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File #: 15-0278    Version: 1
Type: Gen. Bus. - Staff Report Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council Regular Meeting
On agenda: 7/7/2015 Final action:
Title: Approve Temporary Traffic Calming Measures at Valley Drive/Oak Avenue/35th Street as Recommended by the Parking and Public Improvements Commission (Community Development Director Lundstedt). APPROVE
Attachments: 1. April 23, 2015 Parking and Public Improvements Commission Staff Report, 2. April 23, 2015 Parking and Public Improvements Commission Draft Minutes, 3. Valley Drive at Oak Street Traffic Calming Concept H
Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
Mark Danaj, City Manager
Marisa Lundstedt, Director of Community Development
Erik Zandvliet, T.E., City Traffic Engineer
Approve Temporary Traffic Calming Measures at Valley Drive/Oak Avenue/35th Street as Recommended by the Parking and Public Improvements Commission (Community Development Director Lundstedt).
Recommended Action
The Parking and Public Improvements Commission (Commission) recommends that the City Council approve the installation of the following: 1) painted crosswalks on the north and west approaches at Oak Avenue and 35th Street, 2) a curb bump-out on Valley Drive near the Ross Manhattan Terrace, 3) a northbound left hand turn lane from Valley Drive to Oak Avenue, 4) a center median from Sepulveda Boulevard to Oak Avenue, and 5) a speed awareness sign on Valley Drive, for a minimum 6-month trial basis.  
The cost to install the temporary signs, striping and pavement markings can be funded through the existing Public Works operating budget.
Recently, the City has received several requests for stop signs or other traffic measures at the intersection of Valley Drive and Oak Avenue and 35th Street.  The residents expressed the following concerns:  
•      Difficulty in exiting the Ross Manhattan Terrace senior living apartments due to speeding cars on Valley Drive;
•      Speeding issues on Valley Drive;
•      Request for stop signs between Sepulveda Boulevard and 27th Street; and
•      Lane width on Valley Drive is too narrow and motorists drive too fast and too close to parked cars.
On January 22, 2015, the Commission held a public meeting to discuss the Traffic Engineer's evaluation supporting stop signs in all directions and temporary realignment of the intersection approaches. The Commission heard from seven speakers from the surrounding neighborhood in favor of the stop signs and/or other speed reduction measures.  Speakers shared concerns regarding limited driveway visibility, speeding traffic, narrow lanes, and sideswipe collisions with parked cars.  The Commission passed a motion 4-1 recommending the installation of stop signs in all directions at the intersection of Valley Drive/Oak Avenue/35th Street, including temporary realignment of the south and west approaches on a trial basis.
On March 4, 2015, the City Council considered the Commission's recommendation, heard public testimony, and directed Staff to examine other options at this intersection, especially visibility solutions for south bound Oak Street traffic, and ingress and egress solutions for the Ross Manhattan Terrace senior apartments. The City Council returned the matter to the Commission for further evaluation.  
On April 23, 2015, the Commission held a second public meeting and reviewed additional traffic calming measures that could address the residents' concerns related to speeding and restricted visibility.  The Commission heard from five speakers and discussed the various measures, and agreed that a combination of several traffic measures would be most effective in both calming traffic and improving sight distance at the intersection.  The Commission voted 3-0 to recommend the installation of 1) painted crosswalks on the north and west approaches at Oak Avenue and 35th Street, 2) a curb bump-out on Valley Drive near the Ross Manhattan Terrace, 3) a northbound left hand turn lane from Valley Drive to Oak Avenue, 4) a center median from Sepulveda Boulevard to Oak Avenue and 5) a speed awareness sign on Valley Drive on a trial basis (Attachments 1 and 2).  The City Traffic Engineer supports these proposed measures, in addition to other administrative actions that are being taken, namely landscape trimming to be coordinated with the apartments and centerline adjustment along Valley Drive by the Public Works Department.     
The City has environmentally reviewed this proposed change pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code Sections 2100, et seq. ("CEQA"), the State CEQA Guidelines (California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Section 1500 et seq.), and the City's environmental guidelines.  Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301, the City has a Class 1 Categorical Exemption because the proposed modification is a minor alteration to the City's existing streets involving only a negligible change in the use of the City's existing streets.  This conclusion would be verified through a before-and-after traffic study on adjacent streets.
Residents and property owners within 500 feet of the intersection were notified by mail of the possible traffic calming measures and were invited to give input to the Commission.  Noticed public hearings were held at the Parking and Public Improvements Commission meetings on January 2, 2015 and April 23, 2015, to receive public comments.
The Parking and Public Improvements Commission and the City Traffic Engineer recommend that the City Council approve the installation of the following: 1) painted crosswalks on the north and west approaches at Oak Avenue and 35th Street, 2) a curb bump-out on Valley Drive near the Ross Manhattan Terrace, 3) a northbound left hand turn lane from Valley Drive to Oak Avenue, 4) a center median from Sepulveda Boulevard to Oak Avenue, and 5) a speed awareness sign on Valley Drive, for a minimum 6-month trial basis (Attachment 3 - Concept H).
1. April 23, 2015 Parking and Public Improvements Commission Staff Report
2. April 23, 2015 Parking and Public Improvements Commission Draft Minutes
3. Valley Drive at Oak Street Traffic Calming Concept H