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File #: 13-0100    Version: 1
Type: Consent - Staff Report Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council Regular Meeting
On agenda: 3/19/2013 Final action:
Title: Final Payment in the Net Amount of $137,664.12 to Blois Construction, Inc.; Change Order No. 1 ($10,517.00); Formally Accept the Greenbelt Low Flow Infiltration Project as Complete; and Authorize the Filing of the Appropriate Notice of Completion and Release of Retention in the Amount of $27,462.75 APPROVE
Attachments: 1. Attachment 1 - Greenbelt Project Budget, Expenditures and Progress Payments


Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council



David N. Carmany, City Manager



Jim Arndt, Public Works Director

Steve Finton, City Engineer

Michael A. Guerrero, Principal Civil Engineer



Final Payment in the Net Amount of $137,664.12 to Blois Construction, Inc.; Change Order No. 1 ($10,517.00); Formally Accept the Greenbelt Low Flow Infiltration Project as Complete; and Authorize the Filing of the Appropriate Notice of Completion and Release of Retention in the Amount of $27,462.75




Recommended Action


Staff recommends that the City Council:

a) Approve a Final Payment in the amount of $144,909.60 [95%, $137,664.12, to be released immediately and 5%, $7,245.48, to be retained and released after acceptance of the project.] to Blois Construction for the Greenbelt Low Flow Infiltration Project;

b) Approve Change Order No. 1 in the net amount of $10,517.00; and,

c) Formally accept the Greenbelt Low Flow Infiltration Project as complete; and,

d) Authorize filing of the appropriate Notice of Completion and the release of retention in the amount of $27,462.75.



The project includes funding in the amount of $500,000 in State grant funds from the California State Water Resources Control Board through the Proposition 84 Agricultural Water Quality Grant Program for the purpose of protecting beaches and coastal waters from pollution and toxic contamination. The grant includes City matching funds in the amount of $100,000 which includes $50,000 of City staff in-kind services (project management, design, construction management/inspection) and $50,000 from the Storm Water Fund that was budgeted in the FY 2008-2009 Capital Improvement Plan. An additional appropriation of $130,000 from the City Storm Water Fund was budgeted for the FY 2012-2013 CIP and an additional appropriation of $105,000 from the City Storm Water Fund was approved by the City Council at the September 18, 2012 City Council Meeting. A summary of Budget/Expenditures and Progress Payments is provided in Attachment 1.  Should Council approve this Final Payment, 95%, or $137,664.12, will be released immediately and 5%, or $7,245.48, will be retained and released after acceptance of the project.



The City of Manhattan Beach was awarded Prop 84 grant funds for the installation of an infiltration system to be installed within the greenbelt in Veteran’s Parkway. The infiltration system will be installed along the greenbelt pathway from 2nd Street to Boundary Place. The infiltration system will be installed below ground to preserve the existing use of the greenbelt as a running/walking path and to support loads associated with municipal maintenance vehicles. The infiltration system will intercept surface water flows from the City’s existing storm water system and includes a 55.2 acre tributary area that contributes to the storm water run-off at the connection location at Ardmore Avenue and 2nd Street.


On September 18, 2012, the City Council awarded a construction contract to Blois Construction in the amount of $538,738, authorized the City Manager to approve potential additional work in the amount of $54,000, and awarded a professional engineering services contract to Anderson Penna Partners in the amount of $72,220 for construction inspection services for the Greenbelt Low Flow Infiltration Project.



Installation of the perforated storm drain pipe for the infiltration system required the vertical realignment of an existing City water main that crosses the Greenbelt. The realignment work was unforeseen due to incorrect elevation information that was shown on the City’s Record Drawing. The Contractor performed this additional work in the net amount of $10,517.00. Payment for this additional work is included in the recommended final payment as indicated below and is within the Construction Contingency amount previously approved by the City Council.


The Contractor has completed the work and is requesting formal acceptance of the work and final payment in the amount of $137,664.12. A five percent (5%) retention in the amount of $27,462.75 would be released upon the expiration of 35 days after recordation of the Notice of Completion with the County Recorder. All work inspected by the Public Works Department has been found to be in conformance with the plans and specifications.


                     1. Budget/Expenditures and Progress Payments