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File #: RES 15-0011    Version:
Type: Consent - SR w/Resolution Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council Regular Meeting
On agenda: 5/19/2015 Final action:
Title: Resolution to Rename "Park Way" to "Marriott Drive" as Recommended by the Parking and Public Improvements Commission (Community Development Director Lundstedt). ADOPT
Attachments: 1. PPIC Staff Report and Attachments-Marriot Drive Street Name Change 2-26-2015, 2. PPIC Minutes 2-26-2015, 3. Marriott Hotel Wayfinding Sign Options, 4. Resolution No. 15-0011
Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
Mark Danaj, City Manager
Marisa Lundstedt, Community Development Director
Erik Zandvliet, T.E. City Traffic Engineer
Resolution to Rename "Park Way" to "Marriott Drive" as Recommended by the Parking and Public Improvements Commission (Community Development Director Lundstedt).
Recommended Action
The Parking and Public Improvements Commission recommends that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 15-0011 to rename Park Way to Marriott Drive.
None.  The Marriott Hotel will reimburse the City for labor and materials expenses related to changing street name signs, including recordation and noticing.  
On February 26, 2015, the Parking and Public Improvements Commission (PPIC) discussed a request from Mr. Jeff Hart, General Manager for the Manhattan Beach Marriott Hotel, to change the name of Park Way to Marriott Way. (Attachment 1) Mr. Hart explained that clear street name signs would serve as wayfinding signs to help direct visitors to the hotel, as well as increase the overall awareness of the Hotel in the City. Mr. Hart also stated that at times, visitors may find it difficult to locate the Marriott Hotel and Golf Course.  Mr. Hart stated that the Hotel would pay for all fees and costs related to the street name change.
The Commission discussed the street name change request, heard public testimony and voted 4-0 to recommend that City Council adopt a resolution renaming Park Way to Marriott Drive. (Attachment 2)  Public notices for the Commission meeting were mailed to all properties and businesses south of Rosecrans Avenue and within 500 feet of Park Way.  
On April 21, 2015, the City Council discussed the PPIC recommendation to change Park Way to Marriott Drive.  The City Council requested further information and other wayfinding options for the Marriott Hotel.  
Park Way is a 40-foot wide local street located in a commercial area between Rosecrans Avenue and Parkview Avenue with a 25mph prima facie speed limit.  The street has two lanes in each direction and is approximately 350 feet long.  There is a traffic signal at Rosecrans Avenue at the north end of Park Way, and all-way stop signs at Park Way and Parkview Avenue to the south.  Park Way is improved with curbs, gutters and sidewalks.  Curb parking is prohibited on Park Way.  Nash Street forms the north leg at the intersection of Rosecrans Avenue and Park Way and the Marriott Hotel driveway forms the south leg at the intersection of Park Way and Parkview Avenue.  There are no properties with Park Way addresses, but two large multi-story buildings with large parking lots are located on both sides of the street.  This is the only street segment named Park Way in the City.  
The authority to change the name of a local public street resides with the legislative body of the local agency.  Government Code Section 34091.1 provides:
Whenever the legislative body finds that a name should be adopted and applied to any city street, or that the existing name of any city street should be changed, the legislative body may adopt a resolution designating a name for, or change the name of, such street.
Government Code Section 34092 states:
Whenever the name of any street, boulevard, park, or place is adopted, established or changed, or any house numbers have been changed on any street, boulevard, park or place, by any city or other authority, the city clerk shall promptly forward a copy of the resolution, order, or other instrument providing for such new name or change of name or house number to the board of supervisors of the county within which such city is situated.
Streets and Highways Code Section 5026 states:
The legislative body of a county, city or city and county, may by resolution adopt a name for any street, boulevard, park or place which is to be improved under this division, for which a name has not been provided under the provisions of Sections 970.5 and 971, or otherwise, and may by resolution change the name of any street, boulevard, park or place heretofore established; provided further, that a copy of the resolution or order providing for the new name or change of name made by any city shall be promptly forwarded by the city clerk to the clerk of the board of supervisors and county surveyor of the county in which the municipality is situated.
It should be cautioned that public streets are not typically named after an active commercial business because the name of the business may change over time or it may appear that a City is giving indirect preferential treatment to a particular brand or business. However, wayfinding signs to larger destinations are often posted on public streets to assist unfamiliar drivers with directions, which improve overall traffic safety.  The street would remain a public street.  There also no addresses that would need to be changed if the street is renamed again in the future.  This request was circulated to the Public Works, Police, and Fire Departments, as well as the Post Office for their comments.  None of the departments have objections to the street name change, as long as the City does not incur a cost for the change.       
