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File #: CON 15-0023    Version: 1
Type: Consent - SR w/Contract Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council Regular Meeting
On agenda: 5/19/2015 Final action:
Title: Approval of Plans and Specifications for the Block 35 Reservoir Pump Station Discharge Line Project and the Marine Avenue and Herrin Avenue Water Main Connection Project, Award a Construction Contract to Miramontes Construction Company, Inc. in the Amount of $211,400. (Public Works Director Olmos). APPROVE
Attachments: 1. Construction Contract (Miramontes Construction Company, Inc.)
Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
Mark Danaj, City Manager
Tony Olmos, Director of Public Works
Joe Parco, City Engineer
Raul Saenz, Utilities Manager
Approval of Plans and Specifications for the Block 35 Reservoir Pump Station Discharge Line Project and the Marine Avenue and Herrin Avenue Water Main Connection Project, Award a Construction Contract to Miramontes Construction Company, Inc. in the Amount of $211,400. (Public Works Director Olmos).
Recommended Action
Staff recommends that City Council:
1.      Approve plans and specifications for the Block 35 Reservoir Pump Station Discharge Line Project and the Marine Avenue and Herrin Avenue Water Main Connection Project,
2.      Award a construction contract to Miramontes Construction in the amount of $211,400, and
3.      Authorize the City Manager to approve additional work, if necessary, in an amount not-exceed $21,140 (10% of bid) for the Block 35 Reservoir Pump Station Discharge Line Project and the Marine Avenue and Herrin Avenue Water Main Connection Project.
There are sufficient previously approved funds in the FY 2014/2015 Capital Improvement Program for this specific project.
The Block 35 Reservoir Pump Station Discharge Line Project will replace a 25 foot long, 20 inch diameter section of water discharge main beginning at the reservoir's point of discharge inside the booster station to a point of connection at the 20 inch diameter distribution system transmission line. The discharge main is comprised of two access values, flow meter, three isolation valves and a 20 inch tee.
The Herrin/Marine Project involves installation of new section of 10 inch diameter water distribution main that will connect the 16 inch Peck Reservoir transmission main at Herrin Avenue to a 10 inch water main at Marine Avenue. This new 10 inch water main will enhance the circulation of water in the northeast section of the City and will thus improve the water disinfection residual in that area.
Plans and Specifications
Plans and specifications Block 35 Reservoir Pump Station Discharge Line Project and the Marine Avenue and Herrin Avenue Water Main Connection Project are available for review at the City Clerk's office at City Hall, located at 1400 Highland Avenue.
Bids were solicited on an open and competitive basis in accordance with the provisions of the State Public Contract Code. The project was advertised for bids in seven (7) construction industry publications and was listed on the City's website for upcoming bids. Subsequently, eighteen (18) sets of plans and specifications were provided to contractors, subcontractors, and material suppliers.
A total of three (3) competitive bids were received and opened on April 29, 2015. The bids ranged from the low bid of $211,400 by Miramontes Construction Company, Inc. to the highest bid of $694,800.  The bid by Miramontes Construction Company, Inc. was reviewed and found to be responsive. Representatives of agencies where work has been performed by Miramontes Construction Company, Inc. have indicated that the work performed was to their satisfaction. In addition, Miramontes Construction Company, Inc. previously completed the 2012-2015 Rehabilitation of Sewer Manholes Project to the satisfaction of the Public Works Department. The Block 35 Reservoir Pump Station Discharge Line Project and the Marine Avenue and Herrin Avenue Water Main Connection Project were discussed with a representative of the firm and he expressed confidence in his bid and a desire to perform the work.
Authorizing the City Manager to approve additional work in an amount not-to-exceed $21,140 (10% of bid) would expedite the construction on this project. Projects that involve extensive excavation have a higher probability for encountering unforeseen conditions. If the contingency is approved with this construction contract award, staff will report the status of any additional work to the City Council at the end of the project.
The residential areas impacted by these projects will be provided advance information regarding the project, including dates and times of construction and the impacts on traffic flow. Contact information will also be provided for residents who require additional information.
Staff recommends that the City Council approve the plans and specifications for the Block 35 Reservoir Pump Station Discharge Line Project and the Marine Avenue and Herrin Avenue Water Main Connection Project; award a construction contract in the amount of $211,400 to Miramontes Construction Company, Inc.; and authorize the City Manager to approve additional work, if necessary, in an amount not-exceed $21,140 (10%).
1.      Construction Contract (Miramontes Construction Company, Inc.)