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File #: 24-0235    Version: 1
Type: Consent - Staff Report Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council Regular Meeting
On agenda: 9/3/2024 Final action: 9/3/2024
Title: Consideration of Resolutions Awarding Professional Design Services Agreements for the Annual Citywide Concrete Repairs Program 33rd Street, Cycle 3 Biennial Slurry Seal, and Cycle 3 Annual Street Resurfacing Projects; and Approving Four On-Call Professional Design Services Agreements for Pavement Improvement Projects for $200,000 Each, for a Three-Year Term (Public Works Director Lee). ADOPT RESOLUTION NOS. 24-0097, 24-0098, 24-0099, 24-0100, 24-0101, AND 24-0102
Attachments: 1. Resolution No. 24-0097, 2. Agreement - HR Green Pacific, Inc., 3. Resolution No. 24-0098, 4. Agreement - TAIT and Associates, Inc., 5. Resolution No. 24-0099, 6. On-Call Agreement - HR Green Pacific, Inc., 7. Resolution No. 24-0100, 8. On-Call Agreement - Kreuzer Consulting Group, 9. Resolution No. 24-0101, 10. On-Call Agreement - TAIT and Associates, Inc., 11. Resolution No. 24-0102, 12. On-Call Agreement - NCE, 13. Budget and Expenditures Summary Report, 14. Location Map – Annual Citywide Concrete Repairs Program Year 1 Project, 15. Location Map - Annual Street Resurfacing Program Year 1 Projects, 16. Location Map - Biennial Slurry Seal Program Year 1 Project


Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council



Talyn Mirzakhanian, Acting City Manager



Erick Lee, Public Works Director

Katherine Doherty, City Engineer

Bianca Cardenas, Associate Engineer



Consideration of Resolutions Awarding Professional Design Services Agreements for the Annual Citywide Concrete Repairs Program 33rd Street, Cycle 3 Biennial Slurry Seal, and Cycle 3 Annual Street Resurfacing Projects; and Approving Four On-Call Professional Design Services Agreements for Pavement Improvement Projects for $200,000 Each, for a Three-Year Term (Public Works Director Lee).

ADOPT RESOLUTION NOS. 24-0097, 24-0098, 24-0099, 24-0100, 24-0101, AND 24-0102




Staff recommends that the City Council:


1.                     Adopt Resolution Nos. 24-0097, 24-0098, 24-0099, 24-0100, 24-0101, and 24-0102:

a.                     Awarding a Professional Design Services Agreement to HR Green Pacific, Inc. for the Annual Citywide Concrete Repairs Program 33rd Street Project and the Biennial Slurry Seal Program Cycle 3 Project, in an amount not to exceed $200,000;

b.                     Awarding a Professional Design Services Agreement to TAIT & Associates, Inc. for the Annual Street Resurfacing Program Cycle 3  Project, in an amount not to exceed $268,260;

c.                     Approving an On-Call Professional Design Services Agreement with HR Green Pacific, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $200,000 for a three-year term for pavement improvement projects;

d.                     Approving an On-Call Professional Design Services Agreement with Kreuzer Consulting Group in an amount not to exceed $200,000 for a three-year term for pavement improvement projects;

e.                     Approving an On-Call Professional Design Services Agreement with TAIT & Associates, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $200,000 for a three-year term for pavement improvement projects; and

f.                     Approving an On-Call Professional Design Services Agreement with Nichols Consulting Engineers (NCE) in an amount not to exceed $200,000 for a three-year term for pavement improvement projects.

2.                     Authorize the City Manager, and/or his or her designee, to execute the agreements and subsequent contract amendments to extend the agreements for up to two additional one-year terms.



Sufficient funds are available to award an agreement to HR Green Pacific, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $200,000. This includes $115,000 in Gas Tax Funds in the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-2025 Annual Citywide Concrete Repair Program and $85,000 in Gas Tax Funds in the FY 2024-2025 Biennial Slurry Seal Program.


Sufficient Gas Tax funds are available to award an agreement to TAIT & Associates, Inc. for an agreement not to exceed $268,260. This funding is included in the FY 2024-2025 Annual Street Resurfacing Program.


The On-Call Professional Design Services Agreements will be used for pavement improvement projects that are included in the adopted 5-Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Plan and/or projects separately approved by City Council. The proposed agreements will authorize City staff to issue Task Orders separately totaling up to $200,000 for each of the four consultants listed for a total aggregated amount not to exceed $800,000 across various funds. Each agreement has a three-year term with the option to extend the duration by two additional one-year terms. The professional services provided pursuant to a given Task Order will be funded by the associated CIP project budget upon authorization by the City.



The City is responsible for the repair and maintenance of approximately 100 centerline miles of streets and City-owned Right-of-Way. To maintain streets in good condition, staff generally prioritizes street segments for planned repair and treatment as part of the three Capital Improvement Programs described below.

