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File #: CON 15-0032    Version: 1
Type: Consent - SR w/Contract Status: Passed
In control: City Council Regular Meeting
On agenda: 6/16/2015 Final action: 6/16/2015
Title: Approval of Plans and Specifications and Award of Well 11-A Generator Installation Project to Unispec Construction, Inc. in the Amount of $98,000.00, Approve Additional Appropriation in the amount of $7,800, and Authorize the City Manager to Approve Contingency Funds in an Amount Not-To-Exceed $9,800 (10%) (Public Works Director Olmos). APPROVE
Attachments: 1. Well 11-A Agreement Unispec004, 2. Well 11-a Project- budget and expenditure table
Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
Mark Danaj, City Manager
Tony Olmos, Director of Public Works
Juan Price, Maintenance Superintendent
Approval of Plans and Specifications and Award of Well 11-A Generator Installation Project to Unispec Construction, Inc. in the Amount of $98,000.00, Approve Additional Appropriation in the amount of $7,800, and Authorize the City Manager to Approve Contingency Funds in an Amount Not-To-Exceed $9,800 (10%) (Public Works Director Olmos).
Recommended Action
Staff recommends that the City Council:
1)      Approve the Plans and Specifications for the Well 11-A Generator Installation Project,
2)      Authorize the City Manager to execute a contract in the amount of $98,000.00 with Unispec Construction, Inc.,  
3)      Approve Additional Appropriation in the amount of $7,800 from the Water Fund portion of the Capital Improvement Budget, and
4)      Authorize the City Manager to approve contingency funds in the amount not-to-exceed $9,800 (10%)
Funds in the amount of $100,000 were previously allocated from the Water Fund for this project as part of the approved 2014/2015 Capital Improvement Program. An additional appropriation of $7,800 is required in order to fully fund the construction project and fund the requested contingency amount.  
Well 11-A, in conjunction with Well 15, comprise the two City owned freshwater wells that supply approximately 35% of the local potable water supply. The balance of Manhattan Beach's water supply is met through water purchased from the Metropolitan Water District.
Both of the City well sites are designed to remain operational in the event of power failure through automatically switched generators. Well 11-A generator has reached its design life and internal components have started to fail. Repair was not cost effective as the reliability of the engine could not be guaranteed and the older engine no longer met air quality standards.
This project was advertised for bids in the Beach Reporter, the City's publisher of record and several standard construction industry publications, including the Dodge Green Sheet, Reed Construction Data, and Associated General Contractors of America.  Subsequently, 15 sets of plans and specifications were provided to contractors, subcontractors and material suppliers.  A total of 6 bids were received and opened on June 3, 2015. The bids ranged from $170,654 to $98,000.
Unispec Construction, Inc. bid was reviewed by the Public Works Department and found to be responsive.  Staff reviewed Unispec Construction, Inc. contractor's license and found it to be in order. Additionally, references indicate Unispec Construction, Inc. has the knowledge and capability to complete the work in a timely and acceptable manner.
It is recommended that the City Manager be authorized to approve change orders in an amount not-to-exceed $9,800 (10% of contract cost) to complete unforeseen additional work.  Doing so would expedite completion of the project.  
Construction will begin immediately after the equipment arrives from the factory. Lead time is approximately 8 to 9 weeks from order placement; however, the actual installation process will be completed within 15 working days.  The contract schedule allows adequate time for equipment installation, fuel and electrical connections, incidental painting, and commissioning.
This is an internal Public Works project. The majority of work will occur in a subterranean vault at the Well 11-A site, which is located at Green Lane and Manhattan Beach Blvd. in Redondo Beach. Before any works begins, City staff will notify neighbors in the immediate vicinity of work activities.
Staff recommends that the City Council award the Well 11-A Generator Installation Project to Unispec Construction, Inc. in the amount of $98,000.00.
1. Contract  Agreement
2. Revenue and Expenditure Table