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File #: 14-0469    Version: 1
Type: Consent - Staff Report Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council Regular Meeting
On agenda: 10/21/2014 Final action:
Title: Approval of Plans and Specifications for the Sepulveda Boulevard at Marine Avenue Intersection Improvements Project, Award a Construction Contract to Griffith Company ($432,799), and Award a Professional Engineering Services Contract to Wallace & Associates ($49,892) for Construction Inspection Services (Continued from the October 7, 2014, City Council Meeting) (Public Works Director Olmos). APPROVE
Attachments: 1. Budget and Expenditures, 2. Construction Contract (Griffith Company), 3. Construction Inspection Contract (Wallace & Associates)
Related files: 14-0410
Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council

Mark Danaj, City Manager

Tony Olmos, Director of Public Works
Joe Parco, City Engineer
Michael A. Guerrero, Principal Civil Engineer

Approval of Plans and Specifications for the Sepulveda Boulevard at Marine Avenue Intersection Improvements Project, Award a Construction Contract to Griffith Company ($432,799), and Award a Professional Engineering Services Contract to Wallace & Associates ($49,892) for Construction Inspection Services (Continued from the October 7, 2014, City Council Meeting) (Public Works Director Olmos).
Recommended Action
Staff recommends that City Council:

1. Approve the plans and specifications for the Sepulveda Boulevard at Marine Avenue Intersection Improvements Project;

2. Authorize the City Manager to award a construction contract in the amount of $432,799 to Griffith Company;

3. Authorize the City Manager to approve additional work, if necessary, in an amount not-to-exceed $37,300 (8.6%);

4. Authorize the City Manager to execute a professional engineering services contract with Wallace & Associates in an amount not-to-exceed $49,892 for construction inspection services;

5. Approve a supplemental appropriation in the amount of $55,500 from available Gas Tax Funds.
Funding for this project has been appropriated by the City Council in the amounts indicated in Attachment No.1. The original project budget was based on an estimate from 2010. However, delays in obtaining Caltrans approvals to complete the work and requests from Caltrans for additional work associated with the project has increased the amount of funds necessary to complete the work. City staff worked with South Bay Cities Council of Governments and Metropolitan Transportation Authority staff to obtain additional grant funds from th...

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