Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
Talyn Mirzakhanian, Acting City Manager
Mark Leyman, Parks and Recreation Director
Linda Robb, Senior Management Analyst
Consideration of the Sand Dune Park Conceptual Design Proposal (Parks and Recreation Director Leyman).
(Estimated Time: 1 Hr.)
Staff recommends that the City Council discuss and provide direction on the Sand Dune Park Conceptual Design Proposal.
There is no fiscal implication associated with the recommended action at this time. Nevertheless, the anticipated construction expenses, including a 20% allowance for Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) improvements, and 20% for final design, inspection and construction management, amount to approximately $3,517,306. The budget for the Sand Dune Master Plan project comprises of $1,200,000 from the CIP fund. Furthermore, a portion of the Public Arts Fund, which currently has approximately $800,000 in unrestricted funds, could be designated for ornamental fencing in the upper and lower sections. Additionally, part of Measure A park development grant funds, which has an available balance of roughly $489,000, could also be employed for this project. Any budget deficits pertaining to this project will need to be resolved in the forthcoming Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan or by reassigning other funded CIP projects.
The development of a Sand Dune Park Master Plan is on the City Council’s Work Plan. At the January 11, 2022, joint City Council/Commissions meeting, City Council directed staff and the Parks and Recreation Commission to explore opportunities to improve Sand Dune Park and evaluate uses for the future, including nature areas and trails, park improvements, and a replacement building currently housing a workspace and storage area.
Completed action items to date include a major landscape revitalization project led by Public Works which included cleaning, stabilizing, and beautifying the hillside, irrigation system repairs, upgrade of the retaining wall and fencing, and adding decomposed granite at the bottom of Sand Dune Park.
Staff and the Parks and Recreation Commission have conducted a survey and hosted two public outreach meetings, to gather community input regarding additional potential enhancements, including a new facility, upgraded park amenities, and expanded programming at Sand Dune Park. Feedback indicated that additional programming is welcomed for children grades K-5 but no teen or adult programming is desired, as it would likely cause an increase in traffic and parking issues.
David Volz Design was selected to solicit community feedback from the outreach events and survey, and to develop conceptual design plans for park improvements. The firm developed two design scenarios based on community input, for the City’s consideration. These concepts were presented at a community meeting on March 9, 2024, at Sand Dune Park. Based on feedback on the two designs, the final concept design was presented to the Parks and Recreation Commission on May 29, 2024, at which time the Commission approved for the design to move forward to City Council. The Commission focused on elevating the park’s existing amenities without having to reimagine its unique identity.
The final concept plan (Attachment) includes one tot lot and one playground for ages five to twelve. It also includes two new fully accessible play structures that will be enclosed with a new fence and gates. The play structures will be comprised of natural wood with rubberized surfacing, enhancing the brand of the site.
The design protects the existing mulberry trees while adding seating opportunities. An outdoor education area featuring a low wooden stage and low benches for elementary school children was added as a result of input received at the community meetings. A pedestrian lighting system is proposed for the entire park to enhance security and aesthetics.
The design also features two new prefabricated buildings with Spanish style architecture. A new restroom, and office building will anchor the south side of the site and provide much-needed upgrades to park facilities.
At the City Council’s request, decorative fencing has been incorporated, with the proposed lace fencing being very well received by the community. A final design and cost for the art will be reviewed by the Cultural Arts Commission and presented to City Council for an allocation from the Public Arts Fund. The cost estimate provided is based on similar decorative fencing.
At the second community meeting, it was requested that the City consider installing a concrete pathway in the south lawn, in a location where there is evidence of significant bike and walking traffic. The pathway presented is six feet wide with bollard lighting, extending the length of the south lawn. At the May 29, 2024, Parks and Recreation Commission meeting, three residents spoke in opposition to the pathway. Additionally, six emails were received, all in opposition to the path. Concerns included loss of natural open play space, interference with play, and possible safety hazards. The cost estimate provided for paving, curbs, and decking, includes the concrete path.
The following is an estimate of probable construction costs:
Site Clearing, Earthwork and Grading, Stormwater Facilities $115,200
Paving, Curbs, and Decking $324,715
Prefab Buildings (office, restroom) $700,000
Structures (shade structure, stage) $52,000
Fences, Gates, and Walls $297,250
Play Equipment $392,650
Site Furnishings (picnic tables, benches, bike rack, park sign) $80,300
Landscape and Irrigation $287,756
Lighting $95,000
Construction Items estimate $2,579,358
Final Design, Inspection and Construction Management 20% $468,974
Possible ADA upgrades 20% $468,974
Construction budget estimate $3,517,306
A survey was conducted in late 2022 to understand what residents would like to see in Sand Dune Park with respect to a new building, amenities and programming. The survey was open through May 31, 2023. Community input were held at Sand Dune Park on April 30, 2023, and March 9, 2024. The resulting design was presented to the Parks and Recreation Commission on May 29, 2024.
The City has reviewed the proposed Sand Dune Park Design Plan for compliance with CEQA and finds that the plan is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), per State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 (Existing Facilities) and 15302 (Replacement or Reconstruction). The Project will neither individually nor cumulatively have an adverse effect on wildlife resources, as defined in Fish and Game Code Section 711.2. Furthermore, there are no features that distinguish this project from others in the exempt classes; therefore, there are no unusual circumstances. Thus, no further environmental review is necessary.
The City Attorney has reviewed this report and determined that no additional legal analysis is necessary.
1. Cost Estimates
2. Survey Results
3. Public Comment Emails
4. PowerPoint Presentation