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File #: 15-0319    Version: 1
Type: Consent - Staff Report Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council Regular Meeting
On agenda: 7/7/2015 Final action:
Title: Approval of HDR Change Order for Phase II Environmental Work in the Amount of $60,782 (Public Works Director Olmos). APPROVE
Attachments: 1. Expenditure Analysis, 2. Task Order for Phase II Environmental Work


Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council



Mark Danaj, City Manager



Tony Olmos, Director of Public Works

Joe Parco, City Engineer



Approval of HDR Change Order for Phase II Environmental Work in the Amount of $60,782 (Public Works Director Olmos).




Recommended Action


Staff recommends that the City Council approve HDR change order for Phase II Environmental Work in the amount of $60,782 for the Sepulveda Widening Project.


A combination of Federal, State and local funds in the amount of approximately $21 million dollars are available for this project.  There are sufficient available Measure R funds for this change order (Attachment 1).



At the June 5, 2012 City Council meeting, HDR, Inc. was awarded a contract for design, environmental documentation, and right-of-way acquisition services for the Sepulveda Boulevard Bridge Widening Project.


HDR has completed approximately 90% of the final design plans.  HDR is also concurrently working on the right-of-way acquisition.  The project is expected to be advertised for bids in Fall 2015, with estimated award of construction contract in Spring 2016.


On January 6, 2015, City Council approved Amendment No.1 to HDR’s contract in the amount of $493,091 to pay for additional design work primarily due to additional Caltrans design requirements.  Major items in the amendment included new studies, seismic retrofit design, more extensive retaining wall design, additional utility relocation, and additional drainage design.  City Council also approved a design contingency of $150,000 to cover future unforeseen items that may be required by Caltrans or the project.  Finally, City Council directed staff to not issue individual change orders exceeding $25,000 without separate City Council approval, even if the individual change orders are within the $150,000 budget. 


The need for additional Environmental Phase I/II work required by Caltrans was discussed at the January 6, 2015 Council meeting, but was not included in Amendment No.1 since the cost and scope were not known at that time of the meeting.  The scope of work for this environmental work has now been defined and is the subject of this staff report.



In order to construct the Sepulveda Widening project, additional roadway right-of-way needs to be acquired from the adjacent property owners.  In terms of process, the City will first acquire the required property and will then transfer the land to Caltrans upon project completion.  Caltrans requires that an Environmental Phase I - Initial Site Assessment (ISA) and, if necessary, a Phase II investigation be prepared prior to dedication of parcels to Caltrans by the City. 


In the original HDR Contract, it was noted that the ISA Phase I report performed within the Sepulveda Boulevard Corridor would determine if a Phase II report would be required by Caltrans.  The initial ISA Phase I report for the Sepulveda Boulevard Corridor has been completed.  As a result of these findings, Caltrans is now requiring additional separate ISA Phase I reports for each individual property that will be dedicated to Caltrans (three total).  Task orders for the ISA Phase I individual reports have been issued so that the Phase I work can proceed without delaying the project.     


This Change order request will cover all work necessary to prepare the Phase II reports.  Some of the items of work included in the scope of work required for the Phase II are: Sample and test existing bridge coatings for lead based paint, obtain up to 10 samples from the existing bridge to check for potential asbestos containing material, perform laboratory testing on discrete soil samples for the Chemicals of Potential Concern identified,  provide one environmental Phase II report documenting the results of environmental testing performed, submit the report to Caltrans for their review and approval and respond to Caltrans comments as required.       


At the January 6, 2015 City Council meeting, staff discussed the need for preparation of the additional environmental work required by Caltrans in the form of Phase I/II investigations, and the need to come back to City Council once the requirements for the Phase II investigation were determined.  Rather than amend HDR’s original contract for this work, staff is recommending that a portion of the previously approved design contingency be used to pay for the required Phase II investigation work.  Since the amount exceeds the $25,000 limit for individual change orders, the scope of work required for the Phase II report is presented for City Council consideration.



Staff is recommending that the City Council approve HDR Change Order for Phase II Environmental Work as required by Caltrans in the amount of $60,782.



1. Expenditure Analysis

2. Task Order for Phase II Environmental Work