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File #: 15-0156    Version: 1
Type: Gen. Bus. - Staff Report Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council Regular Meeting
On agenda: 4/21/2015 Final action:
Title: Review Options for the Relocation and Rehabilitation/Preservation of the George Peck House at 2620 Alma Avenue and Consideration to Appropriate Funds and Authorize an Agreement (Community Development Director Lundstedt). DISCUSS AND PROVIDE DIRECTION
Attachments: 1. Peck House Floor and Site Plan, 2. Bruce's Beach Assessor's Parcel Map, 3. Polliwog Park Assessor's Parcel Map, 4. Aerial Photographs of Sites, 5. Peck House Assessor's Parcel Map, 6. We Are The Next - Proposal - March 10, 2015
Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
Mark Danaj, City Manager
Marisa Lundstedt, Community Development Director
Laurie Jester, Planning Manager
Angelica Ochoa, Associate Planner
Review Options for the Relocation and Rehabilitation/Preservation of the George Peck House at 2620 Alma Avenue and Consideration to Appropriate Funds and Authorize an Agreement (Community Development Director Lundstedt).
Recommended Action
Review options on the relocation and rehabilitation of the Peck House, and consider the appropriation of funds and authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with a consultant to prepare a cost estimate for the relocation and rehabilitation of the Peck house for an amount not to exceed the appropriated amount, or less than $20,000.
Costs will vary depending on City Council direction.  Project costs will depend on the square footage of the home that is relocated, as well as the extent of the restoration.  Other costs will also depend on City Council direction pertaining to the preparation of the detailed cost estimate for the relocation and rehabilitation.
At the City Council meeting of February 3, 2015, staff presented options and very rough estimates of the associated costs for the relocation and preservation of the Peck House.  The two proposed permanent locations under consideration are Bruce's Beach and Polliwog Park.  Members from the community spoke on the significance of the relocation of the Peck house to Bruce's Beach due to the historical connection between George Peck and the Bruce Family, and the use of the land by African Americans in the 1920s.   Overall, the City Council was in support of pursuing the possibility of preserving the existing structure and the City Council further directed staff to proceed with the following:
·      Conduct a site visit of the Peck house and perform a preliminary inspection of the residence;
·      Provide cost estimates for the relocation of the Peck House to Bruce's Beach as well as Polliwog Park and provide an expected timeline;
·      Report on potential restrictions at Bruce's Beach and Polliwog Park; and
·      Notify neighbors adjacent to Bruce's Beach and Polliwog Park on the location for relocation of the structure, (to be done when the Council provides further direction on the options)
The City Council also discussed reviewing relocating only the original house or the entire 2,400 square feet, three possible levels of restoration, and consideration of programming alternatives.
Staff conducted a site visit of the Peck house, with the City's Plan Check Structural Engineer and a City Senior Building Inspector to perform an inspection and preliminary assessment of the condition of the structure.  Based on staff's observations, the interior and exterior of the residence has been substantially remodeled and altered, with six additions since its original construction in 1922 (Attachment 1)
Staff was also able to obtain historical building records, including field notes and floor plan sketches, from the Los Angeles County Assessor's Office through the property owner.  The Assessor's records indicate that the original residence was built in 1922 and was approximately 640 square feet in area, 20 feet wide by 30 feet deep with a small porch in the front.   There were six subsequent additions to the original house between 1925 and 1939.  The area of the home was increased to its current total of approximately 2,400 square feet. The additions created a house and yard that was almost entirely handicapped accessible for Mr. Peck's two children that were in wheelchairs. The original footprint of the building has been significantly altered and the residence has been remodeled since its original construction in 1922 so that only one original exterior wall, adjacent to 27th Street, the roof and small portions of the other exterior walls remain.    
Possible Locations
Staff has identified two potential permanent sites as well as two temporary sites for the relocation of the structure.  The current owner of the Peck house property is proposing to develop the site with four new condominiums.  The property owner submitted a Coastal Development Permit application and subdivision map on February 26, 2015 for the demolition of the existing structure and construction of four condominium units on the site.   Planning Division staff reviewed the project and completed a plan check correction list on March 27th. There are a number of outstanding items, and corrections, so the project is incomplete and cannot be processed until additional information is provided.   However, because the owner is proposing to develop the property, staff has identified permanent as well as temporary sites that may be needed for the temporary relocation of the structure.