There are several wayfinding options for the Marriott Hotel, as listed below and depicted in Attachment 3:  
Alternative 1      Rename Park Way to Marriott Drive (with or without City logo)      
Alternative 2            Rename Park Way to Hotel Drive (with or without City logo)
Alternative 3      Replace existing mast arm signs with clearer street name orientation (Nash/Parkway)
Alternative 4      Post new wayfinding signs with arrows for "Manhattan Beach Marriott Hotel" on Rosecrans Avenue in advance of Park Way to match the City's proposed wayfinding sign plan
Alternative 5            Deny the request to change the name of Park Way
The anticipated costs related to the street signage for Alternatives 1 to 4 would be approximately $4,000, including application fee, noticing, street name sign replacements, and staff time.  Marriott Hotel has made an initial deposit of $1,573 for the preliminary approval process.  Its manager has stated the hotel will reimburse the City for any other costs associated with changing the street name signs.     
ALTERNATIVE #1 (PPIC Recommendation):
The City Council can adopt Resolution #15-0011 to Rename Park Way to Marriott Drive (Attachment 4).
The public would derive an overall benefit by renaming the street because the street and hotel would be more readily located.  The current ambiguity of the proper spelling of Park Way, which is sometimes confused as Parkway, would be eliminated.  Since there are no Park Way addresses, no business addresses would need to be changed.  Other directional guide signs to the hotel would not be needed.  
The public would need to familiarize themselves with the new street name and street maps would have to be updated.  This would be the first instance of a street named after a private entity in the City.  If the name of Marriott Hotel is changed in the future, the street name may need to be changed.  
REASON FOR RECOMMENDING:  This alternative would provide directional   benefits to the Marriott Hotel and remove the ambiguity of "Park Way" with only minor short lived disadvantages.  The Marriott Hotel is a major destination in the City for out of town visitors, and therefore, a specific business identification sign could be justified.   
The City Council can adopt a revision to Resolution #15-0011 to Rename Park Way to Hotel Drive.
The public would derive an overall benefit by the street name change because the street and hotel will be more readily located.  The current ambiguity of the proper spelling of Park Way will be eliminated.  Since there are no Park Way addresses, no business addresses would need to be changed.  The City would not name a street after a private entity in the City.  If the name of Marriott Hotel is changed in the future, no street name change would be necessary.
The public may bypass the street when looking for the Marriott Hotel or expect other hotels to be located on the street.  Other directional guide signs to the hotel may be needed.  The public would need to familiarize themselves with the new street name and street maps would have to be updated.
REASON FOR NOT RECOMMENDING:  All of the benefits of the street name change identified in Alternative #1 would not be realized, and the public may still need additional wayfinding signs to the Marriott Hotel.  
The City Council can approve the replacement of existing mast arm signs with improved street name identification regarding (Nash/Parkway).   
The public would not need to familiarize themselves with the new street name and street maps would not need to be updated.   The City would not name a street after a private entity in the City.  
Visitors may continue to have difficulty finding hotel easily.  Other directional guide signs to the hotel may be justified in lieu of street name signs.  The current ambiguity of the proper spelling of Park Way would remain.
REASON FOR NOT RECOMMENDING:  The benefits of the street name change identified in Alternative #1 would not be realized, and the public may still need additional wayfinding signs to the Marriott Hotel.
The City Council can approve new wayfinding signs with arrows for the Marriott Hotel on Rosecrans Avenue at or near Park Way to help visitors find the hotel.  There are three possible locations: 1) on the traffic signal pole, 2) on the mast arm sign, and 3) on a pole in advance of the intersection.  Location 2 would have the additional benefit of being internally lit for nighttime visibility.  Any of these wayfinding signs can be fabricated to match the City's existing or future wayfinding sign layout.              
The hotel would be more readily located.  The public would not need to familiarize themselves with the new street name and street maps would not need to be updated.   The City would not name a street after a private entity in the City.    
Additional signs would add to the sign clutter and driver distraction along Rosecrans Avenue.  The current ambiguity of the proper spelling of Park Way would remain.
REASON FOR NOT RECOMMENDING:  All of the benefits of the street name change identified in Alternative #1 would not be realized and more sign clutter would be added to Rosecrans Avenue.   
The City Council can deny the request to change the name of Park Way street at this time.   
The public would not need to familiarize themselves with the new street name and street maps would not need to be updated.   The City would not name a street after a private entity in the City.  
Visitors may continue to have difficulty finding hotel easily.  Other directional guide signs to the hotel may be justified in lieu of street name signs.  The current ambiguity of the proper spelling of Park Way would remain.
REASON FOR NOT RECOMMENDING:  The benefits of the street name change identified in Alternative #1 would not be realized, and the public may still need additional wayfinding signs to the Marriott Hotel.
Public notices inviting public comment and attendance at the Commission meeting were mailed to all properties and businesses south of Rosecrans Avenue and within 500 feet of Park Way.   A public hearing was held at the Parking and Public Improvements Commission meeting on February 26, 2015 to receive public comments.  
Based on the benefits in wayfinding and absence of affected properties or potential adverse impacts, the PPIC has recommended the renaming of Park Way to Marriott Drive.
1.      PPIC Staff report and attachments-Marriot Drive Street Name Change 2-26-2015
2.      PPIC Minutes 2-26-2015
3.      Marriott Hotel Wayfinding Sign Options
4.      Resolution No. 15-0011