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File #: CON 15-0048    Version: 1
Type: New Bus. - SR w/Contract Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council Regular Meeting
On agenda: 8/4/2015 Final action:
Title: Approve a Cooperative Agreement with the City of El Segundo for the Construction of the Westbound Rosecrans Bikeway (Public Works Director Olmos). APPROVE
Attachments: 1. Rosecrans Bikeway Connections, 2. Rosecrans Bike Lane Detail, 3. Cooperative Agreement


Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council



Mark Danaj, City Manager



Tony Olmos, Director of Public Works

Joe Parco, City Engineer

Erik Zandvliet, City Traffic Engineer



Approve a Cooperative Agreement with the City of El Segundo for the Construction of the Westbound Rosecrans Bikeway (Public Works Director Olmos).




Recommended Action


Staff recommends that the City Council approve a Cooperative Agreement with the City of El Segundo for the construction of the westbound Rosecrans Bikeway.



Funds are available in a previously approved capital improvement project to fully fund this project.  Total costs are not expected to exceed $150,000.



Rosecrans Avenue is an east-west major arterial highway as designated in the General Plan.  The 2005 Citywide Bikeway Plan and South Bay Bicycle Master Plan both show planned Class II bike lanes on Rosecrans Avenue between Highland Avenue and Sepulveda Boulevard. Bike lanes are consistent with current General Plan Goals and Policies as well as Mobility Plan objectives. The City Traffic Engineer has prepared a Bike Lane Concept Sketch which details the proposed bike lane and possible connections to other facilities (Attachment 1). To the west of Highland Avenue, Rosecrans Avenue narrows from 84 feet in width to 40 feet wide.  While this is not wide enough for bike lanes, it could be designated as a Class III bike route, with a connection to The Strand Bike Path via Manhattan Avenue and 36th Street.


Rosecrans Avenue has two to three lanes in the westbound direction and two lanes in the eastbound direction.  It carries approximately 19,400 vehicles per day and has a posted speed limit of 35 mph (eastbound) and 45 mph (westbound).  The adjacent land use is the Chevron refinery and retail commercial on the north side and is primarily residential on the south side with commercial businesses near Highland Avenue and Sepulveda Boulevard.   The north half of the street from the curve east of Alma Avenue to Sepulveda Boulevard is in the City of El Segundo. 


On January 14, 2014, City Council approved the installation of a Class II bike lane on the eastbound side of Rosecrans Avenue between Highland Avenue and Sepulveda Boulevard and directed staff to reach out to El Segundo about the possibility of installing a corresponding westbound bike lane.  As a result of the outreach, the City of Manhattan Beach, City of El Segundo and Chevron held concept meetings last fall to discuss the possibility of constructing a Class II bike lane westbound from Sepulveda to Highland.  Through these concept meetings, it was determined that the installation of a Class II bike lane along Rosecrans Avenue was feasible through a partnership between the cities of Manhattan Beach and El Segundo and Chevron.  The partnership would entail El Segundo designating one of three westbound traffic lanes as a bike lane, Chevron providing land for a “pinch point” immediately west of Sepulveda Boulevard to construct a bike path behind the sidewalk and bus shelter, and Manhattan Beach funding and constructing the improvements.


To date, Public Works Maintenance staff has installed the eastbound bike lane on the south side of Rosecrans Avenue by restriping the eastbound lanes to 10 feet wide in order to accommodate the bike lane between Alma Avenue and Sepulveda Boulevard.  Additionally, the City is pursuing a construction contract to narrow the center median between Highland Avenue and Alma Avenue to extend a five foot wide bike lane to Highland Avenue without removing curb parking.


This proposed westbound bikeway segment will provide a safe path of travel for South Bay residents patronizing the commercial facilities in the Rosecrans corridor as well as for those who use Rosecrans Avenue as a bicycle commuter route.  It will also compliment the eastbound segment that was recently installed. City of El Segundo staff has also negotiated with The Point development to provide land for a westbound Class I dedicated bikeway, that will continue the Rosecrans bikeway eastward to Village Drive.  Construction planning for that segment will begin later this fall.  As part of its expansion, the Manhattan Village Shopping Center is also required to construct dedicated bikeways within the Mall to provide a continuous east-west bikeway on the south side of Rosecrans Avenue.


The proposed bikeway on the westbound side of Rosecrans Avenue requires 1) an eight (8) foot easement from Chevron for the first 150 feet west of Sepulveda Boulevard to construct an off-street Class I bike path, and 2) conversion of the #3 traffic lane from a vehicular lane to a dedicated, separated Class II bike lane between Oak Street and Alma Avenue.  The transition from the Chevron section to the street will occur just west of the bus shelter so that no relocation of the bus shelter is needed (Attachment 2).


The first 150 feet of Rosecrans Avenue from Sepulveda Boulevard to Oak Street just west of Sepulveda Blvd. has only two lanes and is the “pinch point” for the Class II Bike Lane.  By locating a bike path behind the curb at this location through an easement agreement with Chevron, there will be an uninterrupted safe path of travel for cyclists.  After review of the proposed configuration, Chevron has approved the City of El Segundo’s request to utilize an 8 foot x 150 foot area of land adjacent to the sidewalk.  The “behind the curb” dedicated bike lane would extend to just past the existing bus stop and then transition into the converted #3 traffic lane at approximately Oak Street.


A cooperative agreement is needed to set terms and conditions between the City of Manhattan Beach and City of El Segundo for the construction of the westbound bikeway along north side of Rosecrans Avenue from Sepulveda Boulevard to Highland Avenue within the City of El Segundo right-of-way.


The Cooperative Agreement between the City of Manhattan Beach (MB) and City of El Segundo (ES) contain the following key provisions:

                     The work is located within the City of ES right-of-way and bikeway easement granted by Chevron,

                     City of MB will procure construction contract for the work,

                     City of MB will be responsible for oversight and inspection of contractor during construction,

                     City of ES shall issue a No fee permit to City of MB and contractor for bikeway improvements,

                     City of MB shall indemnify City of ES for work conducted within City of ES city limits and bikeway easement,

                     Bikeway easement shall be granted by Chevron to City of ES prior to start of construction,

                     Chevron will be responsible for relocation of their security fence,

                     City of MB will pay expenses charged by Chevron that are directly related to the fence relocation,

                     All bikeway construction related expenses to be paid by the City of MB,

                     Work shall be constructed in compliance with Cities of ES and MB standards,

                     Work shall be inspected by City of ES upon completion,

                     Construction to be completed by June 2016, subject to timely relocation of the Chevron security fence,

                     City of MB will remove within parkway to construct the bikeway,

                     City of MB will arrange for any temporary transit stop relocation required by the project, and

                     City of ES will be responsible for maintenance of improvements after final acceptance of the project.


This cooperative agreement will also be on the City of El Segundo City Council agenda for their August 4, 2015 meeting. 

The January 14, 2014 City Council meeting was noticed by way of a mailed postcard notice to all adjacent residents and property owners along Rosecrans Avenue and Manhattan Avenue. The City also worked with Vitality City/Blue Zones Project and the South Bay Bicycle Coalition on additional outreach efforts through email notification.  The City Police and Fire Departments have no objection to the proposed bike lane.



In conclusion, staff recommends that the City Council approve a Cooperative Agreement with the City of El Segundo for purposes of the construction of the westbound bikeway on Rosecrans Avenue between Highland Avenue and Sepulveda Boulevard.


1.                     Rosecrans Bikeway Connections 

2.                     Rosecrans Bike Lane Detail

3.                     Cooperative Agreement