Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
Bruce Moe, City Manager
Lisa Jenkins, Human Resources Director
Consideration of a Resolution Memorializing Previously Authorized Incentives, Discounts, and Recognition Programs for City Employees. (Human Resources Director Jenkins).
Staff recommends that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 24-0088, memorializing approval for previously authorized incentives, discounts, and employee recognition programs for City employees, and delegating authority for future modifications to various aspects of these programs to the City Manager.
The incentive and employee recognition programs outlined are already budgeted, and there is no additional cost for memorializing authorization for these programs.
Various award recognition programs have been previously approved under the City Manager's authority or were otherwise authorized by the City Council.
Personnel Instruction P-08 established various employee recognition programs, including the Retirement and Service Award recognition programs. The established programs provide employees a certificate to commemorate their milestone, as well as the opportunity to select a retirement or service award recognition gift, depending on their years of service. The City partners with an awards company to provide employees a selection of available gifts. The dollar amounts associated with the gifts have remained in place since at least 2011, with a minimum gift value of $25 for 5 years of service, and up to $750 for 35 or more years of service for service anniversary awards (And a similar range of gift values for retirement awards).
Additionally, discounts on Parks and Recreation classes, as well as merchandise, have previously been approved by the City Manager. Currently, employees receive a 50% employee discoun...
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