Temporary Sites
Staff originally identified two temporary relocation sites.  Both sites are adjacent to Polliwog Park and the land is owned by the School District.  The first temporary relocation site is on north end of the Robert E. Begg School parking lot.  The school district site is currently not actively used as a school, is located next to the west side of Polliwog Park and is accessible off of North Peck Avenue.  The site can accommodate the original 640 square foot house if the storage containers on the northern portion of the parking lot are removed.  The second possible temporary site is the School Maintenance Yard, located on the northeast corner of Manhattan Beach Boulevard and Peck Avenue.  The maintenance yard is also just west of Polliwog Park.  This site does not have adequate space and is not available for temporary storage of the Peck house.  The structure may have to be temporarily relocated to the Begg site because of the new condominiums proposed at the site where the Peck House is currently located.
Permanent Sites
The following two locations have also been identified as potential permanent sites for the relocation of the George Peck House
Bruce's Beach
Bruce's Beach is located several blocks west of the current location of the Peck House.  Bruce's Beach Park is approximately 1.24 acres and no structures are located on-site. The City Attorney's office has reviewed the Recorded Final Order of Condemnation to Manhattan Beach for Bruce's Beach, which would establish any limitations for the park use. They have also reviewed statutes that might limit locating the structure in the park, and using it as a "monument", or for public use on a regular basis, or something in between. Based on this review they see no legal restrictions to prevent the Peck house from relocating to Bruce's Beach. The recorded documents for the site show that Bayview Drive that bisects the Park has been vacated except for utility easements, so there are no restrictions or limitations on the site (Attachment 2).
Polliwog Park
Staff also held discussions with the School District, the Assistant School Superintendent, regarding the possibility of relocating the Peck house to Polliwog Park.  The Assistant Superintendent confirmed that they are not aware of any use or other restrictions on the Begg site in the area contemplated for the temporary storage or within Polliwog Park as a permanent location. Additionally, no limitations were identified when the real estate office was approved by the School Board to be located in same vicinity in Polliwog Park in 2012.  The school district also indicated that permanent location at Polliwog Park east of the parking lot near the little red house, the existing historic society building, is workable for the 640 square foot house, and would not be in conflict with the School Master Plan. A larger size house could not be accommodated on the site.  The Departments of Public Works and Parks and Recreation also confirmed that the Polliwog location has no restrictions that they are aware of.  The Assessors map indicates a portion of the Park is owned by Los Angeles County Flood Control District, and they have an access easement to their equipment and property through the driveway next to the little red house (Attachment 3). However, the easement or driveway will have no impact on the potential location of the Peck house.
The little red house currently located on the Polliwog park  is approximately 900 square feet in area and there is also an unused bathroom facility to the northeast of the little red house that is approximately 750 square feet in area.   The bathroom facility, which is primarily used for storage purposes, is proposed to be removed from the site in the future.  Since the portion of the Peck house proposed to be relocated is only 640 square feet and is smaller than the bathroom facility that will be removed from the site, there will be no net loss of Park open space.  
The following figures illustrate the approximately lot coverage of the Peck House in relationship to each of the permanent sites:
     Site                  Area of Park             Area of Peck House within Park
Bruce's Beach             1.24 Acres                                  1.2%
Polliwog Park              18  Acres                           .0008%
Aerial photographs of all the sites, as well as a map of the current Peck house site, are included as Attachments 4 and 5.
Public Outreach- Meetings
Staff met with members of the Manhattan Beach Cultural Heritage Conservancy (MBCHC) as well as Tim McGuire, the local realtor that originated the request for the City to consider preserving the house.  Staff provided them with an update on the findings from the site inspection and the Assessors information. Staff also discussed and obtained their comments on:
Relocation size options:
·      Original 640 square foot house
·      Existing 2400 square feet; or
·      Some square footage in-between, to be determined  
Permanent location:
·      Bruce's Beach; or
·      Polliwog Park
The MBCHC indicated that they only supported the relocation of the original 640 square foot house to Bruce's Beach.  The MBCHC felt that the historical connection between the Peck family and the Bruce's was significant and the location would maintain the cultural connection that is an important element to the heritage of Manhattan Beach.  They believe that the Peck house should be used as a "monument" only and not be open to the public, except maybe once a year.  In addition, the MBCHC has indicated that they are in support of the Peck House being relocated to Bruce's Beach, but not Polliwog Park.  