1.                     Annual Citywide Concrete Repairs Program

This annual program is intended to perform concrete roadway and sidewalk repairs throughout the City at locations identified by the City’s Pavement Management Plan (PMP), City staff, property owners, and members of the public. Repairs may include replacement of cracked, damaged, or lifted sections of roadway or sidewalk, reconfiguration of non-compliant Americans with Disabilities (ADA) ramps, removal of obstructions, and/or correction of drainage issues. Depending on the location, concrete repairs may eliminate trip hazards, increase pedestrian accessibility, reduce ponding of surface water, and improve roadway safety and rideability. A portion of the budget may be used to make concrete improvements (i.e. new curb, gutter, sidewalk) ahead of roadway resurfacing or slurry seal application.


2.                     Annual Street Resurfacing Program

The Annual Street Resurfacing Program identifies streets for rehabilitation based on the triennial PMP Final Report, which ranks the pavement condition of each City street segment on a scale from 0 to 100 (with 100 being the best condition ranking). The City Council adopted the 2021 PMP Final Report on January 18, 2022, and the next PMP revision will be completed in the fall of 2024. Based on this report, staff prioritizes low-scoring street segments to be resurfaced utilizing the most cost-effective methods available to preserve the life of the pavement. Existing street pavement sections within the City vary and include full section asphaltic concrete (AC) over aggregate rock base, oil macadam on native sand (1"- 2"), concrete, and concrete with AC overlay.


3.                     Biennial Slurry Seal Program

On a biennial rotating basis, the City implements a slurry seal program for asphalt preservation in seven zones throughout the City. A mixture of fine aggregates and emulsified asphalt are applied to improve skid resistance and increase pavement life by mitigating water intrusion. The biennial program to slurry seal City streets may also include seal coating select parking lots, as well as hardscape areas within Manhattan Beach Unified School District properties.

While only Gas Tax funds are being requested for the design agreements, pavement improvement projects are funded through a combination of Gas Tax, Senate Bill (SB) 1, Proposition C, Measure R, Measure M, and other grant funds.




RFP/RFQ Solicitation

A Request for Proposal and Qualifications (RFP and RFQ) was issued for professional design services for the three pavement improvement programs on May 30, 2024. Proposals submitted in response to the RFP and RFQ are considered statements of qualification for FY 2024-2025, anticipated future projects, and/or other similar projects included in the adopted 5-Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Plan and/or projects separately approved by City Council. The proposers provided one single proposal for design services in response to any one, two, or all three programs. The award for design services is initially for the FY 2024-2025 design projects as described below.




Project: 33rd Street and Oak Avenue Sidewalk Gap Closure


On May 21, 2024, City Council approved the Parking and Public Improvement Commission’s recommendation to construct curb, gutter, and sidewalk to replace the painted edgeline in the curve at Ardmore Avenue and 33rd Street. Existing painted edgeline and white delineator markers on the south side of Ardmore Avenue just west of Oak Avenue are consistently ignored and struck by vehicles. Eastbound speeds through the curve are too high to maintain the driver sight distance that is needed to see vehicles at the intersection of Oak Avenue or stopped vehicles waiting for the traffic signal at Sepulveda Boulevard. Construction of a raised curb in place of the painted edgeline is proposed to reduce approach speeds on Ardmore Avenue and increase sight distance for drivers on Oak Avenue. A narrowed roadway would provide sufficient parkway width to construct a sidewalk to connect the existing sidewalks on Ardmore Avenue and 33rd Street.


The consultant will provide project construction drawings, technical specifications, an engineer’s cost estimate, and construction support. Design is anticipated to begin in fall 2024 and conclude in winter 2024/2025. Construction is anticipated to begin summer 2025.




Two separate project design packages are part of this program.


Project: Cycle 3 Residential Streets


The Consultant will recommend the appropriate repair treatments, create project construction drawings, technical specifications, and an engineer’s cost estimate, and provide support as part of the design services for the Cycle 3 Street Resurfacing Project Scope including the following street segments:

Street Name



Peck Avenue

Marine Avenue

18th Street (Join to existing resurfaced street limit)

Peck Avenue

Beginning of MB School District Property

Manhattan Beach Boulevard

19th Street

Peck Avenue

Herrin Avenue

Cedar Street

Marine Avenue

18th Street

Magnolia Avenue

Marine Avenue

18th Street

Chestnut Avenue

23rd Street

Magnolia Avenue

23rd Street

Cedar Avenue

Meadows Avenue

22nd Street

Sepulveda Blvd

Magnolia Avenue

21st Street

Cedar Avenue

Magnolia Avenue

21st Avenue 

Chestnut Avenue

Meadows Avenue

20th Street

Cedar Avenue

Magnolia Avenue



Project design is anticipated to begin in fall 2024 and conclude in winter 2024/2025. Construction is anticipated to begin in summer 2025.


