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File #: RES 15-0042    Version: 1
Type: Public Hearing - SR w/Resolution Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council Regular Meeting
On agenda: 7/7/2015 Final action:
Title: Conduct Public Hearing Regarding Resolution No. 15-0042 to Consider the Fiscal Years 2016-2020 Capital Improvement Plan (Public Works Director Olmos). CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING; ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 15-0042
Attachments: 1. Resolution No. 15-0042, 2. CIP 2016-2020, 3. Unfunded Projects List
Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
Mark Danaj, City Manager
Tony Olmos, Public Works Director
Karen Domerchie, Senior Management Analyst
Conduct Public Hearing Regarding Resolution No. 15-0042 to Consider the Fiscal Years 2016-2020 Capital Improvement Plan (Public Works Director Olmos).
Recommended Action
Staff recommends that City Council adopt resolution 15-0042, approving Fiscal Years 2016-2020 Capital Improvement Plan projects.
Funding for the expected expenditures FY 2015-2016 projects, the first year of the five-year Capital Improvement Plan, are included in the budget (presented separately from this report). The implications affect several funds available to the Council for CIP adoption.
City Council
On February 17, 2015, City Council reviewed the proposed CIP at a City Council meeting. A Community Meeting was held on March 19, 2015 to receive public input on the proposed CIP.  City Council then reviewed the CIP document at a Budget Study Session held on May 21, 2015.
Parking and Public Improvements Commission (PPIC)
On April 23, 2015, the Parking and Public Improvements Commission (PPIC) reviewed the proposed Fiscal Years 2016-2020 CIP.  The PPIC's role in the CIP is to provide comments for City Council consideration.  The PPIC did not have any comments regarding the proposed CIP.
Planning Commission
On April 29, 2015, the Planning Commission reviewed the proposed Fiscal Years 2016-2020 CIP and found it to be consistent with the City of Manhattan Beach General Plan.
Public Works staff is pleased to submit the Fiscal Years 2016-2020 Capital Improvement Plan for consideration of adoption through resolution 15-0042 by the City Council.  Resolution 15-0042 approves projects for FY 2015-2016 through FY 2019-2020. The approval of outlying years' projects (FY 2016-2017 through FY 2019-2020) simply serves as a planning tool, and would be subject to change each year through the City's Capital Improvement Plan process.  Actual funding will take place in the associated budget for that year.  The proposed Fiscal Years 2016-2020 CIP (Attachment 2) indicates the City's plan for capital improvements over the next five years.
The five-year plan includes 91 projects (carryover and new) estimated at $105 million dollars.  Project titles such as "Annual Programs" have project areas designated for each of the five years of the CIP; therefore the title may represent five individual projects.  It is important to note that the Water, Wastewater and Sepulveda Bridge Projects combined encapsulate approximately 69% of the total five-year funding.  The Plan reflects 12 carryover projects, and 21 new projects for FY 15-16 alone.  In its current state, the plan considers $10.5 million in new appropriations.
Finance Director Moe has determined that all proposed projects within the five-year plan may be funded through existing and/or expected resources for completion.  
Water and Wastewater Projects
The Water and Wastewater Funds are used for repairs and improvements to the City's water and wastewater infrastructure.  Proposed water and sewer projects were identified through Utility Master Plans completed in 2010.  These plans indicated significant investment is required to assure the long-term dependability of the water and sewer systems.  FY 15-16 projects include Rehabilitation of Gravity Sewer Mains, Water Pipe Replacement and Fire Hydrant Installation, and the Larsson Street Booster Station Improvement project.
Stormwater Projects
The Stormwater Funds are used for repairs and improvements to the City's storm drain system.  The City's General Fund will subsidize the Stormwater Fund in FY 15-16 due to a lack of revenue.  With the new National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System(NPDES) permit, the City's responsibility to create or improve solutions for storm drain pollution prevention is greatly increasing.  FY 15-16 funding will allow for spot repairs and sectional improvements, and for the installation of catch basin inserts.
Capital Improvement Fund Projects
Capital Improvement Funds are generated from General Funds and are distinguished from other funds as being more discretionary and not restricted to certain uses such as Water Funds or funds reserved in various dedicated fund types.  Some of the FY 15-16 projects include Facility Improvements, a Park Master Plan, Field Netting at Dorsey, Live Oak and Manhattan Heights Fields, Begg Field Synthetic Turf and Light Fixture Replacement and an Energy Efficiency Implementation Study/Plan.
Gas Tax Fund and Measure R (Local Return Fund)
The City funds street improvement projects with the dollars it receives from various sources including State and County Gas Tax Funds.  These funds are restricted and may only be used for street-related improvements.  Annual street improvements typically include the Slurry Seal Program, the Concrete Curb, Gutter and Ramp program and arterial and collector pavement rehabilitation projects.  In FY 2015-16, the installation of a Southbound to Westbound Right-Turn Lane at Aviation and Artesia Boulevards, and the Street Resurfacing Project at Oak, Redondo and 11th Streets are projects that will be funded by the Gas Tax Fund.
