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File #: CON 14-0032    Version: 1
Type: Consent - SR w/Contract Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council Regular Meeting
On agenda: 7/1/2014 Final action:
Title: Approval of Plans and Specifications and Award of Contract to Provide and Install Hardware and Software to Upgrade Novar HVAC Controls Project to Building Control Center in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $36,560.00 (Public Works Director Olmos). APPROVE
Attachments: 1. Provide and Install Hardware and Software to Upgrade Novar Controls Contract
Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
Bruce Moe, Acting City Manager
Tony Olmos, Director of Public Works
Juan Price, Maintenance Superintendent
Approval of Plans and Specifications and Award of Contract to Provide and Install Hardware and Software to Upgrade Novar HVAC Controls Project to Building Control Center in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $36,560.00 (Public Works Director Olmos).
Recommended Action
Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Building Control Center to provide and install hardware and software to upgrade Novar HVAC Controls for an amount not-to-exceed $36,560.00 and authorize the City Manager to approve additional work in an amount not-to-exceed $3,656.00 (10%).
There are sufficient funds in the Facilities operating budget (615-18-041-5101) to fund this project.
The City Hall HVAC control system is of older, obsolete technology with limited functionality.  Unlike modern building control systems that are web base and controlled via point and click interfaces, the current system is programmed within a command line environment using a proprietary control language.
Staff has been making repairs to the existing Novar Control System as needed to avert a complete system shutdown.  However, the central processing unit of the system has malfunctioned on more than one occasion and parts and service are no longer available.
The entire City Hall HVAC system as identified in the Facilities Condition Assessment is recommended for replacement.  Previously, the Level III Energy Audit also identified the City Hall HVAC system as antiquated.  There are many shortfalls in the current system due to airflow and ducting.  Aside from comfort issues, the system also generates noise that can be disruptive to the City Hall occupants.  However, there are significant challenges involved in ensuring that the affected lighting, plumbing, glazing, and ceiling systems are replaced in concert with any HVAC work, especially in an occupied building.  Additionally, the Level III Energy Audit recommended a thermal storage system powered by the existing central plant system at the Police Fire Facility be integrated into the new City Hall HVAC system.
The design, construction planning, and funding of such an undertaking may take two or more years to finalize.  The recommended upgrade adds an interpreter to the existing Novar control system coupled with custom programming, enabling the upgraded system to function as a more modern system, and allows for remote access and diagnosis. Staff will be able to quickly change temperature set points and immediately identify malfunctions. Currently, if the system malfunctions for any reason, staff's first alert is an end user call of physical discomfort.  In many cases, having the ability to login in remotely will allow a system reset or bypass to allow limited function until proper repairs can be arranged.  This is will be especially helpful in afterhours or weekend situations in which the building is scheduled to be used.
The upgrade will allow staff to maximize and prolong the useful life our current hardware and control systems and allow for remote control from any workstation within the City. The upgrade will allow the system to function for the immediate future until such time that the entire City Hall facility can be comprehensively refurbished.
Construction Bid Proposals:
This project was advertised for bids in the Beach Reporter, the City's publisher of record and several standard construction industry publications, including the Dodge Green Sheet. Specifications were provided to potential bidders via the City's website.  A total of 1 bid was received and opened on June 10, 2014.
Building Control Center- $36,560.00
Building Control Center's bid was reviewed by the Public Works Department and found to be responsive.  References and the City's prior experience with the contractor indicate Building Control Center has the specialized programming knowledge, familiarity with the Novar system currently used in the existing system and the capability to complete the work in a timely and acceptable manner.
Authorization of Additional Work:
It is recommended that the City Manager be authorized to approve change orders in an amount not-to-exceed $3,656.00 (10% of contract cost) to complete unforeseen additional work.  Doing so would expedite completion of the project.  A report of any additional work can be provided to the City Council at the end of the project
Construction Schedule:
A planned pre-construction meeting will take place the week of July 7, 2014 at which time a start date will be determined. Creating graphics and programming the interpreter will take up the bulk of the project time; actual hardware installation and setup is a two to three day process. Staff does not anticipate any disruption of daily office activities during the change over to the upgraded controls. The schedule allows 30 working days to complete the project, which places the project completion date mid-August 2014.
Due to the complexities of designing, planning, and funding the refurbishment of City Hall, staff recommends the City Council approve the Novar HVAC control upgrade project. This relatively inexpensive upgrade will allow maximum flexibility in moving forward with a City Hall remodeling project and maximizes the life of the installed system. While the ultimate goal is an energy-efficient and refurbished City Hall facility, this small investment allows continued functionality until such time that the HVAC replacement is addressed.
1. Provide and Install Hardware and Software to Upgrade Novar Controls Contract