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File #: 15-0330    Version: 1
Type: Consent - Staff Report Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council Regular Meeting
On agenda: 7/21/2015 Final action:
Title: Award of Bid to Beau Bureaux Interiors, Inc. to Provide and Install Office Furniture in the Amount of $29,268 (Public Works Director Olmos). APPROVE



Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council



Mark Danaj, City Manager



Tony Olmos, Public Work Director

Bruce Moe, Finance Director

Karen Domerchie, Senior Management Analyst

Gwen Eng, Purchasing Manager



Award of Bid to Beau Bureaux Interiors, Inc. to Provide and Install Office Furniture in the Amount of $29,268 (Public Works Director Olmos).




Recommended Action


Staff recommends that the City Council:

1.                     Award RFP #1046-15 to Beau Bureaux Interiors, Inc. for the purchase and installation of office furniture in the amount of $29,268, and

2.                     Approve a construction contingency of $ 9,608.



There are sufficient funds in the Fiscal Year (FY) 2014-2015 Capital Improvement Budget for the Management Services Office Remodel project.



In recent years, staff has been proactive in physical consolidation of departmental staff to improve operational efficiencies. In the FY 2014-2015 Capital Improvement Budget, a project to move the City Attorney and support staff to the Management Services space was approved. The reconfiguration of the Management Services workspace will allow the City Attorney to work in an area that provides improved access to legal services by the City Council and City Manager. Construction of the improvements has begun and bids were solicited for furniture for the offices.



The remodeled space requires proper furnishings to provide a professional, productive work area for the many executive tasks carried out on a daily basis.


This bid was directly emailed to fifteen vendors as well as posted on the City’s website and advertised in the Beach Reporter (the City’s publisher of record) and several standard construction industry publications, including the Dodge Green Sheet.


A total of four responses were received. The lowest bidder, the Office Leader, offered an incomplete bid and did not provide pricing on several line items. As a result, the Office Leader was deemed as non-responsive. The next lowest bidder, Beau Bureaux Interiors, Inc., provided pricing on all line items and meets specifications and is, therefore, the lowest responsible bidder. The bid comparison below lists the aggregate price, including materials, sales tax, installation and shipping.


1. The Office Leader                                                               $ 28,854

2. Beau Bureaux Interiors, Inc.                                          $ 29,268

3. Office Solutions Business Interiors                     $ 39,033

4. Tangram Interiors                                                               $ 58,717


Based on these proposals, staff recommends that the City Council award RFP #1046-15 to Beau Bureaux Interiors, Inc. for the purchase and installation of office furniture in the amount of $29,268. The lead time for delivery and installation is 4-6 weeks.


In addition, staff recommends that City Council approve a construction contingency in the amount of $9,608 for potential purchase of a large conference room table and purchase of additional miscellaneous pieces of smaller furniture if it is determined that a need exists for these additional pieces.  The City Manager would approve the use of the contingency, if needed.  If the funds are to be used, a change order to the purchase order would be executed.



Staff recommends that the City Council award RFP #1046-15 to Beau Bureaux Interiors, Inc. for the purchase and installation of office furniture in the amount of $29,268 and approve a construction contingency in the amount of $ 9,608.  If this purchase is approved, the award will be in the form of a purchase order.