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File #: CON 15-0029    Version: 1
Type: Consent - SR w/Contract Status: Passed
In control: City Council Regular Meeting
On agenda: 6/16/2015 Final action: 6/16/2015
Title: Approve the Budgeted Replacement of the Electronic Document Management System; Award of Request For Proposal (RFP) #1011-15 to Konica Minolta Business Solutions for the Purchase of a Replacement Electronic Document Management System in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $130,000 and Authorize the City Manager to Negotiate a Contract; Award a Purchase Order to Nth Generation for the Purchase of Servers, Storage and Backup Solutions in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $35,000; Approve a Contract with Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. for Project Management Services in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $35,000 and Authorize the City Manager to Negotiate a Contract; and Waive Formal Bidding per Municipal Code Section 2.36.140 (waivers) for Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. and Nth Generation (City Clerk Tamura). APPROVE, AUTHORIZE, WAIVE FORMAL BIDDING
Attachments: 1. RFP #1011-15 Responses, 2. Infrastructure Requirements Diagram
Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
Mark Danaj, City Manager
Liza Tamura, City Clerk
Leilani Flores Emnace, Information Systems Manager
Gwen Eng, Purchasing Manager
Tatyana Roujenova-Peltekova, Senior Deputy City Clerk
Approve the Budgeted Replacement of the Electronic Document Management System; Award of Request For Proposal (RFP) #1011-15 to Konica Minolta Business Solutions for the Purchase of a Replacement Electronic Document Management System in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $130,000 and Authorize the City Manager to Negotiate a Contract; Award a Purchase Order to Nth Generation for the Purchase of Servers, Storage and Backup Solutions in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $35,000; Approve a Contract with Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. for Project Management Services in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $35,000 and Authorize the City Manager to Negotiate a Contract; and Waive Formal Bidding per Municipal Code Section 2.36.140 (waivers) for Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. and Nth Generation (City Clerk Tamura).
Recommended Action
Staff recommends that the City Council: 1) Approve the budgeted replacement of the Electronic Document Management System; 2) Award Request for Proposal (RFP) #1011-15 to Konica Minolta Business Solutions for the purchase of a replacement Electronic Document Management System in an amount not-to-exceed $130,000 and Authorize the City Manager to negotiate a contract; 4) Award a Purchase Order to Nth Generation for the Purchase of Servers, Storage and Backup Solutions in an amount not-to-exceed $35,000; 5) Approve a contract with Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. for project management services in an amount not-to-exceed $35,000 and authorize the City Manager to negotiate a contract; and 6) Waive formal bidding per Municipal Code Section 2.36.140 (waivers) for Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. and Nth Generation.
The Information Systems Master Plan includes the replacement of the Electronic Document Management System project included in Fiscal Year 2014-2015 City Clerk's budget for the amount of $200,000. The project cost includes the procurement from Konica Minolta Business Solutions for the replacement system in an amount not-to-exceed $130,000. It also includes the purchase of network servers, storage and back up from Nth Generation, Inc. in an amount not-to-exceed $35,000; and the consulting services and project management from Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. in an amount not-to-exceed $35,000.
In 1997, the City implemented the LibertyNet Document Management System. A document management system (DMS) is a system used to track, manage and store current and archive enterprise digital assets in the form of images, plans, records and documents. Soon after implementation, LibertyNet became the repository of city documents dating back to 1912. LibertyNet was acquired by Hyland On-Base in 2008. Due to its age, the system no longer receives product updates and will not be supported after this year. The Information Systems Master Plan included the replacement of the document management system recognizing the importance of a citywide content management system. Thus, staff met with each of the City departments to conduct a needs assessment for the system replacement which was further defined in the Request for Proposal (RFP) #1011-15 released in October 2014.
