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File #: 14-0245    Version: 1
Type: Consent - Staff Report Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council Regular Meeting
On agenda: 6/17/2014 Final action:
Title: Award of Bid to Verde Inc. for the Budgeted Purchase of One Replacement DUI (Driving Under the Influence) Checkpoint Trailer in the Amount of $27,617.55 (Acting City Manager Moe). APPROVE
Attachments: 1. RFP #983-14 Comparison for DUI Checkpoint Trailer
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Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
Bruce Moe, Acting City Manager
Eve R. Irvine, Police Chief
Andy Harrod, Police Lieutenant
Gwen Eng, Purchasing Manager
Award of Bid to Verde Inc. for the Budgeted Purchase of One Replacement DUI (Driving Under the Influence) Checkpoint Trailer in the Amount of $27,617.55 (Acting City Manager Moe).
Recommended Action
Staff recommends that the City Council award RFP #983-14 to Verde Inc. in the amount of $27,617.55 for the purchase of one budgeted replacement DUI Checkpoint Trailer.
Funds totaling $30,000 are budgeted in the fiscal year (FY) 2013-2014 Fleet Management Fund for the purchase of this equipment.  The DUI Checkpoint Trailer costs $27,617.55; the remaining budgeted funds of $2,382.45 will be used to purchase signage and any other equipment necessary to fully outfit this trailer.  
The FY 2013-2014 budget includes the replacement of 44 vehicles and equipment in the City's fleet that need to be purchased in order to maintain service levels, reduce repair costs and provide for cost-effective fleet operations. The list represents "catch-up" years when the fleet was not actively replaced due to budget constraints.
The Manhattan Beach Police Department utilizes a DUI Trailer at checkpoint operations within the community to help identify and remove impaired drivers from the roadways. It houses equipment required by state and federal laws to operate and conduct a safe DUI checkpoint. In addition, the DUI trailer is deployed at major traffic collisions, special events, annual drivers training class and the Police open house.
The current unit being replaced was purchased in 1995 and has reached end-of-life. The current unit has physically deteriorated and no longer protects equipment from the weather. Also, the generator which is used for electrical power for lighting and other electronics is non-working and requires replacement.
Request for proposals were issued to six vendors and posted on the City's website. A total of four bid responses were received.  The bid comparison (Attachment 1) shows the aggregate price including sales tax (the lowest bid is indicated in bold font). Based on these bids, staff recommends that the City Council award RFP #983-14 to the lowest responsible bidder, Verde Inc., for one DUI Checkpoint Trailer in the amount of $27,617.55.
If this purchase is approved, the existing unit will be retired and sent to auction. The auction amount will be determined by vehicle and market conditions.  The new equipment will arrive in approximately 65-70 days.
1. RFP #983-14 Comparison for DUI Trailer