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File #: 14-0185    Version: 1
Type: Consent - Staff Report Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council Regular Meeting
On agenda: 7/15/2014 Final action:
Title: Final Payment in the Net Amount of $53,523.92 to Bannaoun Engineers Constructors Corporation; Formally Accept the Street Resurfacing Project for Ardmore Avenue, Valley Drive and 11th Place as Complete; and Authorize Filing of the Appropriate Notice of Completion and Release Retention in the Amount of $32,753.08 (Public Works Director Olmos). APPROVE
Attachments: 1. Tables 1 and 2 - Budget, Expenditures and Contract Progress Payments, 2. Map of Street Resurfacing Project for Ardmore Avenue, Valley Drive and 11th Place
Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
Mark Danaj, City Manager
Tony Olmos, Public Works Director
Joe Parco, City Engineer
Gilbert Gamboa, Senior Civil Engineer
Final Payment in the Net Amount of $53,523.92 to Bannaoun Engineers Constructors Corporation; Formally Accept the Street Resurfacing Project for Ardmore Avenue, Valley Drive and 11th Place as Complete; and Authorize Filing of the Appropriate Notice of Completion and Release Retention in the Amount of $32,753.08 (Public Works Director Olmos).
Recommended Action
Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the City Manager to:
1.      Approve the issuance of a final payment in the net amount of $53,523.92 to Bannaoun Engineers Constructors Corporation; for the Street Resurfacing Project for Ardmore Avenue, Valley Drive and 11th Place;
2.      Formally accept the Street Resurfacing Project for Ardmore Avenue, Valley Drive and 11th Place as complete; and,
3.      Authorize filing of the appropriate Notice of Completion and the release of retention in the amount of $32,753.08.
Gas Tax funds in the amount of $582,696 have been appropriated by City Council for this project through the Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Capital Improvement budget, as well as Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) STP-L funds in the amount of $117,304.   The 2012-2013 Capital Improvement Program has added an additional $200,000 in Gas Tax funds to the project, bringing the total to $900,000. Total expenditures for the subject project are $875,169. A summary of budget appropriations and expenditures is provided in Attachment 1.
The existing pavement on Ardmore Avenue, Valley Drive and 11th Place was deteriorated and rehabilitation was required within the project limits as shown in Attachment 2. The project cold milled and overlaid the asphalt pavement surface and replaced displaced concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalk along Ardmore Avenue and Valley Drive. Twenty curb access ramps were also reconstructed. Ponding occurred near Manhattan Beach Boulevard after rain storms and pavement deterioration was escalated due to localized nuisance water drainage sheeting across the roadway. New storm drain line and catch basins were constructed on Ardmore Avenue to help alleviate this condition.
On June 5, 2012, City Council awarded a contract to VA Consulting in the amount of $62,971 to prepare plans and specifications for this project. On June 25, 2013, City Council approved the plans and specifications and authorized the City Manager to solicit construction bids.
On August 20, 2013, City Council authorized the City Manager to execute a construction contract in the amount of $618,618 (and additional construction work, if necessary, in an amount not-to-exceed $61,861) to Bannaoun Engineers Constructors Corporation for the Street Resurfacing Project for Ardmore Avenue, Valley Drive and 11th Place. On September 17, 2013, City Council authorized the City Manager to execute an agreement for professional inspection services with Willdan Engineering in an amount not-to-exceed $43,720 (and additional inspection work, if necessary, in an amount not-to-exceed $4,372).
Construction started on October 21, 2013. All appurtenant work including concrete curb ramps, cross-gutters, standard curb and gutter, and sidewalk have been completed. 11th Place was reconstructed with concrete pavement from Ardmore to Highview Avenue. A new storm drain line and three catch basins were constructed at the intersection of Ardmore Avenue and 11th Street. Lastly, Ardmore Avenue and Valley Drive were cold milled and overlaid with asphalt rubber hot mix from Manhattan Beach Boulevard and First Street, respectively, to the south City limit.
Change Orders
All contract line items have been accounted for in Progress Payments No. 1 to 3. The final payment for this project includes three additional work items for unclassified excavation, concrete pavement construction and asphalt pavement restoration. This additional work was paid through additional quantities in the Contract Proposal. The final payment for this project also includes extra work items not included in the original Contract Proposal but paid through a negotiated lump sum cost.
The first extra work item included construction of six-inch crushed miscellaneous base material below the asphalt concrete roadway at First Street between Ardmore Avenue and Valley Drive. The second extra work item involved the installation of rebar dowels used to tie-in a section of new concrete trench pavement to the existing concrete roadway on 11th Place. Lastly, the final extra work item encompassed the field adjustments and changes in accordance with the City's Traffic Engineer's revisions including a material change from standard paint to thermoplastic application for the striping; as well as, lane width adjustments for future bike lane and changes to striping distances and spacing. The total cost of the change orders for additional and extra work was $54,072 and was within the approved contract contingency.
Liquidated Damages
Construction of the project was completed on February 20, 2014.  Since the Contractor did not complete the work within the 45 working day contract time allowed plus the time extensions granted in the Change Orders explained above, liquidated damages were assessed at the rate of $500 per calendar day per the Contract Special Provisions.  A total of $4,000 was deducted from the final contract amount.
The Contractor has completed all contract work and is requesting formal acceptance of the work and final payment in the amount of $53,523.92. A five percent (5%) retention in the amount of $32,753.08 would be released upon the expiration of 35 days after recordation of the Notice of Completion with the County Recorder. All work inspected by the Public Works Department has been found to be in conformance with the plans and specifications.
1. Tables 1 and 2 - Budget, Expenditures and Contract Progress Payments
2. Map of Street Resurfacing Project for Ardmore Avenue, Valley Drive and 11th Place