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File #: CON 15-0028    Version: 1
Type: Consent - SR w/Contract Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council Regular Meeting
On agenda: 6/2/2015 Final action:
Title: Award Contract to Provide and Install Refurbished Modular Office Furniture to Concept Consultant, Inc. for an Amount Not-to-Exceed $27,820 (Public Works Director Olmos). APPROVE
Attachments: 1. Contract Agreement
Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
Mark Danaj, City Manager
Tony Olmos, Director of Public Works
Juan Price, Maintenance Superintendent
Award Contract to Provide and Install Refurbished Modular Office Furniture to Concept Consultant, Inc. for an Amount Not-to-Exceed $27,820 (Public Works Director Olmos).
Recommended Action
Staff recommends that the City Council:
1.      Award a contract to Concept Consultant, Inc. to provide and install refurbished modular office furniture for an amount not-to-exceed $27,820, and
2.      Authorize the City Manager to approve additional work in an amount not-to-exceed $2,782 (10%).
There are sufficient funds in previously approved FY14/15 Capital Improvement budget for the Management Services Office Remodel project.
It has been a long standing desire to have the City Attorney and his support staff in close proximity to the City Manager and City Council offices for direct and immediate consultation.  The current inefficient layout of the Management Services space does not allow for the addition of any additional staff to the space.  Due to these constraints, the City Attorney and support staff are located away from this space and adjacent to Human Resources.
In recent years, the City has been proactive in consolidation of departmental staff to improve operational efficiencies.  This began with the move of the Engineering Division to the Public Works Corporate Yard and the subsequent move of Information Systems to the vacated Engineering space.  Efficient communication and convenient access to peers, managers and records were clear benefits of those consolidation efforts.  
Last year, City Council approved a FY14/15 capital improvement project to move the City Attorney and support staff to the Management Services space.  Construction of the improvements has begun and bids were solicited for the modular furniture.
The Management Services Department requires proper furnishings to provide a professional, safe and productive work area for the many executive tasks carried out on a daily basis.  
Before deciding to purchase modular furniture, staff evaluated the existing furniture to determine if it could be reused within the reconfigured space.  Due to size and type variations, it was determined that uniform refurbished furniture would work best and recently completed projects support the current approach.  
The City has standardized on Herman Miller Ethoscape modular furnishings throughout City Hall. As specified, the refurbished modular workstations will appear "as-new" at a substantial discount. These furnishings have the distinct advantage of being heavily used in the commercial furnishings business, hence, a large refurbishment industry has developed around this and similar modular systems. Staff  has had satisfactory experience with the Ethoscape system concerning durability and reparability.
The modular workstations consist of painted steel and fabric panels, clear privacy panels, and high pressure laminate work surfaces. All power, voice, and data needs are integrated into the workstations to present a neat and professional appearance. Being modular in design, repair parts and accessories such as overhead drawers, filing cabinets, desk spaces, privacy panels, etc., are readily available for upgrades, repair and potential future refurbishment.
Construction Bid Proposals:
This project was advertised for bids in the Beach Reporter, the City's publisher of record and several standard construction industry publications, including the Dodge Green Sheet. Specifications were provided to potential bidders via the City's website.  A total of 2 bids were received and opened on April 28, 2015.
One bid submittal was rejected as non-responsive since the contractor did not provide the required contractor license.  Concept Consultant, Inc.'s bid was reviewed by the Public Works Department and found to be responsive.  Additionally, references indicate Concept Consultant, Inc. has the knowledge and capability to complete the work in a timely and acceptable manner.
Authorization of Additional Work:
It is recommended that the City Manager be authorized to approve change orders in an amount not-to-exceed $2,782 (10% of contract cost) to complete unforeseen additional work.  Doing so would expedite completion of the project.  
Construction Schedule:
It is estimated that fabrication will begin as soon as fabric and color finishes are finalized and shop drawings reviewed. Planned installation should be completed by August 31, 2015.  The contract schedule allows 30 days to fabricate and prepare the modular furniture and 2 to 3 days for installation.
The installation of modular office systems and the pending reconfiguration of the Management Services workspace will allow the City Attorney to reside in an area that provides improved access to legal services by the City Council and the City Manager. Staff recommends the City Council award the proposed contract to Concept Consultant, Inc.
1. Contract Agreement