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File #: 19-0012    Version: 1
Type: Gen. Bus. - Staff Report Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council Regular Meeting
On agenda: 3/6/2019 Final action:
Title: Library Commission Recommendations Regarding the Use of Manhattan Beach County Library Surplus Funds (Parks and Recreation Director Leyman). APPROVE
Attachments: 1. LA County Library Operating Statement Fiscal Year 2017-2018, 2. Manhattan Beach Library Report 2017-2018


Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council



Bruce Moe, City Manager



Mark Leyman, Parks and Recreation Director

Eve Kelso, Recreation Services Manager



Library Commission Recommendations Regarding the Use of Manhattan Beach County Library Surplus Funds (Parks and Recreation Director Leyman).




Recommended Action


Staff recommends the City Council approve the Library Commission recommendations for the use of Manhattan Beach County Library surplus funds.Body


Costs associated with the Library Commission’s recommendations, totaling $86,000, would be expended from the Manhattan Beach County Library surplus funds. The recommendations include $61,000 in ongoing annual expenditures and $25,000 in one-time costs for the Family Place certification. The itemized costs are as follows:


1.                     Full Time Adult Services Librarian to replace unfilled ½ time position - $58,000 to augment the current ½ time salary (ongoing);

2.                     Family Place - $25,000 (one time); and

3.                     Three additional window cleanings per year at $1,000 per cleaning - $3,000 (ongoing).



Each year the County of Los Angeles Public Library provides a summary of activities and a financial report for the Manhattan Beach Library (Attachment).  City staff met with County Library staff on January 30, 2019, to discuss the summary and possible service enhancements. The attachment is a summary of services including data on circulation and programming highlights.


The financial summary includes a surplus for last fiscal year of $804,728 and a capital reserve balance of $4,815,643 which may be used for future library services enhancements. This surplus is a result of Manhattan Beach property tax contributions exceeding the cost of library services. It is important to note that these funds are held by the County and are not available for any purpose other than library services.


On February 11, 2019, the Library Commission discussed the Los Angeles County Manhattan Beach Library report from Fiscal Year 2017-2018 and reviewed the County’s recommendations. The recommend uses of the surplus funds from the County included:


                     Collaborate with Manhattan Beach Unified School District to develop a proposal for a hybrid school/public library location in Mira Costa High School.

                     Enhance opportunities for adults in Manhattan Beach by increasing the 20 hour per week Adult Services Librarian position to a full-time Adult Services Librarian.

                     Family Place - This is a program that assists pre-kindergarten and kindergarten age children in early childhood development. Currently the library is a "best practices" library that does not facilitate the twice yearly, 5-week workshops. It would be in the best interest of the community if the library became an official Family Place, which would mean a cost of $25,000 cost for training and certification. Once the library becomes an official Family Place Library, they would qualify to receive Emergent Literacy's Family Place funding.

                     Collaborate with another surplus city to fund a digital history bookmobile.

                     Increased window cleaning maintenance amounting to $1,000 per cleaning.

                     Parking for Library staff with 8 designated parking spots.


Library Commission Recommendations:

After reviewing the County recommendations for use of surplus funds, the Library Commission recommended the following four priority items:


1.                     Increasing the hours of the Adult Services Librarian to full-time status, primarily to better recruit and retain qualified personnel, which will enhance opportunities for adults in Manhattan Beach

a.                     Since its opening, the part-time Adult Services Librarian position has been difficult to fill, with ongoing staff turnover.  A full-time position would provide continuity and assist with high volume of community programs and events.

2.                     Family Place Certification would make the library an official Family Place Library, with twice yearly, 5-week workshops, focusing on early childhood information, parent education, emergent literacy, socialization and family support.

a.                     The Library Commission believes strongly in this program and has brought up the recommendation of having “Family Place” in previous meetings.  The certification of this program will assist pre-kindergarten and kindergarten age children in early childhood development.

3.                     Additional window cleaning, which will improve the view and overall clean appearance of the Library.

a.                     The Library Commission supports an additional three window cleanings per year. Library staff has received concerns about the “film” on the glass and whether it can be removed or replaced to improve visibility.

4.                     Explore a proposed hybrid school/public library location at Mira Costa High School.

a.                     The Library Commission hopes that a pilot program can commence this summer.



Staff recommends the City Council approve the Library Commission recommendations for the use of Manhattan Beach County Library surplus funds. Upon City Council direction, any additional library surplus fund recommendations may be discussed at the Joint City Council/Library Commission meeting in June 2019.


This item was presented at the February 11, 2019, Library Commission meeting. 


The City Attorney has reviewed this report and determined that no additional legal analysis is necessary.



1. Manhattan Beach Library Usage and Activities Report (Fiscal Year 2017-2018)

2. LA County Library Operating Statement (Fiscal Year 2017-2018)