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File #: 14-0501    Version: 1
Type: Consent - Staff Report Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council Regular Meeting
On agenda: 11/18/2014 Final action:
Title: Purchase of One Stormwater and Wastewater Pipeline Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Camera from Atlantic Machinery, Inc. in the Amount of $79,167 (Public Works Director Olmos). APPROVE
Code sections: 2.36.150 - Cooperative purchasing
Honorable Mayor Powell and Members of the City Council
Mark Danaj, City Manager
Tony Olmos, Public Works Director
Bruce Moe, Finance Director
Raul Saenz, Utilities Manager
Gwen Eng, Purchasing Manager
Purchase of One Stormwater and Wastewater Pipeline Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Camera from Atlantic Machinery, Inc. in the Amount of $79,167 (Public Works Director Olmos).
Recommended Action
Staff recommends that the City Council:
a)      Waive formal bidding per Municipal Code Section 2.36.150 (cooperative purchasing); and
b)      Authorize the purchase for one CCTV camera from Atlantic Machinery, Inc. in the amount of $79,167.      
Funds totaling $78,500 are budgeted in the fiscal year 2014-2015 Public Works Department for the purchase of this equipment.  The total purchase price is $79,167, which is $667 over budget.  Sufficient funds are available in the Public Works operating budget to offset the budget shortfall and complete the purchase.
Fiscal year 2014-2015 budget includes the purchase of a CCTV camera.  This pipeline inspection equipment will be used to investigate, locate and assess emergency line failures; routine and emergency maintenance priorities; and Capital Improvement Project priorities.  Furthermore, the CCTV camera will give the City the ability to perform National Pollution Discharge and Elimination System mandated Illicit Discharge Elimination System and Discharge investigations of its stormwater system and investigations related to the City's Sewer System Management Plan, specifically as they relate to the City's Fats-Oils-Grease Ordinance.  Currently, the City fulfills these requirements by using contracted services and annually spends $18,000.  Purchase of a CCTV camera with a life expectancy of approximately 10 years, provides a good cost / benefit.  In addition, requests for service can be met immediately, increasing service efficiencies.
Staff reviewed various models of CCTV cameras available on the market.  The Cues camera was selected since it has a long reach of 1000 feet, which is the distance between manholes; doesn't require dedicated software; interfaces with our existing GIS infrastructure; single unit and doesn't require assembly before each use; transporter wheels prevents slippage in a pipeline; local maintenance shop can provide parts and repairs; durable; easy to operate; and loaner CCTV cameras are available at no additional charge. The other cameras evaluated did not meet these specifications.
In addition, the recommended make and model of CCTV camera is used by the cities of Redondo Beach and El Segundo. This equipment purchase would lend support to regional standardization of equipment that strengthens and expedites mutual aid in the form of borrowing or lending support to our neighboring agencies in the event of wastewater and/or stormwater emergencies or catastrophic failures.
Whenever practical, the City "piggybacks" onto contracts which are economically advantageous.  In this case, Atlantic Machinery, Inc. has offered the City discounted pricing from a competitively bid contract with the National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA). NJPA is a public agency service cooperative with over 50,000 members throughout the nation.  This cooperative solicited bid made multiple awards for pipeline inspection equipment.  The awards were based on varying models and specifications, with the agreement that the vendors awarded contracts may not offer lower pricing to other agencies than the stated contract amounts.
Atlantic Machinery, Inc. was the lowest bidder for the model specified by the City of Manhattan Beach.  Because of the pricing and structure of the competitive bid and resulting contracts, staff believes that the NJPA pricing is the best attainable to meet the City's needs.  As a result, staff recommends purchasing the CCTV camera from Atlantic Machinery, Inc.
Based on this available "piggyback" opportunity, staff recommends City Council authorize the City Manager to award a purchase order to Atlantic Machinery, Inc. in the amount of $79,167 for the purchase of a CCTV camera.  Piggybacking is the extension of pricing, terms and conditions to other governmental agencies at the mutual consent of all parties. This is permissible under the City's Municipal Code, Section 2.36.150.
If this purchase is approved, the new unit will arrive in approximately six weeks.
Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the purchase for one CCTV camera from Atlantic Machinery, Inc. in the amount of $79,167.