The main purpose of the RFP was to identify a suitable replacement for the existing outdated document management system with a modern solution. The new Document Imaging System will offer:
·      Capabilities for public portal on City website to view archived City Council Agendas, Agenda Packets, Minutes, Resolutions, Ordinances, and contracts
·      Automated workflow for City Departments to streamline approval and operation processes
·      LibertyNet conversion to the new Enterprise Document Imaging System
·      Reduction in document physical storage
·      Ability to Integrate with existing City systems (Granicus, Accela Automation, Eden Financial System, Tiburon, ESRI)
Request for Proposal - Document Management Software and Conversion of Data
The City received a total of six responses to the Request for Proposal, as listed below in order from lowest to highest bid:
1. ViaTRON (EMC Application Xtender) $67,926.00 (deemed non-responsive)
2. Konica Minolta Business Solutions/KMBS-ECM (Hyland On-Base) $108,187.26
3. Complete Paperless Solutions (LaserFiche Avante) $115,505.00
4. ECS Imaging (LaserFiche Rio) $127,885.00
5. AMI (LaserFiche Rio) $143,660.00
6. Softech (LaserFiche & IBM P8) $157,590.00
The lowest bidder, ViaTRON, did not provide all of the necessary software and services, and failed to provide required pricing in several categories, and thus was deemed non-responsive.
After in depth review, the proposals were evaluated based on the following criteria: understanding of the scope of work, solution offered, vendor's qualifications and experience, vendor project performance, project cost, and ease of use. Selected vendors were invited to demonstrate their systems on-site to department representatives that would be utilizing the software. Each system was evaluated on features offered, ease of use, support and system design. Staff felt that the software from Konica Minolta Business Solutions Hyland On-Base) was a better fit for the City and best met their needs.
After a complete evaluation of the proposals and on-site demonstrations by selected vendors, staff is recommending the City Council award RFP #1011-15 to the lowest responsive bidder, Konica Minolta Business Solutions (KMBS-ECM / Hyland OnBase).
Konica Minolta Business Solutions has implemented OnBase Enterprise Document Management Systems with LibertyNet conversions at the cities of Rialto, Malibu, and West Sacramento. The vendor has a strong market share in local government and it was determined to be the best fit for the City of Manhattan Beach's requirements. Since Hyland / OnBase purchased LlibertyNet Document Management System, it provides them with a high level of expertise in the City's current software and data ultimately contributing for a successful conversion. Furthermore, the software is intuitive, easy to learn and has the ability to integrate with current City systems i.e. Accela Automation. The system is user friendly and well presented. In addition, the On-Base Enterprise Management System will provide the following benefits:
·      City Clerk's Office - Internal/external access to: City Council Meetings Agenda Packets/Staff Reports, Minutes, Ordinances, Resolutions, and contracts (future implementation);
·      Police Department - Secured, internal access to documents; streamlining documents retrieval for public records requests; court documentation; possibility to create forms (future implementation);
·      Community Development - Ability to integrate with the City permitting system Accela Automation which allows for a more efficient retrieval of documents related to permits, licenses and interdepartmental processing related to planning and building and ultimately streamlining the process for the public (future implementation);
·      Finance - Ability to image-enable procurement (bid) documentation, file sharing, contract management, and other financial data available to City staff for faster search and retrieval of data related to public records requests, streamlining documentation processing and duplication of efforts;
·      Human Resources - Capability for storage and retrieval of applicants and employee information, tests, review documentation for faster employee hiring and review processing (future implementation);
·      Public Works - Ability to store and retrieve documents related to engineering projects, facilities, drawings of City facilities, and for faster search and retrieval of data related to public records requests (future implementation);
·      Fire - Storage and retrieval of documentation related to fire permits, fire alarms and inspections so that staff can provide information faster to the public (future implementation);
·      GIS Integration - The ability to image-enable GIS, so the actual permit or the record can be accessed through the City's ESRI GIS system;   
·      Parks and Recreation - Storing and retrieval of contract documentation related to multiple class vendors, central document depository, special events routing (future implementation).
Once the OnBase Electronic Document Imaging System was selected, staff identified additional options and capabilities which include:
·      Public Portal in support of the City initiative for increased transparency and efficiency providing citizens with 24-hour access to e-documents on the City website;
·      Microsoft Outlook Plugin which provides access to the City's Document System within the City's electronic mail system; thus, it increases efficiency by providing staff with quick access to needed documents and streamlined City processes (for example, faster interdepartmental request approvals);
·      City Permitting System Accela Automation Integration with the OnBase solution to streamline City services related to permits which will contribute to faster service delivery;
·      Workflow module to enhance and streamline business operations and efficiency;  Administration training related to City system integrations such as Granicus (Management Services), Eden Financial System (Finance and Human Resources), Tiburon (Police Department), etc.;
·      Licensing to better address department needs for scanning and retrieving;
·      Professional services to assist in conversion, implementation, installation, City system integration;
·      Training for employees, system administrator, application enabler and workflow processes.
