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File #: CON 15-0015    Version: 1
Type: Consent - SR w/Contract Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council Regular Meeting
On agenda: 4/7/2015 Final action:
Title: Approve Consultant Agreement with Nonzero\Architecture for Architectural and Engineering Design Services for the Rehabilitation of the Manhattan Beach Pier, Pier Roundhouse and Pier Comfort Station in the Amount of $155,400 and Authorize City Manager to Execute Consultant Agreement (Public Works Director Olmos). APPROVE
Attachments: 1. Faithful+ Gould FSA Report Pier Complex, 2. Professional Services Agreement
Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
Mark Danaj, City Manager
Tony Olmos, Public Works Director
Juan Price, Maintenance Superintendent
Karen Domerchie, Senior Management Analyst
Approve Consultant Agreement with Nonzero\Architecture for Architectural and Engineering Design Services for the Rehabilitation of the Manhattan Beach Pier, Pier Roundhouse and Pier Comfort Station in the Amount of $155,400 and Authorize City Manager to Execute Consultant Agreement (Public Works Director Olmos).
Recommended Action
Staff recommends that City Council:
1)      Approve Consultant Agreement with Nonzero\Architecture for architectural and engineering design services for the rehabilitation of the Manhattan Beach Pier, Pier Roundhouse and Pier Comfort Station in the amount of $155,400.
2)      Authorize City Manager to execute Consultant Agreement.
3)      Approve a Design Contingency in the amount of $31,800 (20%).
City Council appropriated sufficient State Pier and Parking Funds for this project as part of the fiscal year 2014-2015 Capital Improvement Plan.
The Pier complex includes the Pier, adjoining structures and the four parking lots west of Ocean Avenue. The Manhattan Beach Pier was originally developed circa 1917. The Pier Roundhouse was constructed in 1921, rebuilt in 1992 and further renovated in 2002. The Comfort Station was also rehabilitated in 2002 in conjunction with the Roundhouse. In 1988, the City entered into an operating agreement with the State of California in which the City assumed maintenance responsibilities for the Pier. Revenues generated through Pier parking operations fund all maintenance and operations of the Pier complex. Located at the base of the Pier, the County of Los Angeles Lifeguard Station is operated by the County of Los Angeles through a separate agreement with the State and is not included as part of this project.
The Pier Roundhouse encompasses 2,222 square feet and is currently occupied by the Oceanographic Teaching Station (OTS) and a coffee concession. The Pier Comfort Station (restroom building) forms a part of the Manhattan Beach Pier complex and is located adjacent to the base of the pier at the western terminus of Manhattan Beach Boulevard. The Pier is an integral part of the Manhattan Beach identity, and is heavily used by residents and visitors alike.
The City must periodically perform maintenance and rehabilitation to the Pier and related structures to maintain aesthetics and structural integrity. The Pier complex exists adjacent to and within the marine environment and is constantly exposed to corrosion, humidity and other ocean related stressors. The City completed evaluation and localized structural rehabilitation to the Pier pilings and beams in 2012. In addition, the condition of the Pier Roundhouse and Comfort Station were assessed as part of the 2013 Citywide Facility Assessment Study (FSA). The current project will address those items identified in the FSA requiring maintenance, repair and replacement. Additional work will be performed to address the aesthetic needs of the interior and exterior structures, Pier railings, water, wastewater and electrical utilities. Enhanced safety needs as identified by Fire and Police are also included in the scope of the project. Portions of the FSA specific to the Pier Complex is included in Attachment 1.
City staff solicited proposals from professional engineering and architectural design services for the rehabilitative work at the Pier, the Pier Roundhouse and the Pier Comfort Station based on the FSA report prepared by Faithful + Gould, Inc.
The City received two (2) proposals on February 17, 2015.  Proposals were received from Nonzero\Architecture and from Walter P. Moore. Both proposals were thorough and detailed. After review of the proposals and subsequent interviews, staff selected Nonzero/Architecture as providing the best value for this project.
Nonzero\Architecture has experience in commercial, educational, institutional, cultural and civic projects, as well as custom residential housing.  They have provided architectural services in the Los Angeles area since 1990 and a large percentage of their work involves the rehabilitation of older structures, as well as the renovation and restoration of existing buildings.
Walter P. Moore is also a well-qualified firm.  However, during review of their proposal and conversations during their interview, it became clear that the firm preferred to work on larger more technical projects and were determined to not be the best fit for this project.
The comprehensive scope of work for Nonzero\Architecture is included in Attachment 2. In summary, the Pier Roundhouse, Pier railings, and Pier comfort station will receive varying degrees of repair and rehabilitation, with the comfort station undergoing major renovation. Restoration of the mosaic tile art element at the shower area is also included in this project. The Roundhouse will require window and door work, door and window hardware, restroom renovation, electrical and some roofing and structural work.
Water and wastewater conveyance systems will be replaced in their entirety, and the wastewater pump station will be upgraded to accept a specialized grinding pump to enhance reliability.
Staff has met with OTS board members and the concessionaire to discuss the project scope and both parties were supportive of the project.
Upon award, planning meetings will be scheduled to ensure that any potentially impacted stakeholders (OTS, LA County Lifeguard, LA County Beaches and Harbors, MBPD, MBFD, DTBA, etc.) are in attendance at a project introductory meeting. One or more community meetings will be held, as needed, to advise the public of the scope of work and scheduling at the appropriate time, typically at the programming stage.
It is anticipated that the architectural and engineering design documents will be completed and construction permits obtained by late Summer 2015. Request for Bids for construction will be issued immediately thereafter. Construction would begin early Fall 2015, and anticipated construction completion would be mid-May 2016. Final schedules will be developed with Nonzero\Architecture to ensure the overarching goal of minimized disruption and maximum allowable accessibility is maintained to Pier Complex users.
A FSA of the Pier complex was completed in September 2013, indicating that significant work is required at these facilities. Major renovations have not been undertaken since 2002 (Pier Roundhouse & Pier Comfort Station), and facilities have deteriorated due to exposure to the marine environment and heavy use. Therefore, staff recommends approval of Consultant Agreement with Nonzero/Architecture in the amount of $155,400 for completion of the contract documents for this project.
1. Faithful+ Gould FSA Report Pier Complex
2. Professional Services Agreement