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File #: CON 15-0011    Version: 1
Type: Consent - SR w/Contract Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council Regular Meeting
On agenda: 5/5/2015 Final action:
Title: Approve Cooperative Agreement with the City of Hawthorne for the Aviation-Marine Dual Left Turn Lanes Project and Accept Street Right-of-Way Dedication and Sidewalk Easement Dedications at 2301 N. Aviation Boulevard for the Aviation-Marine Dual Left Turn Lanes Project (Public Works Director Olmos). APPROVE
Attachments: 1. Cooperative Agreement with City of Hawthorne, 2. Chevron Grant Deed, 3. Irrevocable Offer to Dedicate Road Easement, 4. Grant of Sidewalk Easement, 5. Resolution No. 14-0031
Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
Mark Danaj, City Manager
Tony Olmos, Director of Public Works
Joe Parco, City Engineer
Edward Kao, Senior Civil Engineer
Approve Cooperative Agreement with the City of Hawthorne for the Aviation-Marine Dual Left Turn Lanes Project and Accept Street Right-of-Way Dedication and Sidewalk Easement Dedications at 2301 N. Aviation Boulevard for the Aviation-Marine Dual Left Turn Lanes Project (Public Works Director Olmos).
Recommended Action
Staff recommends that the City Council:
1.      Approve a Cooperative Agreement with City of Hawthorne,
2.      Adopt Resolution No. 14-0031 accepting a real property dedication and sidewalk easement dedications at 2301 N. Aviation Boulevard.
The City of Manhattan Beach will fund the improvements within City limits using the Measure R Highway Program funds in the amount of $1,500,000, which were previously programmed by the South Bay Cities Coalition of Governments (SBCCOG) towards this project. There are no costs associated with the acceptance of the street right-of-way dedication and sidewalk easement dedications.
In order to improve traffic circulation at the intersection of Aviation Boulevard and Marine Avenue, it is proposed to add a second left turn lane on southbound Aviation Boulevard onto eastbound Marine Avenue.  During regular weekday commute hours and often on weekends, the existing single left turn lane frequently becomes filled beyond capacity, creating delays, congestion and unsafe conditions. A traffic study was generated as part of the 2003 Circulation Element that identified this intersection as significantly impacted, operating at a Level of Service (LOS) F.  In 2005, LA County developed a project to widen Aviation Boulevard to 3 through lanes through Marine Avenue with dual left turn pockets.  The dual left turn pockets did not get constructed with the LA County project since there was insufficient Right of Way.  Dual left turn lanes at this location would greatly improve the flow of traffic and safety at this intersection.
The City shares this intersection with the cities of Hawthorne and Redondo Beach.  For efficiency, this project is to be combined into a joint project with these cities.  In the City of Hawthorne, improvements include construction of an additional left-turn lane from westbound Marine Avenue to southbound Aviation Boulevard, a third westbound through lane and a dedicated westbound right-turn pocket at the north side of Marine Avenue. In the City of Redondo Beach, there will only be restriping to ensure that the new intersection improvements match up with the existing striping. In Manhattan Beach, improvements include sidewalk and parkway improvements on the northwest corner of the intersection in order to accommodate the additional space needed for the second southbound to eastbound left-turn lane.
Sidewalk and parkway improvements within the City of Manhattan Beach require additional right-of-way. Per a previous condition of development, the required right-of-way will be dedicated by Chevron USA.
To coordinate and oversee the design, bidding, and construction of this project, the affected agencies have agreed to designate the City of Hawthorne as the lead agency. To formalize this arrangement, the cities will need to enter into a Cooperative Agreement.
The Cooperative Agreement is included as Attachment 1 to this staff report.  The agreement outlines each city's respective responsibilities and designates the City of Hawthorne as the lead agency for the overall project.  The City of Manhattan Beach remains an integral part of the project team, but will be working with City of Hawthorne staff to ensure that all improvements are designed and constructed to City of Manhattan Beach standards.  The Cooperative Agreement also discusses the City of Manhattan Beach's cost share towards the project and documents the transfer of $1,500,000 in previously approved Measure R South Bay Highway Program funds from the City of Manhattan Beach SBCCOG's allocation to the City of Hawthorne.  
The anticipated schedule for this joint project is as follows:
Design completion: November 2015
Award of construction contract: April 2016
Construction completion: September 2017
In order to provide enough room for the construction of the dual left turn pockets, street right-of-way and sidewalk easements on the northwest corner of Marine Avenue and Aviation Boulevard will need to be acquired.  Chevron U.S.A. Inc., the owner of the property at 2301 N. Aviation, is dedicating the necessary street right-of- way and sidewalk easement dedications to the City as part of the Public Works requirements of Resolution No. PC 09-05. This resolution approved a use permit to replace the existing Chevron Service Station with a new Chevron Service Station that includes a food mart and a self-service car wash.  Resolution No. 14-0031, therefore, provides for the City to accept this real property dedication and sidewalk easement dedications for street and roadway purposes.
Alternative: Not to approve the Cooperative Agreement with City of Hawthorne.
Pros:       City of Manhattan Beach will have direct control of the project at all stages.
Cons: City of Manhattan Beach would not benefit by the savings in time and cost that can be achieved from a combined larger scale multi-agencies contract. The public will be inconvenienced by longer construction activities at the same intersection due to different projects by different agencies.
Reason for not recommending: The negative impacts of this alternative outweigh the positive.
A public outreach program will be prepared as part of the project by the City of Hawthorne as the lead agency. The City of Manhattan Beach will assure that there is close coordination with all affected businesses and residents throughout the different project stages.
It is staff's recommendation that the City Council:
1.      Approve a Cooperative Agreement with City of Hawthorne,
2.      Adopt Resolution No. 14-0031 accepting a real property dedication and sidewalk easement dedications at 2301 N. Aviation Boulevard.
1. Cooperative Agreement with City of Hawthorne
2. Chevron Grant Deed
3. Irrevocable Offer to Dedicate Road Easement
4. Grant of Sidewalk Easement
5. Resolution 14-0031