School District and other stakeholders
Staff (Community Development Department, City Manager and Parks and Recreation) met with Manhattan Beach Superintendent Mike Matthews and Director of Maintenance and Operations, Paul Ruta regarding the temporary relocation of the Peck house to the operations and maintenance yard on Peck Avenue as well as Begg School north parking lot. Staff is currently in the process of scheduling a meeting with the Friends of Polliwog Park to seek their input as well.
Staff also discussed future programming briefly with the Parks and Recreation Department and the School District. Parks and Recreation is supportive of providing community history education and programming, and the creation of a "Heritage Circle" type of dynamic in Polliwog Park with the existing little red house, the future real estate office and the Peck house. The School Superintendent also indicated that he would be supportive of integrating community history into the middle school education program with on-site tours and programming. The Historical Society has expressed interest and support in expanding their collection, and display and storage area into the Peck house in proximity to their existing location in the little red house in Polliwog house.
Informal Request for Proposal for a Fee to prepare a Cost Estimate for Relocation/Rehabilitation
The City Council directed staff to obtain detailed cost estimates, similar to an engineering estimate, for the evaluation, relocation and rehabilitation of the existing Peck house.  As part of this request, staff obtained names of prospective consultants with experience and qualifications in historic preservation from the Los Angeles Conservancy, the MBCHC, the City's historic consultant, and other City's that have undertaken similar projects.  A fee estimate was requested from each of the prospective consultants to assemble a team and estimate the work involved in the relocation and rehabilitation project. The proposals involve a number of sub-consultants with expertise in historic preservation and assume an evaluation of all the options (size, temporary and permanent, extent of restoration etc.) further described below. The cost estimates were requested from the prospective consultants in February and given the complexity of the number of options, the City received the fee estimates in March. The summary of the fees to prepare a cost estimate are as follows:
Consultant                        Fee Estimate      Timeframe
Historical Resources Group-            $13,200            Unspecified
PCR Services Corporation-             $24,795            6 Weeks
We Are The Next-                  $8,220            14-16 Weeks
WJE Inc./KSMA-                   $42,500            Unspecified
The fees shown above are for the preparation of a detailed cost estimate that will identify the actual costs associated with relocating and rehabilitating the George Peck House.  The estimates above do not include costs associated with performing the actual work of relocation and restoration.
The cost estimates above include the following options:
§      Two prospective temporary sites- (Only one site is now feasible- Begg School).
§      Two prospective permanent sites- Bruce's Beach and Polliwog Park
§      Two residence sizes- Original square footage (approximately 640 square feet) and current square footage (approximately 2,400 square feet) or another square footage recommended by the consultant.  MBCHC is recommending that only the 640 square foot original structure be preserved.
§      Three rehabilitation approaches-
A.      Monument (exterior rehabilitation only with limited annual public interior access; supported by MBCHC)
B.      Exterior plus minimal interior with interior open to the public; or
C.      Complete rehabilitation (interior and exterior)
Should the City Council wish to move forward on this item, staff would recommend that the City select "We Are The Next" to prepare the detailed fee estimate.  We Are The Next is the lowest bidder and they recently project managed the relocation of a historic train depot in the City of Long Beach.  The project involved relocating the structure to a temporary and permanent site within the City. Staff contacted the City of Long Beach historic preservation staff that was involved with the train relocation and they were very satisfied with the services provided by We Are The Next. The proposal prepared will include a level of detail that will provide the selected consultant with an in-depth look at the residential structure which will assist in outlining the costs associated with completing the relocation and rehabilitation work.  The consultant will also make recommendations based on the inspection and assessment process. (Attachment 6) The consultant has reviewed the standard City contract and is in agreement with the requirements.
Staff is recommending that the City Council review options on the relocation and rehabilitation of the Peck House, if desired by Council, appropriate funds and authorize staff to enter into an agreement with "We Are The Next" to prepare a cost estimate for the relocation and rehabilitation options for the Peck house.
1.      Peck House Floor and Site Plan
2.      Bruce's Beach Assessor's Parcel Map
3.      Polliwog Park Assessor's Parcel Map
4.      Aerial Photographs of sites
5.      Peck House Assessor's Parcel Map  
6.      We Are The Next- Proposal- March 10, 2015