program (Police Chief Johnson).
(Estimated Time: 30 Mins.)

Staff recommends that the City Council receive the report and discuss and provide direction on next steps, if any.

The cost for the City's participation in the online database is $1,000-$3,000 per year. All costs can be absorbed in the 2024-2025 Police Department budget. However, once the City Council directs staff on this matter, appropriations may be required in future years.

At the June 18, 2024, meeting, the City Council directed staff to research and present information related to a voluntary bike registration program in the City of Manhattan Beach. Both the Police Department and the City Council have expressed interest in the feasibility of a voluntary bicycle registration program to aid in repatriating lost or stolen bicycles with their owners.

The California Vehicle Code (CVC 39000-39011) allows local agencies to create a mandatory program only by participating in the State's bicycle licensing program utilizing the State's indicia and allows a maximum of $400 to be collected per bicycle. Traditional bicycle licensing programs have been phased out due to cumbersome administrative processes in favor of online databases that are more user-friendly and more cost-effective for municipalities to operate. California Vehicle Code (CVC 39002(a) is clear that cities that adopt a bicycle-licensing ordinance or resolution, shall not prohibit the operation of an unlicensed bicycle.

The earliest history of a bicycle registration program in the City dates back to 1936, whe...

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