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File #: CON 15-0031    Version: 1
Type: Consent - SR w/Contract Status: Passed
In control: City Council Regular Meeting
On agenda: 6/16/2015 Final action: 6/16/2015
Title: Award of Professional Services Agreement with IDS Group for Design Services for Improvements to Parking Structures at Lots Number 2, 3, and 4 and Authorize the City Manager to Execute Agreement in the Amount of $29,780 (Public Works Director Olmos). APPROVE
Attachments: 1. Professional Services Agreement
Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
Mark Danaj, City Manager
Tony Olmos, Public Works Director
Juan Price, Maintenance Superintendent
Karen Domerchie, Senior Management Analyst
Award of Professional Services Agreement with IDS Group for Design Services for Improvements to Parking Structures at Lots Number 2, 3, and 4 and Authorize the City Manager to Execute Agreement in the Amount of $29,780 (Public Works Director Olmos).
Recommended Action
Staff recommends that City Council:
1)      Approve Professional Services Agreement with IDS Group for architectural and engineering design services for improvements to parking structures at lots number 2, 3 and 4 in the amount of $29,780;
2)      Authorize City Manager to execute Consultant Agreement;
3)      Approve a design contingency in the amount of $5,956 (20%).
City Council appropriated sufficient Parking Funds for this project as part of the fiscal year 2014-2015 Capital Improvement Plan.
Lot #2 parking structure is located at 222-12th Street in Manhattan Beach.  This parking facility was built in 1979 and is a reinforced concrete structure with cast-in-place concrete columns.  Lot #3 parking structure is located at 1155 Morningside Drive.  This parking facility was built in 1971 and is constructed of cast-in-place reinforced concrete slabs supported with steel beams and steel pipe columns.  Lot #4 parking structure is located at 3714 Highland Avenue.  This parking facility was built in 1980 and is constructed of reinforced concrete slabs and cast-in-place concrete columns.
In September 2013, an assessment of the existing conditions of these parking structures was performed by Walker Restoration Consultants (Walker).  The items requiring attention at these parking structures have been incorporated into the IDS Group Scope of Work included in Attachment 1.
The Consultant Agreement with IDS Group includes the preparation of plans and specifications for the rehabilitation of Lot #2 and Lot #4 Parking Structures.
As part of their assessment, Walker performed an American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE-31) Tier 1 seismic evaluation to identify potential structural deficiencies in the design of Lot #3 Parking Structure.  This parking structure was identified as non-compliant per the Tier 1 analysis, and Walker recommended that a Tier 2 evaluation be performed to further investigate the potential deficiencies identified in the Tier 1 screening phase.  The Consultant Agreement with IDS Group will include the cost to perform a Tier 2 evaluation of Lot #3 Parking Structure.  Once a Tier 2 evaluation has been performed, a separate Request for Proposal will be issued at a later date to solicit architectural and engineering design services for the rehabilitation of Lot #3 Parking Structure.
City staff solicited proposals for professional architectural and engineering design services for the rehabilitative work at Lot #2 and Lot #4 Parking Structures, and for the preparation of a Tier 2 seismic evaluation at Lot #3 Parking Structure.  These proposals were based on the assessment report prepared by Walker Restoration Consultants.
The City received five (5) proposals on April 6, 2015:
1)      IDS Group: $29,780
2)      Walker Restoration Consultants:  $61,200
3)      Walter P Moore:  $89,887
4)      BFL Owen:  $97,620
5)      Inertia Engineers:  $97,910
After proposal review and interview, staff selected IDS Group based on their past project experience, highly qualified staff, and because they provided the best value for the project.
IDS Group has been successfully providing seismic assessment, retrofit and design services for public clients since its inception in 1998.  A sampling of their core public clients include the counties of Orange, Los Angeles, Riverside and San Bernardino; Palos Verdes Library District, the cities of Santa Monica, La Habra, Irvine, Anaheim, Orange, Huntington Beach, Newport Beach, San Diego, and San Bernardino among other cities; numerous school districts; many campuses of the University of California and the California State University systems; the California Department of General Services; the Division of the State Architects; the California Administrative Office of the Courts; and the US Departments of Corrections, Defense and Labor.  Within the last five years, IDS Group has completed over 200 assessment and evaluation projects of similar or greater size and scope as Lot #2, 3 and 4 Parking Structures within the last five years.
The comprehensive scope of work for IDS Group is included in Attachment 1.  In summary, the scope of work at Lot #2 and #4 parking structures includes the installation of new vehicular barrier systems; installation of height restraint bars at the upper levels to restrict larger vehicles from using the parking structures; repair of concrete spalls and delaminations at the floors and ceilings; replacing de-stressed post-tensioned tendons; application of a new urethane traffic topping on the floors; repair of damaged curbs as necessary.  For Lot #3 Parking Structure, a Tier 2 seismic evaluation will be performed and the architectural and engineering design services for this parking structure will be solicited at a later date.
It is anticipated that the architectural and engineering design documents will be completed, and construction permits obtained for Lot #2 and #4 parking structures by the end of 2015.  Request for Bids for construction at Lot #2 and #4 parking structures would be issued immediately thereafter. The construction at the parking structures will be phased to reduce the impact to downtown businesses.  Solicitations for architectural and engineering design services for Lot #3 parking structure would occur at the end of 2015, with construction taking place after Labor Day weekend 2016.
Upon award, meetings will be scheduled to ensure that any potentially impacted stakeholders (DTBA, NMBBID, etc) are informed about the scope of work and the project schedule.
An assessment of the Lot #2, 3 and 4 parking structures was completed in September 2013, indicating that significant work is required at these parking structures since these facilities have deteriorated due to exposure to the marine environment and heavy use.  Therefore, staff recommends approval of Consultant Agreement with IDS Group in the amount of $29,780.
1.      Professional Services Agreement