Annual software maintenance is provided in the normal operational budget of Information Technology (enterprise).
Network Infrastructure Requirements
The OnBase solution requires an integrated and complex infrastructure environment to accommodate the Electronic Document Management System (refer to the Infrastructure Diagram). As the current supplier for City servers, storage and backup hardware, Nth Generation Computing, Inc. will provide servers, storage and backup solutions (unalterable media - WORM (Write Once and Read Many)) required for the implementation of the new Electronic Document Management System. WORM media is required by State Law for Trustworthy Electronic Records.  The vendor is familiar with the City infrastructure and completed successful projects such as Hewlett Packard EVA P6000 Storage Area Network (SAN) dedicated for high-speed data storage and retrieval, storage backup and integration, etc. Nth Generation brings a list of highly qualified professional staff, solution architects and system engineers, to support this project.
This vendor's contract for servers and engineering services has expired but will be brought forth to Council at a later date for renewal. The initial contract award was based primarily on ability to provide information systems engineering services. Server cost was not a factor for Hewlett Packard gave the same discounted pricing to whichever vendor was awarded the contract. Therefore, requesting bids will not result in lower pricing.
As a result, staff recommends that City Council waive formal bidding per Municipal Code Section 2.36.140 and the purchase of servers, storage and backup solution from Nth Generations Computing, Inc. for an amount not-to-exceed $35,000.
Best Practices Project Management Consulting Services
Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (GGS) has assisted over 150 cities in California with records management services, including the conversion and implementation of numerous Document Management Systems similar to the City. GGS has provided the City's records retention schedules and various other consulting services to the City since 2002, so the vendor is familiar with the City's organization and records management policies.
Staff is recommending approval of a contract in an amount not-to-exceed $35,000 for professional services provided at the direction of the City for the implementation of the new Electronic Document Management System. These services are directly related to the project management of the Enterprise Document Management System replacement and services may include but not limited to policy and procedure development, project management and scheduling services, prioritized plans for document input into the system thus, ensuring the City implements the system in full compliance with law.
The hourly rate of GGS is less than that of the software vendor for implementation services, GGS is  more cost-effective and efficient, will ensure the success of the system, and will incorporate legal mandates and best practices of other California cities. Additionally, the City will direct all the services provided by GGS, and will be under no obligation to use the entire allocation for the agreement.
Contracts for services of specially-trained and professional persons such as this are exempt from bidding per Municipal Code Section 2.36.130 (professional services). However, because the value of the contract exceeds $20,000, City Council approval is necessary.
City Clerk's budget includes $200,000 for this project in the current Fiscal Year 2014-2015.
Konica Minolta Business Solutions (KMBS-ECM / Hyland On-Base) is the lowest bidder for the Enterprise Document Imaging System. Staff recommends that the City Council award the Request for Proposal (RFP) #1011-15 to Konica Minolta Business Solutions for the purchase of a replacement Electronic Document Management System in an amount not-to-exceed $130,000 and authorize the City Manager to negotiate a contract.
Nth Generation Computing, Inc. is the City infrastructure vendor providing the specifications and the procurement of servers and storage solutions. Staff recommends that the City Council waives formal bidding per Municipal Code Section 2.36.140 (waivers) and award a purchase order to Nth Generation for the purchase of servers, storage and backup solutions in an amount not-to-exceed $35,000.
Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. provides professional services related to electronic records management, project management, policies, procedures and legal compliance. Staff recommends that the City Council waive formal bidding per Municipal Code Section 2.36.140 (waivers), approve a contract with Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. for project management services in an amount not-to-exceed $35,000 and authorize the City Manager to negotiate a contract.
1. RFP #1011-15 Responses
2. Infrastructure Requirements Diagram