Beginning in 2009, the City began receiving Measure R Local Return Funding.  The funding is available, on a per capita basis, through a Los Angeles County measure passed by voters in 2008.  Funds may be used for street and transit purposes.  FY 2015-16 funds will be used to Investigate and Potentially Install Traffic Device(s) at Highland and 38th Streets.
Parking Projects
The Parking Funds are used for repairs and improvements to the City's parking lots and meters.  Funding is obtained through the city's parking meter program.  FY 15-16 projects include the Parking Structure Structural Rehabilitation project.
Unfunded Projects
Capital funding constraints limit how many projects the City can fund.  There are needs in excess of those projects included in the proposed CIP.  Included at the end of this Plan is a list of unfunded projects that would be included in the CIP if sufficient funding were available.  As funding becomes available, additional projects proposed can be prioritized by the City Council for funding.
May 21st Budget Study Session
During the City's Budget Study Session on May 21, 2015, Director Olmos presented the proposed Capital Improvement Plan to City Council and the community to promote discussion and receive input prior to the Plan's consideration of adoption at the June 16, 2015 City Council meeting.
Based on the discussion at this Study Session, the following action items will be addressed:
-      Staff will speak to the County about funding for upgrading the pumps at the Flood Control Basin at Polliwog Park.
-      For the Cycle 3 Safe Routes to School Program funded in FY 2012-13, Staff will perform Public Outreach to involve the public in the installation of a sidewalk at Polliwog Park.
-      Staff should consider the installation of additional bike racks throughout the city.
-      Staff to review funding mechanisms for projects on the unfunded list.
FY 2015-2016 Projects for Consideration of Funding
The expected expenditures for the following projects are funded in FY 2015-2016.  The FY 2015-2016 portion of the CIP reflects both new projects and carryover projects which need additional funding in FY 2015-2016 to be completed.  Attachment B includes project information sheets with project descriptions, justifications, and maps (when applicable) for each project.
Carryover Project with Requested Additional Funding in FY 2015-2016
Wastewater Projects
-      (15844E) FY14-15 Rehabilitation of Gravity Sewer Mains (spot repairs)
Water Projects
-      (12828E) Larsson Street Booster Station Improvement
Stormwater Projects
-      (15842E) Storm Drain Projects (spot repairs & sections)
Capacity Enhancements
-      (10827E) Sepulveda Bridge Widening Prop C Local
-      (09823E) Dual Left-Turn Lanes on Manhattan Beach Boulevard at Sepulveda, EB to NB, NB to WB, WB to SB
Pedestrian and Safety Improvements
-      (15835E) FY14-15 through FY 18-19 Non-Motorized Transportation Crosswalks, Bike Lanes, etc.
-      (15834E) CDBG Access Ramp Construction Project
Concrete Repairs
-      (15821E) FY14-15 through FY18-19 Annual Curb, Gutter and Ramp Replacement Project
-      (15831E) Veterans Parkway Landscaping
-      (15828E) Facility Improvements
Parking Projects
-      (15846E) Parking Structure Structural Rehabilitation/Reinvestment
New Projects in FY 2015-2016
Wastewater Projects
-      FY 15-16 Rehabilitation of Gravity Sewer Mains (spot repairs)
Water Projects
-      Pipe Replacement Program and Fire Hydrant Installation
Stormwater Projects
-      Stormwater Quality Improvement Catch Basin Inserts
Capacity Enhancements
-      Aviation at Artesia, SB to WB Right-Turn Lane
Pedestrian and Safety Improvements
-      Investigate and Potentially Install Traffic Device(s) at Highland and 38th Streets
Asphalt Pavement Projects
-      Street Resurfacing Project:  Oak, Redondo and 11th Streets
-      FY 15-16 Annual Slurry Seal Program
Miscellaneous Streets Projects
-      Traffic Signal Preemption Devices
-      LED Traffic Safety Lighting
-      Park Master Plan
-      Fiber Connectivity for Live Oak Tennis Office via Joslyn Center
-      Community Development Office Front Counter Modification and Two(2) New Work Stations
-      Human Resource Offices Reconfiguration and Improvements
-      Field Netting at Dorsey, Live Oak and Manhattan Heights Fields
-      Replace Light Fixtures at Manhattan Village Field
-      Installation of New Fitness Station and Surfacing at Miraposa Fitness Station
-      Begg Field Synthetic Turf and Light Fixture Replacement
-      Marine Avenue Park Baseball Field Synthetic Turf
-      Energy Efficiency Implementation Study/Plan
-      Engineering Division Space Planning
-      Replace and Upgrade Exhaust Removal System at Fire Station 1
Staff recommends that City Council adopt resolution 15-0042, approving projects contained within the FY 2015-2016 through FY 2019-2020 Capital Improvement Plan.
1.      Resolution No. 15-0042
2.      CIP 2016-2020
3.      Unfunded Projects List