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File #: 15-0221    Version: 1
Type: Consent - Staff Report Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council Regular Meeting
On agenda: 6/2/2015 Final action: 6/2/2015
Title: Purchase of One Budgeted Dial-A-Ride Paratransit Van from Nations Bus in the Amount of $68,944.39 Using AB 2766 (Motor Vehicle Registration Fee) Subvention Funds (Parks and Recreation Director Leyman). WAIVE FORMAL BIDDING; APPROVE
Code sections: 2.36.140 - Waivers
Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
Mark Danaj, City Manager
Mark Leyman, Parks and Recreation Director
Tony Olmos, Public Works Director
Bruce Moe, Finance Director
Eve Kelso, Recreation Services Manager
Gwen Eng, Purchasing Manager
Purchase of One Budgeted Dial-A-Ride Paratransit Van from Nations Bus in the Amount of $68,944.39 Using AB 2766 (Motor Vehicle Registration Fee) Subvention Funds (Parks and Recreation Director Leyman).
Recommended Action
Staff recommends that the City Council waive formal bidding per Municipal Code Section 2.36.140 (waivers) and approve the purchase of one budgeted paratransit van from Nations Bus in the amount of $68,944.39.
Funds totaling $79,000 are budgeted in the fiscal year (FY) 2014-2015 AB 2766 Subvention Fund for the purchase and equipping of this vehicle. This vehicle costs $68,944.39; the remaining budgeted funds of $10,055.61 will be used to outfit the vehicle with the customary electronics and graphics.
Dial-A-Ride (DAR) service has increased each year, up 17% in this past year alone. Often, the expanded service requires staff to utilize the City pool car fleet to augment the existing DAR bus and van fleet. In addition, the number of riders who use wheelchairs, which requires a vehicle with a wheelchair lift, has tripled in the past year. These increases have confirmed the need for an additional wheelchair accessible vehicle.
The City maintains a fleet of three Dial-A-Ride buses and one van. All four units are typically in operation during peak periods. This fifth vehicle has been approved for purchase in the FY 2014-15 Budget. The budgeted vehicle recommended for purchase is an 11-passenger paratransit van with 1 wheelchair lift.
Staff is recommending that we purchase the same model paratransit van previously purchased in 2013 (Turtletop). At that time, staff reviewed and test-drove on City streets various products to evaluate under real world conditions. This was of primary importance due to the numerous sections of narrow city streets and the need to assess vehicle performance in such an environment. The Turtletop van was selected based on the following criteria: side entry for wheelchair users, which is safer than rear; adequate seating capacity to meet ridership demands; a vehicle suitable to navigate narrow streets and parking lots with weight and/or height restrictions; an effective layout that maximizes access and headroom for passengers; and local service facilities for repairs and warranty work.  
The Turtletop is sold exclusively in the State of California by Nations Bus. As a result, competitive bidding is not possible for this make and model of van. However, when the City purchased its last Turtletop in 2013, we were able to take advantage of a "piggyback" contract from the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT). At that time, Nations Bus was the lowest bidder on that make and model and was awarded a contract. However, that contract is no longer available.
Fortunately, the City has negotiated a purchase from Nations Bus for the 2015 version of the same van model we purchased in 2013, for the same purchase price paid in 2013. Staff verified that the pricing is preferential based on a recent Florida Department of Transportation contract. In fact, the City's price is 4.3% lower than what the State of Florida is paying for the same unit. As a result, staff recommends waiving form al bidding and purchasing the Turtletop van from Nations Bus.
The requested paratransit vehicle was selected based on the best solution for the City's needs. Based on the available pricing, staff recommends City Council waive formal bidding and award an order to Nations Bus in the amount of $68,944.39 for the purchase of one Turtletop van. If this purchase is approved, the new vehicle will arrive in approximately four months.