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File #: RES 15-0018    Version: 1
Type: Public Hearing - SR w/Resolution Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council Regular Meeting
On agenda: 4/21/2015 Final action:
Title: Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Resolution No. 15-0018 Regarding a Coastal Development Permit for the 2015 Manhattan Beach Open Volleyball Tournament; Request from International Merchandising Company for Special Permit: Limited Alcoholic Beverage Use on Public Property for the Manhattan Beach Open Event, August 13-16, 2015 in the Lower South Pier Parking Lot. (Parks and Recreation Director Leyman). CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING, ADOPT
Attachments: 1. 2015 MBO Co-Sponsor Agreement, 2. 2015 Proposed Schematic, 3. Resolution No. 15-0018
TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
THROUGH: Mark Danaj, City Manager  
Mark Leyman, Director of Parks and Recreation
Jessica Vincent, Recreation Services Manager
Marissa Ludstedt, Director of Community Development
Eric Haaland, Associate Planner
Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Resolution No. 15-0018 Regarding a Coastal Development Permit for the 2015 Manhattan Beach Open Volleyball Tournament; Request from International Merchandising Company for Special Permit: Limited Alcoholic Beverage Use on Public Property for the Manhattan Beach Open Event, August 13-16, 2015 in the Lower South Pier Parking Lot. (Parks and Recreation Director Leyman).
Recommended Action
Staff recommends that the City Council a) Adopt Resolution No. 15-0018 approving a Coastal Development Permit and Temporary Use Permit for the 2015 Manhattan Beach Open (MBO) scheduled for August 13-16, 2015 and b) Approve the request from International Merchandising Company (IMC)  for a special permit for limited alcoholic beverage use on public property for the Manhattan Beach Open, August 13-16, 2015 in the lower south pier parking lot.
If approved, under the terms of the attached contract, the event operator, IMC will reimburse the City for all costs associated with the event, estimated to be $50,000. As a co-sponsored City event, the City has waived fees for City permits and the use of the City's name.
The 2014 Manhattan Beach Open was the fourth year in an agreement between IMC and the City (Attachment 1). The event consisted of 100% free stadium style seating, food booths, live music and interactive game booths. The event set-up included a main stage on the east side of the beach and south of the pier, with all speakers facing west. This configuration helped reduce the sound amplification that drifts into the surrounding neighborhoods. Before, during and after the event, staff evaluated and monitored the production of the tournament in regards to public concerns.
The Departments of Public Works, Police, Fire and Parks and Recreation evaluated the events over the last four years in terms of its impact on the community and City services. The feedback received from each department was positive. The set-up, event operation and tear-down were safe and efficient and the event operators worked well with City staff.
Staff met with International Merchandising Company (IMC) to discuss the proposed 2015 Manhattan Beach Open Event.  IMC will be the operator for all Association of Volleyball Professionals (AVP) tour series events.  This partnership will bring the top beach volleyball players in the world to the "Wimbledon of Beach Volleyball", the Manhattan Beach Open.  IMC is also proposing many of the same amenities, such as food booths, live entertainment, feature courts viewable from the pier and a Pier Ceremony honoring the men's and women's champions.  IMC will also provide a bicycle valet.
Proposed Changes
IMC has proposed changes to the 2015 event including live national television coverage and a new stadium seating plan (Attachment 2).  IMC will be partnering with NBC and NBC Sports to provide a live broadcast on national television for the men's and women's final championship matches. To provide optimal television coverage and accommodate more spectators, IMC has proposed stadium seating.  The proposed location for the stadium seating will be centered at the end of the lower south Pier parking lot (Attachment 3).  Moving the stadium court to the south will allow two premier courts to be viewed from the Pier in addition to the stadium seating.  There will be free and open seating for 75% of all stadium seating areas and 25% paid seating.
The proposed seating area over the south Pier parking lot will include a ticketed VIP area in the lower south parking lot elevated over the bike path with 10 rows of bench seating overlooking the stadium court. Within the elevated area over the parking lot, IMC has proposed serving beer and wine. Planned hours of operation begin at 10am, ending at 9pm Friday, Saturday, and Sunday with a reception following the 2014 MBO Champions Pier Ceremony on Thursday from 4 to 6pm. Additional potential events during non-tournament hours in the area include a kids volleyball clinic and parents reception, community movie night and Dinner of Champions.  The timeline for set-up and tear-down is consistent to past years.
