Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
Talyn Mirzakhanian, Acting City Manager
Ryan Heise, Acting Community Development Director
Nhung Huynh, Senior Management Analyst
Consideration of Resolutions Awarding Four Three-Year Professional Service Agreements to: 4LEAF, Inc.; M6 Consulting; Jason Addison Smith Consulting Services, Inc., DBA JAS Pacific; and Bureau Veritas, for Building, Fire, and Public Works Services (Amount Expended Determined by Services Provided) (Acting Community Development Director Heise).
A) ADOPT RESOLUTION NOS. 24-0106, 24-0107, 24-0108, AND 24-0109
Staff recommends that the City Council:
1) Adopt Resolution Nos. 24-0106, 24-0107, 24-0108, and 24-0109; and
2) Approve Authorization for the City Manager to execute two one-year extensions for each vendor, should it be determined to be in the City's best interest.
Through the Request for Proposal (RFP) process, the City has selected four vendors for Building, Fire, and Public Works services. If approved, each vendor will execute a Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with a corresponding fee schedule. The City anticipates using the vendors for three main types of services: plan check review, in-house staffing to temporarily fill vacant positions, and on-call inspection services. For plan check review, the City pays the vendor a certain percentage of the plan check fee based on the City's Resolution of Fees. The revenue received from the plan check fees covers the direct and indirect costs associated with these plan check services or in-house staffing vacancies. The cost for any contract staff is covered within the Department's salary savings. For on-call inspection services, the cost of the service is based on an hourly rate, as defined in each PSA's fee schedule. On-call inspection services are utilized to ensure constr...
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