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File #: CON 15-0014    Version: 1
Type: Consent - SR w/Contract Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council Regular Meeting
On agenda: 4/7/2015 Final action:
Title: Approve Consultant Agreement with Selbert Perkins Design for the Development and Implementation of a Comprehensive Community Identification and Wayfinding Signage Program and Authorize the City Manager to Enter into an Agreement in the Amount of $44,000 (Public Works Director Olmos). APPROVE, APPROPRIATE $12,800 FROM THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND
Attachments: 1. Professional Services Agreement
Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
Mark Danaj, City Manager
Tony Olmos, Public Works Director
Juan Price, Maintenance Superintendent
Karen Domerchie, Senior Management Analyst
Approve Consultant Agreement with Selbert Perkins Design for the Development and Implementation of a Comprehensive Community Identification and Wayfinding Signage Program and Authorize the City Manager to Enter into an Agreement in the Amount of $44,000 (Public Works Director Olmos).
Recommended Action
Staff recommends that City Council:
1)      Approve Consultant Agreement with Selbert Perkins Design for the development and implementation of a comprehensive community identification and wayfinding signage program in the amount of $44,000,
2)      Authorize the City Manager to execute Consultant Agreement,
3)      Approve a Design Contingency in the amount of $8,800 (20%), and
4)  Appropriate an additional $12,800 from the Capital Improvement Fund
Capital Improvement Funds in the amount of $40,000 were previously included in the approved fiscal year 2014-2015 Capital Improvement Plan. An additional appropriation of $12,800 is needed to cover the additional cost ($4,000) and design contingency ($8,800).
The City's existing identification and wayfinding signage is non-uniform or non-existent at many locations.  A comprehensive community identification and wayfinding signage system will:
a)      Improve the ability of visitors and local residents to easily navigate the City of Manhattan Beach, and easily find desired destinations and amenities,
b)      Identify and eliminate problems with existing signage, including information gaps, confusion, redundancy, and sign clutter,
c)      Tie together and build upon existing signage where desirable, into a coordinated and consistent wayfinding signage program,
d)      Increase the success and market potential for retail, dining, entertainment, and economic growth and development within the City,
e)      Provide functionality, attractiveness, legibility, safety, and ease of maintenance.
f)      Clearly delineate City boundaries and give visitors and residents a sense of place.
On December 4, 2014, City staff solicited proposals for the Community Identification and Wayfinding Signage Program, and the City received three proposals on January 13, 2015. After reviewing proposals and conducting interviews, City staff selected Selbert Perkins Design based on their previous experience, thorough understanding of public engagement, integration of community history and public art, and creative solutions for a wide variety of agencies.
Selbert Perkins Design has over 30 years of experience creating branded streetscapes, environments and wayfinding systems for urban municipalities around the world. Some of Selbert Perkins' previously completed signage projects include: Marina del Rey, California; Worcester, Massachusetts; Rockville, Maryland; Kailua Village, Hawaii; Louisville, Kentucky; Skokie, Illinois; Urbana, Illinois; and Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
The other two firms that submitted proposals have offices located on the east coast, and City staff was concerned about their proximity and the limited number of meetings that were included in their proposals. In addition, the other two firms did not have as much experience in California as Selbert Perkins Design.
Comprehensive scope of services as submitted by Selbert Perkins Design is included in Attachment 1. In summary, the scope will include conducting an assessment of the City's current information and wayfinding signage, propose and implement a Public Outreach Plan, recommend design standards for wayfinding elements that are reflective of the City's identity, develop three Sign Program Concepts, and present the Public Outreach survey results and concepts to City Council for review.
As part of their scope of work, Selbert Perkins will propose and implement a Public Outreach Plan to gather enough information and feedback from the community, the Downtown Business Association, the North Manhattan Beach Business Improvement District, and the Chamber of Commerce to determine preferences related to character, location, typology, size and content of the signage.
A comprehensive community identification and wayfinding signage system will improve the ability of visitors and locals to easily navigate the City of Manhattan Beach to easily find desired destinations and amenities. Therefore, staff recommends that City Council approve the consultant agreement with Selbert Perkins Design in the amount of $44,000 plus and additional $8,800 for a design contingency.
1.      Professional Services Agreement