Project: Cycle 3 Manhattan Beach Boulevard Pavement Rehabilitation from Sepulveda Boulevard to Pacific Avenue


Manhattan Beach Boulevard between Sepulveda Boulevard and Valley Drive was resurfaced in 2009. Due to the high traffic volume and significant number of delivery and construction vehicles regularly travelling along this busy corridor, much of the pavement is severely distressed and cannot be repaired by isolated patchwork. The subject section of roadway will be evaluated by a pavement expert, with a repair treatment recommended.

The Consultant will create project plans, specification, estimates, and provide support as part of the design services for the Manhattan Beach Boulevard Street Resurfacing Project Scope from Sepulveda Boulevard to Pacific Avenue.


Project design is anticipated to begin in fall 2024 and complete winter 2024/2025. Construction is anticipated to begin in summer 2025.




Project: Cycle 3 Slurry Seal Project


The Consultant will provide project construction drawings, technical specifications, engineer’s cost estimate, and construction support for the Cycle 3 Slurry Seal Project which includes base bid and additive portions of Slurry Map Area 6 (Tree Section) depicted in the Slurry Seal Location Map, as well as, City Parking Lot 6 and the Armory Parking Lot.                     

Project design is anticipated to begin in fall 2024 and conclude in winter 2024/2025. Construction is anticipated to begin in spring 2025.

Selection of Consultants

Eight consultant firms submitted proposals on June 27, 2024, and a committee of City staff evaluated and rated each of the proposals by program based on the following criteria:


                     Demonstrated understanding of the requested scope of services and overall successful Project delivery;

                     Consultant’s proposed personnel’s experience with comparable work;

                     Project management methods (approach to key challenges, efficient utilization of staff resources, etc.) and quality control;

                     Staffing qualifications and experience (demonstrated technical ability) of key personnel and Sub-Consultants;

                     Consultant’s familiarity with local (sensitivity) conditions; and

                     Reference checks and/or interview presentation.


To streamline the consultant selection process, the Public Works Department has previously used on-call agreements for professional services. Staff has found it beneficial to contract with multiple firms for professional services in the event one consultant becomes unavailable due to workload, a conflict of interest, or if a third-party peer review is necessary. The Department typically enters into professional services agreements for CIP projects due to the specialized nature of the services and in-house resource availability.


Of the eight proposals received, four consultants demonstrated a clear understanding of the respective program’s scope of work, familiarity with City standard and practices, and proposed highly qualified personnel to perform the services requested.


For the Annual Citywide Concrete Repairs Program 33rd Street Project and Biennial Slurry Seal Program Cycle 3 Project, HR Green Pacific, Inc. was selected to provide design services. For the Annual Street Resurfacing Program Cycle 3 Projects TAIT & Associates, Inc. was selected to provide design services. Kreuzer Consulting Group and NCE also demonstrated and proposed highly qualified personnel to perform the services requested. Staff recommends the approval of one on-call agreement with each of the four qualified consultants. Each on-call agreement will be for a three-year term with the possibility of two additional one-year extensions.


The RFP and RFQ for these on-call professional services was advertised on the City's website and on PlanetBids, a public bid notification board. Project-specific outreach will occur on a project-by-project basis and will include community notifications, meetings, presentations to the Parking and Public Improvements Commission (PPIC), as appropriate, and consideration by City Council.



The City has reviewed the proposed project for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and has determined that the project qualifies for a Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15301(c) of the State CEQA Guidelines (the operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of existing or former use; including existing highways, streets, or sidewalks). Thus, no further environmental review is necessary.



The City Attorney has reviewed this report and determined that no additional legal analysis is necessary.




1.                     Resolution No. 24-0097

2.                     Agreement - HR Green Pacific, Inc.

3.                     Resolution No. 24-0098

4.                     Agreement - TAIT and Associates, Inc.

5.                     Resolution No. 24-0099

6.                     On-Call Agreement - HR Green Pacific, Inc.

7.                     Resolution No. 24-0100

8.                     On-Call Agreement - Kreuzer Consulting Group

9.                     Resolution No. 24-0101

10.                     On-Call Agreement - TAIT and Associates, Inc.

11.                     Resolution No. 24-0102

12.                     On-Call Agreement - NCE

13.                     Budget and Expenditures Summary Report

14.                     Location Map - Annual Citywide Concrete Repairs Program 33rd Street Project

15.                     Location Map - Annual Street Resurfacing Program Cycle 3 Projects

16.                     Location Map - Biennial Slurry Seal Program Cycle 3 Project