Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
Talyn Mirzakhanian, City Manager
Erick Lee, Public Works Director
Katie Doherty, City Engineer
Eddie Pech, Senior Civil Engineer
Consideration of a Resolution Approving Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement with Geosyntec Consultants, Inc. in the Amount of $87,000 for Additional Design Services for the Manhattan Beach Dominguez Channel Stormwater Infiltration Project and Approval of a Reappropriation in the Amount of $87,000 (No Budget Impact) (Public Works Director Lee).
Staff recommends that the City Council:
1. Adopt Resolution No. 25-0003 approving Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement with Geosyntec Consultants, Inc. (Geosyntec) for additional design services in the amount of $87,000 for the Manhattan Beach Dominguez Channel Stormwater Infiltration Project (Project); and
2. Approve a reappropriation from the Annual Storm Drain Capital Best Management Practices (BMP) Project within the Storm Drain Fund in the amount of $87,000 for the Project.
A reappropriation of funds totaling $87,000 is needed to fully fund Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement with Geosyntec. Sufficient funds for this reappropriation are available in the Annual Storm Drain Capital BMP Project within the Storm Drain Fund. A Project Budget and Expenditures Summary is attached.
The Los Angeles County NPDES Permit No. CAS00401 (Permit) established waste discharge requirements for municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) discharges within the coastal watersheds. Under the Permit, the City of Manhattan Beach, along with the Cities of Hermosa Beach, Redondo Beach, and Torrance, and together with the Los Angeles County Flood Control District, collectively formed the Beach Cities Watershed Management Group (Beach Cities WMG). The Beach Cities WMG agreed to collaborate on the development of an Enhanced Watershed Management Program, which includes developing a project to capture and infiltrate stormwater flows from a 255-acre mixed-use area in Northeast Manhattan Beach within the Dominguez Channel watershed. A deadline of 2032 has been established for the City to be in compliance with the water quality requirements in the Dominguez Channel watershed.
On February 29, 2024, a Request for Proposals for the feasibility study and design services was advertised on the City's website and on PlanetBids, a public bid notification board. Two proposals were received and evaluated by staff. Geosyntec was recommended by staff for award.
On May 21, 2024, the City Council awarded a Professional Service Agreement to Geosyntec in the amount of $299,869 for a feasibility study and preliminary design for the Project.
The consultant started work on the feasibility study for the Project in late May 2024 with a geotechnical investigation, topographic survey, and preliminary hydrology and hydraulic study. Based on the findings of the investigations, the initial project concept of infiltrating stormwater into the groundwater table through a series of drywells along Parkview Avenue is not feasible due to the presence of legacy contamination in the soil beneath the street. Therefore, the secondary proposed project concept of an underground detention basin on or around Parkview Avenue and the Westdrift Golf Course will be explored. To further assist with meeting the water quality targets of the Project, the secondary concept will also investigate adding green landscape elements within the basin.
Improving flood management of the basin within the golf course area-which is made up of approximately 255 acres of mixed-use development-will also be incorporated into the Project. Furthermore, roughly 19% of the stormwater flowing into this basin area is estimated to originate from the City of El Segundo. As part of this engagement, Geosyntec will determine the water quality impacts and flooding contributed by the El Segundo area within this basin. These findings will assist staff with engaging the City of El Segundo on a potential partnership for the Project.
To complete the alternative scope for the Project, additional work is needed to research, conduct further surveys and geotechnical investigation, and perform hydrology and hydraulic studies. Amendment No. 1 will add these additional services to the current agreement with Geosyntec and will increase the contract by $87,000.
Outreach was conducted to the neighboring properties that may be affected by work on the Project, including the Westdrift Hotel, Manhattan Market Place, and MBS Media Campus (Manhattan Beach Studios). Once the Project progresses to design and construction, outreach will include community notifications and meetings, presentations to the Parking and Public Improvements Commission (PPIC), as appropriate, and consideration by City Council.
The City has reviewed the proposed activity for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and has determined that there is no possibility that the activity may have a significant effect on the environment; therefore, pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) of the State CEQA Guidelines the activity is not subject to CEQA. Although environmental review is not necessary at this time, additional environmental review will be required as applicable prior to the approval of any future project specific development entitlements including, but not limited to, site development plans, building permits, land development permits, and conditional use permits.
The City Attorney has approved the amendment as to form and has reviewed this report and determined that no additional legal analysis is necessary.
1. Resolution No. 25-0003
2. Amendment No. 1 - Geosyntec Consultants, Inc.
3. Agreement - Geosyntec Consultants, Inc.
4. Budget and Expenditure Summary Report
5. Location Map