IMC is proposing to hire a catering company to provide beer and wine service in the VIP area. The VIP experience is open to the general public and available for 400-500 people per day.  This ticketed event will provide each guest with credentials in order to enter the secure area. IMC will hire security to staff the area, checking IDs to ensure all guests are 21 or older or accompanied by an adult.  IMC will also adhere to all City requirements including obtaining an alcohol and beverage control permit, provide security throughout the event and comply with all fire safety regulations.
The 2015 MBO marks the second year of a two-year agreement between IMC and AVP for IMC to manage the operations of the seven tournament AVP tour. Of the seven-event nationwide tour in 2014, beer and wine services were permitted at all events aside from the MBO. Additionally, IMC is a company renowned for its expertise in partnering with premiere properties in sports and many other fields and hosts tournaments and VIP experiences similar to the proposal brought to Manhattan Beach nationwide and internationally.
Request for Limited Alcohol Beverage Use
The policy for permitting events with alcohol will be brought to the Council at an upcoming meeting for consideration.  In advance of this discussion, staff is suggesting that the City policy be updated to provide the ability for events that provide a community benefit, with a corresponding proposed change to the Municipal Code to be presented for Council consideration this summer.  Similar to the municipal code for banners, request for alcohol at special events may be issued for City-sponsored, co-sponsored events and City funded-events.  These events should provide a community benefit and be open to the general public.
The current Municipal Code section 4.48.090 states:
"Notwithstanding the other prohibitions of this chapter, the Council may grant special permits for the sale or consumption of wine or beer at special functions or activities in the City of Manhattan Beach, including the Manhattan Beach Pier, but excluding the remainder of the public beach, subject to the recommendations of the Chief of Police.  Any such permit with the sale of beer or wine shall also be subject to the license requirements of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act of the State."
Staff recommends including language to provide for events that provide a benefit to the community. Examples could include, but are not limited to: The Manhattan Beach Open, Bite at the Beach Chamber Event and the Girls Night Out Fashion Show Event.
In addition to the attached City agreement, Los Angeles County Department of Beaches and Harbors will issue a permit in order to hold the event.  The County has stated that they will grant a permit, only if the City allows the County to sample products on the beach.  The City Council has permitted this for past events administratively through City staff.  Unless directed otherwise, staff will again take this approach.
Environmental Review
The proposed temporary event is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).  Per the CEQA Guidelines, the event is exempt pursuant to the following provisions:  Section 15304 (e), "Minor Alterations to Land;" Section 15311 (c), "Accessory Structures;" and Section 15323, "Normal Operations of Facilities for Public Gatherings."
The proposed event is a temporary activity being conducted on a public beach in which the event will not result in any degradation or alteration to the condition of land, water or vegetation.  Based upon past events of this nature, no permanent environmental effects are anticipated.
Coastal Development Permit/Temporary Use Permit
The beach area is located within the Open Space (OS) district of the City's Zoning Code and is regulated by the provisions of the City's certified Local Coastal Program.  The Open Space District allows "Sporting Events where more than 75% of the total seating area is available free of charge," as a permitted use subject to a temporary use permit.
The required coastal permit notice was published in the Beach Reporter and mailed to properties within 100 feet of the tournament site. Notice of the City Council's action on the permit shall be provided to the California Coastal Commission. Staff's review of the coastal development permit finds the proposed installation to be consistent with the City's coastal program as follows:
The structures shall not obstruct access ways within the coastal zone.  While they will occupy some space on the beach, access from the Strand, bike path and pier to the coastline and surrounding beach shall remain available.  The proposed configuration shall permit public view of the center court volleyball competition from the adjacent pier.  
Any displacement of normal views or use of the space shall be temporary for the period allowed by the proposed permit.  Installation and use of the bleachers and related structures shall be subject to requirements regarding timing, paid seating, shuttle, signs, trash, etc.
The Department of Parks and Recreation, Public Works, Police, Fire and Community Development met internally to discuss the proposal, then conducted a second meeting with the Downtown Business and Professionals Association and Los Angeles County Lifeguards to receive their input. If City Council approves moving forward with the IMC proposal, staff will conduct additional meetings with LA County Department of Beaches & Harbor and IMC will personally notify residential areas near the event site to ensure they are aware of the tournament and event build out.
Staff recommends City Council 1) Adopt Resolution No. 15-0018 approving the related Coastal Development Permit; 2) Approve the request from International Merchandising Corporation for a special permit for limited alcoholic beverage use on public property for the Manhattan Beach Open, August 13-16, 2015 in the lower pier parking lot.
1.      2015 MBO Co-Sponsor Agreement
2.      2015 Proposed Schematic
3.      Resolution No. 15-0018